AGENDA for 01/28/14 • AGENDA: 1. 3.1.2: Sickle Cell Diaries • Diary Entries and Medical History • OBJECTIVES: 1. Create diary entries for a sickle cell patient 2. Reflect on what living with sickle cell anemia is like • HOMEWORK: • Due end of period 1. 3.1.2 Activity Packet • Due Tues, 02-04 1. 3.1.2 Career Journals Essential Questions for 3.1.1 1. What is sickle cell disease? 2. Why does the sickling of red blood cells cause health problems? 3. What is sickle cell anemia? 4. How is anemia diagnosed? 3.1 Key Terms Blood Plasma A condition in which the blood is deficient in red blood cells, in hemoglobin, or in total volume. The pale yellow fluid portion of whole blood that consists of water and its dissolved constituents including, sugars, lipids, metabolic waste products, amino acids, hormones, and vitamins. Erythrocytes (Red Blood Cells) Any of the hemoglobin-containing cells that carry oxygen to the tissues and are responsible for the red color of vertebrate blood. Hematocrit The percent of the volume of whole blood that is composed of red blood cells as determined by separation of red blood cells from the plasma usually by centrifugation. Anemia Leukocytes (White Blood Any of the blood cells that are colorless, lack hemoglobin, contain a nucleus, and include the Cells) lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils. Sickle Cell Disease Individuals who are homozygous for the gene controlling hemoglobin S. The disease is characterized by the destruction of red blood cells and by episodic blocking of blood vessels by the adherence of sickle cells to the vascular endothelium. Thrombocytes (Platelets) A minute colorless anucleate disklike body of mammalian blood that assists in blood clotting by adhering to other platelets and to damaged epithelium. Meet Lloyd • Essential Questions for 3.1.2 5. How does sickle cell disease affect daily life? Activity Objectives – 3.1.2. 1. Write diary entries for an assigned sickle cell patient 3.1.2. Conclusion Question 1. Based on what you know about blood, why would having a sickle cell anemia crisis result in a reduced red blood cell count, an elevated white blood cell count, and a reduced hematocrit? 2. Based on what you learned in the previous activity, why did having sickled red blood cells lead to the symptoms documented in Anna’s medical history when she was 14 months old? 3. Describe three ways daily life is affected for those who have sickle cell anemia. 4. Describe at least five symptoms of a sickle cell crisis. 5. Describe the pros and cons of the treatments used for each of the sickle cell anemia patients investigated in this activity. Due Mon, 01-28 (end of period) 3.1.2 Activity Checklist 1. 3.1.2. Anna’s Diary Entries Graphic Organizer 1 (NB) 2. 3.1.2. Fictitious Diary Entries (NB) 3. 3.1.2. Patient Diary Entries Graphic Organizer 2 (NB) 4. 3.1.2. Conclusion Questions 4 6 4 2 Total = 16 3.1.2. Activity Directions 3.1.2. Anna’s Diary Entries Graphic Organizer 1 (NB) 1. Refer to curriculum file for more detailed instructions 2. Open 3.1.2. Medical History on the class website 3. Open 3.1.2. Diary Entries on the class website 4. Refer to steps 5-6 5. Create a graphic organizer (chart should be set up as detailed in step 5) of Anna’s diary entries 6. Include with your graphic organizer any notes/updates to Possible Causes of Death (step 8) 3.1.2. Fictitious Diary Entries (NB) 1. Refer to curriculum file for more detailed instructions 2. Refer to steps 10-11 3. You will be assigned a fictitious patient, and write 2 journal entries for that patient 4. Look over step 11 very carefully which includes what needs to be included in your diary entries for your fictitious patient 3.1.2. Patient Diary Entries Graphic Organizer 2 (NB) 1. Refer to curriculum file for more detailed instructions 2. Refer to step 13 3. Create a graphic organizer (chart should be set up as detailed in step 13) of other groups’ fictitious patients 4. You should include information of all 3 fictitious patients assigned to various groups in class 3.1.2. Career Journals 1. Refer to curriculum file for more detailed instructions. 2. The career journals will be turned in separately and scored separately from this activity packet 3. Refer to steps 14-15 4. You will research 2 careers: 1. Hematologist 2. You get to choose, but it must be a professional mentioned in the diary entries or approved by Mr. Hwang (must be related to this topic and activity) 5. Due Tues, 02-04 (turned in separately) • Next slide has instructions for the correct formatting of your career journals • Worth 10 points (5 points each) 3.1.2. Career Journals – – 1. Correct Title – All CAPS 2. Education and Training – – – – – – Bullet each responsibility and duty starting with a verb (action word leave out the subject) Must include at least 5 4. Salary – 5. Documentation include all required degrees, field and major of study Specific types of certifications, licensing, or training Time/years of study Bullet each of the above 6. 3. Responsibilities and Duties Low High Average – At least 2 – Must use .edu, .gov, .org (.com only if approved by Mr. Hwang first) – Must be in correct APA format Self-Reflection – – – – Summary of the description of job 1 advantage of job 1 disadvantage of job Reason you would like or dislike the job