Español Avanzado Ms. Susan Menand – North Mecklenburg High

Español Avanzado
Ms. Susan Menand – North Mecklenburg High School S-6
Room A133
- School Phone – 980-343-3845 - cell (406) 763-6263
Email – - Wiki page –
Google forms
(This must be completed by Friday to earn a homework pass!)
Office Hours: Mondays from 2:30-3:30 or upon request
Instructional Goals: At the end of the semester/year, the student will:
1. Be able to speak, read, write, and listen in a interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational
manner at the intermediate mid to high level on the Linguafolio scale.
2. Build a deeper understanding of the cultures and literatures of the Spanish speaking world.
3. Create interdisciplinary connections between what students learn in this class to other disciplines,
such as Art History, English, Social Studies, Science, etc.
4. Connect to the local Spanish speaking community here in Charlotte.
Instructional Materials
1. Course textbook – Imagina (level 5) second edition published by Vista Higher Learning – no text
level 2
2. 1 notebook
3. You must purchase a paper copy of a Spanish English dictionary. You will especially need this
for the IB exam. You can not use an electronic version on the IB exam!
4. Pens and pencils
5. At least 2 different colored highlighters
6. A 3 ring binder or folder
Remind 101
I use as a way to communicate with you and post homework. Each class has its own
page. To subscribe please text 978-956-0962
In the message box please type: @msmena for 1A Spanish
@2aspan for 2A Spanish
@3aspan for 3A Spanish
@2bspan for 2B Spanish
@3besp for 3B Spanish
@4bspan for 4B Spanish
The student’s final grade will be calculated as follows:
Assignments 30% (This may include homework, journals or written assignments, classwork, etc)
Participation (part of assignment grade) You must speak 4 times a week in complete sentences in
Spanish. You must have 2 points a day minimum (4 points when we meet twice a week and 6 points
when we meet 3 times a week). Every Friday you will be given a participation grade. To earn a 100 you
need 10 points every 2 weeks. If you earn extra points you can cash those in for grab bag or a homework
pass. Also, we will have at least once a quarter student led warm ups and homework review. Signups
will be soon.
Formal assessments: Quizzes, Tests, Projects 70% (Each unit students will have at least one project.
This will be given a quiz or a test grade depending on the complexity of the project).
Grading Scale:
I follow the CMS grading scale, which determines the final grade as the final exam 25%, quarter 1 (or
semester 1, depending if it is a 4x4 or A day/B day course) 37.5% and quarter 2 (or semester 2) 37.5%.
100-93 – A
85-92 – B
77-84 – C
70-76 – D
69-0 – F
Once per unit you can expect a project. Because one of our communication goals is presentational
speaking, you will be expected to speak in front of the class in Spanish. This will get easier as the class
progresses. For example, our first project will be a power point/prezi/sliderocket about yourself and your
summer. You can only write a minimum of 8 words per slide. You must include visuals with captions and
then speak about the visual. This will mimic your IB exam. There will also be a written follow up activity.
More details will follow. Your projects will either be graded as a quiz or a test grade.
Attendance/Recovery policy – Students are expected to come to class on time every day. CMS policy
states that a student will receive a failing grade if they miss more than 10 absences. Students may
recover class time before or after school. If you know that you will be out for any reason, please make
me aware via email.
Procedures for make-up work and retests:
If a student earn a score lower than a 77%, they will be given the opportunity to retest using a different
form of the original test or quiz. However, students must first come to one tutoring session for a quiz and
two sessions for a test.
Late work:
I follow the CMS grading policy on late work. See below.
A student who misses homework or other assignments or due dates because of absences, whether
or unexcused, must be allowed to make up the work. Arrangements for completing the work should be
made within five school completion of the work. For middle and high school students, the student must
initiate the contact with the teacher.
In all circumstances, homework and other assignments should be accepted, even when turned in after
the designated due date. Credit for late work shall be awarded according to the following guidelines:
1. If the student was present in class on the due date, the work may be given less credit;
2. If the student was not present in class on the due date because of an excused absence, full credit
must be given for the completed work;
3. If the student was not present in class on the due date because of an unexcused absence, the work
may be given less credit.
For #1 – you will receive 15 points deducted per day it is late. If you turn it in very late you may only
receive a maximum of a 50. Your grades will be updated weekly in Power School. You may view them
on parent assist or be provided with a progress report on Fridays.
Ways to get help:
1. for an online Spanish English dictionary
2. The BBC offers free Spanish help and online tutorials at:
Check out mi vida loca on, which is an online soap opera mystery with 22 mysteries.
3. - free online tutorials
4. – online Spanish flashcards
5. Use our textbooks website. If you are using an older version then you will be unable to log on for
6. – free Spanish games and quizzes.
7. – type in and free online tutorials will come up for any topic of
interest. For example, type in days of the week in Spanish and and the tutorial will
8. - This is an awesome site with vocab and grammar help.
9. - From Bowdoin college, this site is an advanced
online Spanish textbook.
10. - This site has great review games for vocabulary and grammar.
11. – I will assign speaking assignments through voki.
35. I will also assign ways to record yourself through audacity Great site to tell digital stories. We will use this for some projects. This is a free online power point. We will use this. - True colors personality test. We will use this to
determine your color and familia. - great online newspaper in Spain – quick, short articles made
for young people. – a great site for music in Spanish – online dictionaries in many languages. - news of around the world in Spanish. news from around the world from Mexico. – online poster maker - grammar and literature – great for grammar review and practice - learn languages for free online
www.spanishflashcards/ – then click on Spanish for free online flashcards - very helpful!
Suggestions for Successful Language Study:
1. Take organized and thoughtful notes. Use a highlighter to highlight English and Spanish words.
Use one color for each language and be consistent.
2. Be a risk taker. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Be creative in your language usage, and resist
perfectionist tendencies.
3. Take every opportunity to hear and speak Spanish. Go to authentic Hispanic restaurants,
festivals, watch movies and tv, read local Spanish speaking newspapers or magazines, etc.
Become friends with Spanish speakers on campus.
4. Use 3x5 index cards as flash cards,, or quia to help you study and learn the vast
amount of vocabulary words.
5. CMS supports study abroad. In 11 days of living in another country speaking the language, you
will learn more than in one year of a school course. See me or (CMS study abroad coordinator)
for details.
6. Travel anywhere.
7. Do not use online translators. It is obvious and will not help you learn. It is a form of plagiarism
and will earn you a zero.
8. Do not CHEAT! This only harms your learning process. I really dislike cheating.
Behavior and Expectations:
1. Students will use kind words and actions.
2. Students will come to class ready to learn – this includes brining needed materials and
3. Students will not turn on cell phones, unless directed by the teacher for a class activity.
4. Students will not pull out grooming supplies (makeup, mirrors, etc). Your appearance is not an
emergency to leave class.
5. Students will respect others when speaking in Spanish.
6. Only one student at a time can be in the restroom. No student may be outside of class the first
15 or last 15 minutes of class.
7. Students will do their own work and not cheat! They will only work on my class work in my class
unless approved by me. When you cheat you cheat yourself, your friends, your classmates, your
teacher, and your parents. When you accomplish something on your own, it makes you proud.
Remember the first time you rode a bike by yourself? It probably felt great. Now imagine that you
never rode that bike by yourself, but always had training wheels to help you. You wouldn't be as
proud, would you? Cheating is like having those training wheels on your bike all the time. You
might get an A on a test or an assignment, but you'll know that you really didn't earn it. (
Positive Consequences:
1. Positive call or email home.
2. Dojo points – I use to track participation and to track positive and negative
rewards. You can earn extra dojo points for teamwork, hard work, persistence, on task,
participation, ready to begin, and helping others. At the end of each Friday you may choose a
grab bag prize. This could be snacks, school supplies, homework passes, etc. Let me know
what you like! (within reason)
3. Familia Prize – At the end of the month I will have students divide into families of You will help
your family be organized and turn in homework. Familias will also compete in games. The
winning familia of the week or every other week will receive a prize. Let me know if you are
interested in this.
4. Class competitions – using Euros
5. I will praise you and you will feel good about the great job you are doing. This is the best reward
of all.
6. Let me know what reward system you would like.
Negative Consequences: If you escalate a situation then the following steps will be null and
void. Security will be called and a referral will be written.
1. Verbal Warning. # 1
2. Seat change. # 2 to another teacher’s classroom in S hall.
3. Referral and parent contact.
If you throw a paper ball – you will pick it up.
If you take out grooming supplies – I will take them until the end of class.
If you put your head down – I will ask you to keep your head up and you will lose a dojo point. If
you are sick please tell me at the beginning of class. If you refuse to keep your head up I will
notify home and take appropriate action.
If you take out your cell phone for a non classroom activity, I will take your phone till the end of
class. 2nd offense I will turn it into the office.
If you must talk to another person for a non classroom activity and do not stop after one warning
– I will remove you if you continue.
If you use inappropriate language – you will lose a dojo point and be redirected or be given a
referral depending on the language.
If you get out of your seat to “tell someone something” you will be sent out of class.
If you eat in class – I will take your food till the end of class.
If you leave trash behind – I will take a dojo point and ask you to clean your desk using a
sanitizing wipe.
If you use my computer without asking then you will not be allowed to use it for a quarter.
Please let me know at the beginning of class if you do not feel like yourself.
Please email me with any questions or concerns.
My commitments to you:
I commit to:
Listen to you and any new ideas you may have for the class.
Teach you as if you were my own child.
Grade your work in a timely manner.
Speak in Spanish the entire class.
Try to have fun in class with games or other activities.
Use different learning strategies to reach all learners.
Provide rubrics for your projects so you know how you will be graded.
Be respectful of you as a student.
Sending remind 101 texts of your homework daily
Updating your dojo points daily
Extra credit?
How can I earn extra credit? I only give extra credit if you have all assignments completed. Also, extra
credit must be academic in nature. You may do tests or review, castle learning assignments,
voki, story bird, etc. Let me know if you have extra credit ideas.
Final Thoughts: Keep in mind that you will make mistakes in this class. I make mistakes when I speak
English and Spanish. We are all human and through mistakes we can learn. I look forward to getting to
know each of you as you are the reason that I teach. Please see me if you have additional questions or
concerns. Remember that you are here to learn and that I am here to help you learn. Let’s have a great
school year!