Practice Multiple Choice Questions / Microsoft Word Document

Practice Multiple Choice Questions
1. World War I began for many long term reasons. Which of the following best names the desire
countries had to build empires in Europe and around the world?
a) nationalism
b) imperialism
c) militarism
d) pacifism
2. Canada was still under British rule but controlled most of it's internal affairs. What did Britain
have control over?
a) Trade
b) Defence/external affairs
c) Immigration
d) Emmigration
3. Who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand?
a) Gavrillo Princip
b) Benito Mussolini
c) The Black hand
d) Otto von Bismarck
4. What was the German offensive strategy in WW1?
a) Blitzkrieg
b) Trench Warfare
c) The Schlieffen Plan
d) mobilization
5. What is regarded as an event in which Canada partially earned independence, nationhood?
a) Vimy Ridge
b) the Somme
c) the battle of the Bulge
d) Passcendaele
6. A historian would find the accompanying advertisement useful for
A. finding out factual details about the life of the Kaiser.
B. gaining a better understanding of the role of propaganda in the First World War.
C. gaining an understanding of the character and personality of the Kaiser.
D. documenting the war crimes of the leaders of Germany in First World War.
7. Who was Canada's top flying ace in WW1?
a) Arthur Currie
b) The Red Baron
c) Billy Bishop
d) Sam Hughes
8. Which of the following was partially responsible for breaking the stalemate in the war?
a) the machine gun
b) the airplane
c) poison gas
d) the tank
9. Which of the following was used by Germany to attempt to cut British trade
a) the Schlieffen plan
b) submarine warfare
c) trench warfare
d) mustard gas
10.The space between two opposing trenches was called?
a) the front
b) The Balkans
c) The Maginot Line
d) No Man's Land
11. What was Sir Robert Borden's most controversial problem during WW1?
a) profiteering
b) the suffragettes
c) Enemy Aliens
d) Conscription crisis
12. On November 11, 1918, the Allies and the Central Powers officially agreed to
a) the Treaty of Versailles
b) the Treaty of Verdun
c) stop using poison gas
d) an armistice
The Winnipeg General Strike end with which of the following events
a) Black Tuesday
b) Prohibition
c) Regina Riot
d) Bloody Saturday
What was the slogan that was used in the Winnipeg General Strike, in May-June 1919?
a) "Say Nothing"
b) "Do Nothing"
c) "Fear Nothing"
d) "Union or Death"
High employment, high wages, high production, and high prices are evidence of ... ?
a) The Political Cycle
b) The Boom of the Business Cycle
c) The Regeneration Phase
d) The Recession (or Depression) of the Business Cycle
16. Extending the rule of authority of one country over other countries and territories is called?
a) Nationalism
b) Imperialism
c) Militarism
d) Alliance
17. In May-June 1919, the Winnipeg General Strike occurred. What is a general strike?
a) A strike among all factory workers
b) a police strike
c) a strike among the armed forces
d) All the workers in a given area are on strike
18. The pamphlet depicted above was likely issued to promote the cause of
A. nutrition.
B. religion.
C. temperance.
19. What factor(s) triggered the Great Depression?
a) drought in the prairies in 1933
b) stock market crash in 1929
c) layoffs
d) the end of WWI
20. What factor(s) is associated with a depression?
a) low employment
b) high prices
c) high production
d) shortages
D. suffrage.
What are tariffs?
a) taxes placed on imported goods
b) taxes placed on Canadian goods
c) a type of currency
d) taxes on only imported food
What was the purpose of the On-To-Ottawa Trek?
a) people wanted more jobs
b) men wanted better conditions in relief camps
c) men were coming from the west to visit their families in Eastern Canada
d) men wanted higher wages at their jobs
23. Who led Canada through the first five years of the Great Depression and was a member of
the conservative party?
a) R.B. Bennet
b) William Lyon Mackenzie King
c) Jean Chretien
d) Pierre Elliot Trudeau
What did the CCF stand for?
a) Canadian Communist Federation
b) Central Capital Foundation
c) Cooperative Commonwealth Federation
d) Central Canadian Fundamentalists
What was the capitalist system?
a) a democratic government
b) the "rich people" are in charge
c) an economic system in which privately owned companies compete for business
d) a government run by one all powerful person
Where did the On-To-Ottawa Trek start?
a) Nova Scotia
b) Ottawa
c) Regina
d) Vancouver
What was R.B. Bennet's strategy, in 1930, for
improving economic conditons?
a) boondoggling
b) "laissez faire" - let it be
c) creating unemployment insurance
d) socialism
28. One of the major causes in Germany leading to World War Two were:
a) Communism
b) Shortage of liquor in Germany
c) The murderer of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand
d) the Depression
29. The United States decided that it wanted to stay separate from the problems in other
countries. This was Called:
a) Antisocial
b) Appeasement
c) Isolationism
d) the ColdWar
30. Which statement best describes the political climate in Germany, in 1939?
a) “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times”
b) “Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong”
c) “A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a
nation that is afraid of its people”.
d) “Man is free at the moment he wishes to be”
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. A
6. B
7. C
8. D
9. B
10. D
11. D
12. A
13. C
14. D
15. B
16. B
17. D
18. C
19. B
20. A
21. A
22. B
23. A
24. C
25. C
26. D
27. B
28. D
29. C
30. C