
Constitution Study Guide
Define federalists.
Someone who supported the Constitution
Define anti-federalists.
Someone who opposed the Constitution and a powerful federal government
Why was Washington D.C. selected as the nation’s capitol?
As part of a compromise with southern states about paying off the nation’s debts
He created the banking system in the US. He was the first Sec. of the Treasury.
Alexander Hamilton
What was the Whiskey Rebellion? What caused it?
Protesting by farmers in Western Pennsylvania over a tax on whiskey. The tax was going to help payoff the
nation’s debt
He was the “Father of the Constitution”.
James Madison
Describe Shays Rebellion. What caused the rebellion?
Daniel Shays and other Massachusetts farmers revolted, took over courts to prevent the government from
confiscating farm lands. The government was taking the land because people owed taxes.
What did the Judiciary Act of 1789 create?
The federal court system
What were the Federalist Papers?
Essays written to support the ratification of the Constitution
10. Who wrote the Federalist Papers?
James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay
11. What were the Articles of Confederation?
First national government of the United States
12. Why did the AOC fail?
It failed because the national government was too weak. It could not enforce laws or tax.
13. What was the XYZ Affair?
An incident when French delegates wanted money as a bribe from the U.S.
14. What is a tariff?
A tax on imported goods
15. What was the Virginia Plan for legislative representation?
Representation would be based on population
16. What was the New Jersey Plan for legislative representation?
Representation for states would be equal
17. How long is a presidential term?
4 years
18. How many times can a person serve as president?
2 terms
19. What is the group of advisors to the president called?
20. What is the highest judicial authority in the U.S.?
Supreme Court
21. What was the Great Compromise?
Creation of a bicameral legislature. One based on population (VA plan) and one based on equal
representation (NJ plan)
22. Which branch of government creates the laws?
23. Which branch of government interprets the laws?
24. Which branch of government executes or carries out the laws?
25. What is the division of power between states and the national government called?
26. Who is the head of the Executive Branch?
27. What is a precedent?
An unofficial rule that becomes tradition
28. Who was the 1st Secretary of State?
Alexander Hamilton
29. Who was the 1st Secretary of War?
Henry Knox
30. What was the Alien & Sedition Act?
Law which made it illegal to criticize the government
31. Who was the president at the time of the Alien & Sedition Act?
John Adams
32. What right does the 1st amendment give people?
Freedom of speech, religion, assembly
33. What right does the 2st amendment give people?
Right to own a gun
34. Which amendment made slavery illegal?
35. Which amendment gave women the right to vote?
36. Which amendment gives rights to the accused?
37. Which amendment made alcohol illegal?
38. Which amendment made alcohol legal again?
39. What are the first 10 Amendment to the Constitution called?
Bill of Rights
40. What was the purpose of the Bill of Rights?
Guarantee basic rights for American citizens
41. What system keeps one branch of government from becoming more powerful than the other branches?
Checks and balances
42. What was the 3/5ths Compromise?
Slaves count as 3/5ths of a person for population counts
43. What governing body actually elects the President of the United States?
Electoral college
44. Define compromise.
An agreement or making a deal
45. What right does the 3rd amendment give?
The right to not have to quarter soldiers in your homes
46. What right does the 26th amendment give?
18 to vote
47. What right does the 6th amendment give?
Right to a speedy trial
48. What right does the 7th amendment give?
Right to a jury trial
49. How long does a Supreme Court Justice serve on the Supreme Court?
For life
50. How long is a senator’s term in office?
6 years
51. How long is a congressman’s term in office?
2 years