Sonoma Valley High School Name: ___________________ Period: 1 2 3 4 5 6 SKELETAL SYSTEM STRUCTURE & FUNCTION Microscopic structure of bone showing the Haversian canals (HC) which once contained a blood vessel and nerves which run lengthwise through this bone. The small black holes (lucunae) once contained the bone forming cells called osteoblasts which then became bone maintaining cells called osteocytes. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY UNIT #5 FALL SEMESTER 2015 SCORE: /50 SVHS ADVANCED BIOLOGY HUMAN A&P SKELETAL SYSTEM & ARTICULATIONS READING: Human Body by Tortora Chapters 6 and 7, pages 124-186 UNIT OUTCOMES: A) Diagram a whole bone and use the proper terminology to describe areas of the bone or structures of the bone. (Page 126) B) Contrast spongy bone with compact bone as to structure, function, location, and the process by which it was formed. (Pages 127-129) C) Contrast intramembranous and endochondral ossification and then describe in detail the process of ossification using the endochondral process as the example. (Pages 129-132) D) Contrast the three major classifications of joints based on structure and then on function. List an example of each type. (Page 178) E) Using one of the synovial joints found in the human body, be able to describe the bones and other structures that make up that particular joint. Be able to give the functions of each individual structure found in that joint. (Pages 180-182) F) Contrast the movements of the various synovial joint types found in the human body. (Page 187) Mon 10/19 UNIT 4 TISSUES TEST HW: Cystic Fibrosis article Wed 10/21 Lecture: Skin Homework: DR 5.1 Thurs 10/22 Discussion: Lab: Homework: Discuss function of skeletal system Bone Structure lab (packet part A) Read pages 129-133 D.R. #5.2: Skeletal system & Bone structure Mon 10/26 Discussion: Lab: Homework: Structure of whole and microscopic bone. (Pages 125-129) Microscope lab: bone structures (packet part B) Read pages 129-134 Begin DR # 5.3 Wed 10/28 Body Story: Homework: Breaking Apart: How bones heal themselves Read 6.4 Thurs 10/29 Discussion: Lab: Homework: Ossification and homeostasis of bone. (Pages 129-134) Bone ID lab (packet part C) Read 6.14 pg 167-171 Complete DR # 5.3 Bone formation Mon Nov 2 Discussion: Lab: Homework: The human skeleton, male and female differences. pg 167 Complete Bone ID lab, do X-ray lab (part C) Read Chapter 7: Joints pages 177-182 Wed Nov 4 Discussion: Lab: Homework: Classification of joints found in the human body. (Ch 7, 178-182) Start Joint Poster Project Read 7.5 pages 182-186 DR #5.4 Thurs Nov 5 Discussion: Lab: Homework: Movement terminology Complete Bone lab packet or work on Joint Project DR #5.5 Articulations (joints) Mon 11/9 Project work day/ Complete Study Guide Prepare for presentation, complete lab packet Wed 11/11 Veteran’s Day Holiday: no school Thurs 11/12 Project presentations Mon 11/16 Unit #5 Test: Skeletal System / Lab packet due Wed 11/18 Begin Muscular System Unit #5: Chapter 8 Thurs 11/19 Mon 11/23- Fri 11/27 Thanksgiving Holiday SVHS ADVANCED BIOLOGY ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY BONE STRUCTURE LAB PART "A" WHOLE BONE STRUCTURE: Name of Structure Distal Epiphysis Proximal Epiphysis Diaphysis Epiphysis Metaphysis Spongy Bone Compact Bone Medullary Cavity Articular cartilage Endosteum Periosteum Nutrient Foramen Nutrient Artery Fill in the function portion of the table using your textbook. Diagram the whole bone (cow) found in class. Because the sample bone is dead, some of the structures will not be present. Label your diagram as if they are still present and observable. Description of structure and function Using the stereoscopes, diagram using 3x, the transition between compact bone and spongy bone. Diagram several trabeculae. Label your diagram. In the space below, explain how spongy bone differs from compact bone. Spongy/compact Bone (3X) PART "B" MICROSCOPIC BONE STRUCURE: Using the slides of "Ground Bone" view a cross section that has be cut from the diaphysis of a bone. Identify the structures listed in the chart. Fill in the appropriate information concerning the function of the structure. Be sure to label all structures in your diagrams Name of Structure Haversian System (Osteon) Haversian Canal Lucunae Canaliculi Osteocyte Lamellae Perforating (Volkmanns’) Canal Function of Structure The picture to the left shows a growing bone with a bone forming cell (osteoblast) still in the open space (lucuna). The canaliculi are the long areas occupied by the long arms (processes) of the osteoblast. The second diagram shows bone after it is dead. The cell is gone but the lucuna and the canaliculi remain. In the space below diagram a single osteon. Label the following structures: Osteon, Haversian canal, lucuna, canaliculi, and lamellae. Microscopic Bone (400X) Contrast the cells of the skeletal system. Include how they differ in structure, how they differ in function, and when in your life time they play their role. Chondrocyte: Osteogenic Cells: Osteoblast: Osteocyte: Osteoclast: PART "C" BONE I.D. LAB: Using the articulated skeleton, your textbook, and the plastic bones found in class be able to identify each bone numbered with the green ink. Place the name and then describe its relationship in the skeleton by using the correct terms for position. I.D.# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Name of Bone Position in Skeleton Using Terms of Position 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 PART "D" X-RAY I.D. LAB: Using the X-Rays found in class answer each of the questions found on the XRay or MRI 1) 13) 2) 14) 3) 15) 4) 16) 5) 17) 6) 18) 7) 19) 8) 20) 9) 21) 10) 22) 11) 23) 12) 24) SVHS ADVANCED BIOLOGY BONE POSTER PROJECT SKULL TEMPORAL MANDIBLE ZYGOMATIC HIP ILIUM ISCHIUM PUBIS SKULL/NECK OCCIPITAL ATLAS (1st Cervical) AXIS (2nd Cervical) KNEE FEMUR TIBIA FIBIA SHOULDER SCAPULA HUMERUS CLAVICLE ANKLE TIBIA CALCANEOUS TALUS ELBOW HUMERUS RADIUS ULNA THUMB SCAPHOID TRAPEZIUM 1st METACARPAL HIP FEMUR ILIUM PUBIS LOWER BACK ILIUM SACRUM UMBAR #5 VERTEBRAE Work in groups of three. Each person in the group is responsible for a single bone Each bone will need a diagram which is labeled and a picture which can be an X-Ray or MRI. Describe any bone surface markings. Name and describe a muscle that attaches to the bone. (Pages 223-243) Describe the type of motion the joint formed of the three bones. Describe the movement the joint is capable of. (Pages 183-185) Individual homework requirements: Each person needs to turn in a word processed paper on a single bone of their choice. Each paper must describe all of the above items, be word processed, and in a cover or it is not acceptable. Each paper must have a picture(s) showing the bone. Papers should include 3+ citations in MLA format. SVHS ADVANCED BIOLOGY 9th edition Tortora ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY SELF STUDY GUIDE – THE SKELETAL SYSTEM 1) From pages 129-134 be able to; A) List and explain 6 functions of the human skeleton. B) Name, describe, and give an example of the four categories of bones found in the human body. C) Explain what wormian and sesamoid bones are and where they can be found. D) Name and describe the 7 major areas of a human bone. 2) From pages 127-129 titled “Microscopic Structure of Bone” be able to; A) Give another name for bone tissue. B) Explain what makes the matrix “hard bone”. C) List and give a function for the four different types of cells in bone or osseous tissue. D) Explain the term calcification. E) Describe the structure of compact bone as seen through the microscope. (Figure 6.2) F) Explain how spongy bone is different from compact bone. 3) From pages 129-132 titled “Bone Formation” be able to; A) Name and briefly describe where the two major types of ossification occurs. B) Describe the four steps of intramembranous ossification. C) Summarize the five steps in endochondral ossification. D) Explain how the epiphyseal line relates to ossification. 4) From pages 133-134 titled “Bone Growth” be able to; A) Explain the process of “remodeling” and give three examples. B) Explain how osteoclasts and osteoblasts must “balance” their functions. C) Name minerals, hormones, and vitamins that effect remodeling. D) Explain how exercise effects remodeling of bones. E) Explain the effects of aging on the bones of the body. 5) From page 167 titled “Comparison of Female and Male Skeletons” be able to; A) Describe three general ways in which the male skeleton is different than the female skeleton. B) Describe how the pubic arch, greater pelvis, and lateral view of the female pelvis is different from the male pelvis. 6) From pages 178-182, 187-188 titled “Joints” be able to; A) Describe three factors that determine joint movement. B) Explain how a hormone called relaxin effects joint movement toward the end of pregnancy. C) Name and describe three classifications of joints based on structure. D) Name and describe three classifications of joints based on movement. E) Describe the typical structures of a freely movable joint. (Synovial or Diarthrosis) F) Give a function for each of the structures listed above. G) Name and describe the movement of 6 types of synovial joints. 7) From pages 183-186 titled “Special Movements” be able to; A) Contrast the following terms: elevation and depression, protraction and retraction, Inversion and eversion, Dorsiflexion and plantar flexion, Supination and pronation