Edexcel Economics & Business Central Foundation Boys’ School Edexcel Economics & Business Homework Packs Key dates: Final deadline for all the work listed below: 17th October 2011 (Can be handed in earlier to get extra feedback on your work) End of term assessment will be on the 20th October 2011 Teacher AB Content Activity 1: choosing finance methods Link to spec 1.3.5 MD Activity 2: falling beer sales 1.3.2 MD Activity 3: Demand and supply exercises 1.3.2 AB Activity 4: Jane and Hugh garden seats (JHGS) 1.3.6 Learning outcome Be able to identify and explain suitable sources of finance for various business scenarios Be able to identify and assess the impact of changing demand in a specific market Be able to draw supply and demand curves using figures and then assessing its impact on businesses Be able to calculate and understand the importance of break even, profit and the margin of safety Email completed homework to Mr Dilley dilleym@cfbs.islington.sch.uk or Ms Begum beguma@cfbs.islington.sch.uk See specified teacher if you need help with any of the activities 1 Edexcel Economics & Business Central Foundation Boys’ School Activity 1: choosing finance methods 2 Edexcel Economics & Business Central Foundation Boys’ School Activity 2: falling beer sales 3 Edexcel Economics & Business Central Foundation Boys’ School Activity 3: Demand and supply exercises 1. Below is the demand and supply for wine grapes in Upper Sonomia, a major wineproducing region of Slobovia. Price (Per Ton) $40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Quantity Demanded (Tons per Month) 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 Quantity Supplied (Tons per Month) 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 Draw the above demand and supply curves a. There will be a shortage of wine grapes at any price [above/below] ________ a price of $ _____. b. There will be a surplus of 300 tons when the price is $ _____. c. At a price of $60, there will be a [surplus/shortage] of _______ tons. d. Assume that the government decides to help wine consumers by putting a ceiling of $100 per ton on grapes. What would happen? Would the price ceiling be ineffective or would the price ceiling prevail? e. Assume that the government decides to help grape growers by legislating a price floor of $180 per ton. What would happen? f. If the government were to impose a price ceiling of $160 per ton, what would happen? 4 Edexcel Economics & Business Central Foundation Boys’ School 2. Does each of the following events INCREASE, DECREASE, or HAVE NO EFFECT on the DEMAND or SUPPLY of wine in the short run? Which way does the DEMAND/SUPPLY curve shift? What determinant has changed? EXAMPLE: EVENT: The price of beer increases. ANSWER: The demand for wine will increase. It shifts to the right. Beer and wine are substitute goods. When the price of a substitute good falls, the demand for the other good increases. YOUR TURN: a. EVENT: Government statistics show that average household income is rising. ANSWER: b. EVENT: Because of advances in gene splicing technology, new healthier varieties of grapes are developed. ANSWER: c. EVENT: A private research institute announces that people who drink a glass of wine a day have fewer heart attacks. ANSWER: d. EVENT: There is a very rainy season causing many grapes to rot on the vine before they have matured. ANSWER: e. EVENT: The government begins paying a $.50 per pound subsidy to wine producers. ANSWER: 5 Edexcel Economics & Business Central Foundation Boys’ School 3. This exercise is designed to help you recognize how activity in one market affects what happens in other markets. In the blanks provided, indicate whether demand, supply, equilibrium price, and equilibrium quantity increase (+), decrease (-), or do not change (0). If the effect cannot be determined from the information given, use (U). You should use a supply and demand diagram to help you derive the answers to the questions. The first one is done for you. MARKET EVENT a. Poultry Fish becomes scarce and costly AND a university research group invents a quicker way to process chicken. b. Hamburger buns The price of hamburger decreases because of an increase in the supply of beef c. Corn The development of a more effective insecticide for killing rootworm (an insect which destroys corn plants) d. Used clothing A decrease in consumers' incomes e. Train Transportation Competition among airlines causes a reduction in air fares f. Lettuce An increase in the price of irrigation equipment g. Oranges A freeze in Florida D S P Q + + U + EXPLANATIONS: a. In this problem, two determinants are changing. 1) Fish and poultry are substitutes at the grocery store. They are substitutes for the buyer. An increase in the price of a substitute good for poultry will cause the demand for poultry to increase. 2) When the university research group invents a quicker way to process chicken, this is a change in technology which lowers the cost of producing poultry. This will increase the supply of poultry. So now we have an increase in the demand for poultry coupled with an increase in the supply of poultry. 6 Edexcel Economics & Business Central Foundation Boys’ School Activity 4: Jane and Hugh garden seats (JHGS) 7