Name: Ch. 14 Explanation of Answer Political Culture

Ch. 14
Name: __________________
Explanation of
1. Political Culture- historically based, widely-shared beliefs, feelings and values
about the nature of political systems, which can serve as a link between citizens and
a. Which of the following is an example of Political Culture? Explain your
i. An important aspect of Muslim culture is daily prayer
ii. An important aspect of U.S. culture is that most people follow the
iii. An important aspect of Japanese culture is unique cuisine like sushi
iv. An important aspect of Croatian culture is Catholicism
2. Nation-State- An area in which a nation (a culturally, ethnically, politically, and
religiously unified group) and state (politically organized territory) occupy the same
a. Which of the following is an example of a TRUE nation state
i. The United States
ii. Palestine
iii. Yugoslavia
iv. Japan
Explain your answer:
3. Sovereignty- A principle of international relations that holds that final authority over
social, economic, and political matters should rest with the legitimate rulers of
independent states.
a. Which of the following nations does NOT have sovereignty over the state?
i. Jews in Israel
ii. Americans in the U.S.
iii. Kurds in Iraq
iv. Germans in Germany
4. Frontier- Areas where borders are shifting and weak; a zone separating two states in
which neither state exercises political control but both states want to
a. Which of the following is NOT an example of a Frontier?
i. The border between the U.S. and Canada
ii. The peaks of the Andes mountains between Chile and Argentina
iii. The area west of the Mississippi river in the late 1700’s
iv. The boundary between Yemen and Saudi Arabia
5. Boundary Definition- boundaries are clearly “defined” by a legal document or treaty
6. Boundary Delimitation- Cartographers put the boundary on the map
7. Boundary Demarcation- boundary is actually marked on the ground w/wall, fence,
a. For each of the following scenarios explain if it is an example of Definition,
Delimitation or Demarcation.
i. Israel has built a large wall to separate Palestinians from Jews
ii. In 1846, the Oregon Treaty established the boundary between U.S.
and Canada at the 49th Parallel
iii. On most maps, the boundary between Chile and Argentina is drawn
along the peaks of the Andes ___________________________
Explain your answer:
Explain your answer:
Explain your answer:
Explain your answer:
Locational Dispute- Dispute over delimitation or demarcation
Operational Dispute- dispute over boundary policies like immigration or trade
Allocational Dispute- dispute over natural resource distribution
Definitional Dispute- Dispute over legal language of boundary
a. For each of the following scenarios explain if it is an example of L. O. A. or
i. The U.S. and Mexico have had disputes regarding immigration.
ii. Chile and Argentina argue over the legal boundary between them in
the Andes mountains
iii. Ethiopia and Somalia have had an ongoing conflict over where the
border between them is written on the map
iv. Argentina and Chile both want access to the oil reserves available in
the Andes mountains.
Explain your answer:
Ch. 15
Explanation of Answer
12. World Systems Analysis- Immanuel Wallerstein developed World
Explain your answer:
Systems Theory breaks the world into a three-level hierarchy: core, periphery,
and semi-periphery.
a. For each of the following countries identify whether it is a core, a
peripheral or a semi-peripheral country.
i. Sudan ____________________
ii. U.S. ______________________
iii. India _____________________
13. Geopolitics- study that analyzes geography, history and social science with
reference to international politics
a. All of the following are true statements about Geopolitics EXCEPT
i. First developed by Friedrich Ratzel, who said that states are like
living organisms and they must “consume” other territories to
ii. Geopolitics gained a bad rap when Hitler embraced Ratzel’s ideas
to justify conquering other countries
iii. The idea of Geopolitics is a discredited concept that is no longer
iv. The idea of Geopolitics gained popularity again decades after
Explain your answer:
14. Forward Capitals- a symbolically relocated capital city usually because of either
economic or strategic reasons.
a. All of the following are examples of Forward capitals except:
Mexico City is the capital of Mexico because it had previously
been the site of the Aztec capital.
ii. Brazil’s capital moved from Rio to Brasilia to direct more attention
to the poorer interior region.
iii. Berlin became the capital of Germany because it was near the
unstable eastern boundary
iv. Capital of U.S. is moved from Philadelphia to Washington D.C. to
please southern states
15. Primate City- A countries largest city, most expressive of the national culture and
usually the capital as well.
a. Which of the following is NOT an example of a primate city?
i. Jakarta, Indonesia
ii. Washington D.C., U.S
iii. Mexico City, Mexico
iv. Seoul, Korea
16. Unitary State- a nation state that has a centralized government and administration
that exercises power equally over all parts of the state. Very common in countries
that used to have monarchies.
17. Federal state- a state in which a central government addresses national issues like
defense, and foreign affairs; yet also allows smaller governing bodies (like states or
ethnic regions) to make laws and policies
a. For each of the following countries identify whether it is unitary or
i. France ____________
ii. United States _____________
iii. Canada _____________
iv. United Kingdom _____________
18. Gerrymandering- process of redrawing legislative boundaries for the purpose of
benefiting the party in power
a. Which of the following is an example of Gerrymandering?
i. In Chicago, districts used to be drawn to make sure that black
people were a minority vote in each district.
ii. In Chicago, there has been a recent effort to create more majority
black districts to protect civil rights
iii. In Chicago, African Americans make up 32% of the population
iv. In Chicago, it used to be legal to prohibit black people from buying
property in white neighborhoods
Explain your answer:
Explain your answer:
Explain your answer:
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Ch. 16
Explain your answer:
19. Supra-nationalism- an alliance involving 3 or more countries for their mutual benefit
Explain your answer:
such as economic, cultural or political/military
a. For each of the following, explain whether it is an economic, cultural
or political organization.
i. OPEC- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
ii. UN- United Nations ____________
iii. EU- European Union ___________
iv. NAFTA-North Atlantic Trade Association __________________
v. ICO- Islamic Circle organization
20. Territorial Sea- Zone of seawater adjacent to a countries coast, held to be part Explain your answer:
of the national territory and treated as part of the states.
21. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)- Here the coastal state has the right to control
exploration and exploitation of natural resources in the water, seabed and
22. Median-line principle- states on opposite coasts divide the water separating
a. The ____________________ includes the area that is about 200 miles
off the coast of a country.
b. The ____________________ includes the area that is about 12 miles
off the coast of a country.
c. The ____________________ is applied in the sea coast of Southeast
Asia because so many countries share the same waters.
23. Balkanization- conflicts of nations trying to be independent; results in
Explain your answer:
separation and dividing of states
a. Which of the following is an example of Balkanization?
i. Yugoslavia
ii. Germany
iii. Saudi Arabia
iv. United States
24. Irredentism- a form of nationalism whose goal is to regain territory lost to
Explain your answer:
another state; it can lead to violent interstate conflict
a. Which of the following is NOT an example?
i. 1938- Germany invades the Sudetenland to take it back from
ii. 1871- Germany takes Alsace Lorraine form France in war, and
before WWI France still wants to take this territory back
iii. 1880- U.S. government takes western territories from Native
American tribes
iv. 1990s-Serbia claims parts of Bosnia containing a large Serbian
Which terms/concepts are you still struggling to understand?