Uploaded by Jacinto, Blessed Mae M.

Copernicus, Darwin, Freud: Science Contributions

LEARNING ACTIVITY 1. Let’s dig deeper! (Lesson Check – Up)
Answer the following questions and submit your output through word or pdf format at _____. Refer to
the given rubrics to guide you in answering.
1. What is the contribution of Copernicus in the philosophy of science?
Nicolaus Copernicus' contribution to philosophy of science was the heliocentric system, which states
that the planets orbit the Sun; that the Earth is a planet that, in addition to orbiting the Sun annually,
also rotates once daily on its own axis; and that the precession of the equinoxes is caused by very slow
changes in the direction of this axis.
2. What is Darwin’s contribution to modern science?
Natural selection theory, developed by Charles Darwin, has been recognized as one of modern science's
most significant contributions. Natural selection led to the evolution of multiple species from a single
species as a result of adaptation to changing environmental conditions.
3. How can Darwin’s evolutionary theory influence the following fields in modern times:
 Economy - Darwinism may also aid in the construction of bridges across diverse behavioral sciences
and the improvement of their compatibility. Also, there may be other implementations for Darwinism
that are more profitable.
 Agriculture - Natural selection was derived from agriculture, notably plant and animal breeders'
success in enhancing crops and livestock simply by selecting which plants and animals got to reproduce.
 Political Science - Evolution is a chaotic process that produces extremely complex forms of life only to
extinguish them. Although there is no development in nature, the concept of evolution is generally
associated with the prospect of change in ethics and politics. Darwinism has been invoked by
generations of progressive thinkers to support their visions of a more advanced society.
 Religion - Evolution can assist religious individuals in affirming that God's creative effort is a long-term
commitment. As a result, the openness and flexibility of divine creative activity can be recognized.
4. How can you describe Freudian ideas as a scientist?
Sigmund Freud portrays consciousness of inner self. As he emphasized the unconscious mind's
importance, and one of Freudian theory's central assumptions is that the unconscious mind governs
behavior to a greater extent than people believe. Psychoanalysis' goal is to bring the unconscious to