File - US History Mr. Ruhl

United States History & Geography Modern Times 2016
Chapter 4 – Lesson 3 Review / Answer Guide
Page 162
Reviewing Vocabulary
1. Explaining Explain the significance of philanthropy, and identify the reason for its growth during the late 1800s.
Philanthropy is providing money for social or humanitarian causes. Philanthropy was significant because it was a
response to what many people saw as the socially irresponsible philosophy of Social Darwinism. It increased
during the late 1800s because of the efforts of Andrew Carnegie, the Social Gospel movement, and others who
believed in the importance of helping the less fortunate.
Using Your Notes
2. Defining Use your notes on the theories and movements of the Gilded Age to explain its defining
The Gilded Age can be defined by the accumulation of wealth as seen in the practice of laissez-faire economic
doctrine, but it can also be defined by the many reform movements that attempted to improve conditions for the
urban poor. For example, the idea of the Gospel of Wealth is that the wealthy should help those that are in need
help themselves.
Answering the Guiding Questions
3. Comparing What was the main idea of Social Darwinism, and how did it compare with the idea of
Social Darwinism applied the theory of natural selection to social actions, believing that only the strongest and
fittest succeed in life. Individualism was the idea that anyone could succeed regardless of his or her origins or
social standing. A Social Darwinist believed a poor person’s situation was the result of natural selection, while an
individualist believed that with drive and talent the person could become anything he or she wanted.
4. Summarizing What methods and philosophies were developed for helping immigrants and the urban poor?
The Social Gospel was the philosophy that wealthy people should help better conditions in cities according to the
biblical ideals of charity and justice. Settlement houses were established to help improve living conditions of the
poor by providing services, including medical care.
5. Making Connections Why do you think artists and writers started portraying America more realistically?
Artists and writers reflected the cultural changes of American society and wanted to capture these changes in a
realistic manner.
Writing Activity
6. Argument Suppose that you are a newspaper editor in the late 1800s. Write an editorial in which you support or
oppose the philosophy of Social Darwinism.
Students’ editorials should include: a brief description of Charles Darwin’s theory; an explanation of how the
philosophy of Social Darwinism developed out of Darwin’s theory; reference to the fact that Darwin’s theory of
evolution was meant to have occurred over millions of years; and reference to the Social Darwinist belief that
humans have developed through competition and natural selection. Students may also refer to laissez-faire or
Darwinism and religion as support for their arguments.