TEMPLE MIDDLE SCHOOL Temple,Georgia Title I School 8 th Grade Science 125 students (5 class rotation) Demographics of Temple Middle School MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME : $45, 309 STUDENT POPULATION: 505 STUDENT/TEACHER RATIO: 16:1 RACIAL ETHNICITIES: 71% WHITE 17% BLACK 6% DUEL 4% HISPANIC 2% OTHER No Child Left Behind 2001 Standards-based education reform Requires states to develop assessments in basic skills Annual testing Increased accountability No Child Left Behind at Temple Middle School AYP By Year 2008: Yes 2009: Yes 2010: No 2011: No Accountability System: Schools that fail to achieve AYP for 2 consecutive years are identified as needing improvement, and students have the option to transfer to other schools in the district NCLB Results for 20102011 Adequate Yearly Progress Meet or Exceeded 6th Grade Reading 6th Grade ELA 6th Grade Social Studies 7th Grade Reading 7th Grade ELA 8th Grade Reading 8th Grade ELA NCLB Results Continued Did Not Meet: 6th Grade Math 6th Grade Science 7th Grade Math 7th Grade Science 7th Grade Social Studies 8th Grade Math 8th Grade Science 8th Grade Social Studies 8th Grade State Writing Assessment Attendence: 12.3% absent more than 15 days How has AYP Affected Temple Middle School? Upper level demographic students pay tuition to attend Bremen City Schools Students can attend other Middle Schools in the area, such as Villa Rica Middle School Whose left? Where Are They Going From Here? Mission Statement: “To inspire students to be successful and encourage students to achieve their individual goals by providing a positive, safe, and supportive learning environment.” *Remember the words in red. Parent/Student/Teacher /Administrator School Compact Parent/Guardian Agreement: I want my child to achieve. Therefore, I shall support my child by doing the following: Provide adequate food, rest and a nurturing environment so that my child is ready to learn. Require my child to attend school daily and be on time. Engage my child in discussions based on the 9 weeks syllabus for each subject. Provide a time and place for quiet study and completion of homework. Participate in school activities including serving on committees, volunteering, and/or attending parent conferences. Contact the counselor or social worker for assistance and resources as needed. Ensure that my child reads for a minimum or 20 minutes each night. Student Agreement: It is important that I work to the best of my ability. Therefore, I shall do the following: Come to class prepared to work and with the necessary school supplies. Show respect and cooperate with all adults and other students. Attend school daily and on time. Obey all school rules and bus rules. Take the agenda and any notices to my parents to be signed daily. Complete all assignments to the best of my ability. Teacher Agreement: It is important that students achieve. Therefore, I shall do the following: Provide quality teaching and leadership. Respect the unique needs of your child and family. Provide an environment that promotes active learning. Provide access to information so parents can help with assignments. Keep students and parents informed of student progress. Check and sign the agenda daily. Utilize special activities in the classroom to make learning enjoyable. Administrator’s Agreement: We support student achievement, parental involvement, and instructional leaders. Therefore, we shall do the following: Maintain safe facilities and a positive school climate. Promote positive communication between teachers, parents, and students. Ensure that teachers provide homework assignments that will reinforce classroom instruction. Keep parents updated on school issues through a variety of communication devices. Provide opportunities for continuous improvement of curriculum and staff. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs The Positive Side New Administration Teachers working together Parental involvement increase Positive Environment Houses Student Activities Increase Student Attitudes Policy Changes Zero Bullying References: http://realestatecenter.bankofamerica.com/GA/Temple/30179 http://www.carrollcountyschools.com/Portals/Carroll/District/docs/ Public%20Relations/AnnualReports1011/Temple%20Cluster%20Annual %20Report.pdf http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/60/Masl ow's_Hierarchy_of_Needs.svg/450pxMaslow's_Hierarchy_of_Needs.svg.png http://tms.carrollcountyschools.com/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=8dXjr Ak4qKI%3d&tabid=7991&mid=16470