Indicator 3.2_Artifacts

Temple High School
589 Sage Street
Temple, Georgia 30179
Mrs. Karen Suddeth, Principal
Mr. Tim Gribben, Assistant Principal
S3 - The school’s curriculum, instructional design and assessment practices guide and ensure
teacher effectiveness and student learning.
Indicator 3.2 – Curriculum, instruction and assessment are monitored and adjusted systematically
in response to data from multiple assessments of student learning and an examination of
professional practice.
1) Curriculum guides
Curriculum guides can be found in Georgia Department of Education documents
- Documents attached in separate file.
2) Lesson plans aligned to the curriculum
Lesson plans are written using standards and essential questions aligned to the curriculum
through the use of the Georgia Performance Standards or Common Core Georgia
Performance Standards and related curriculum guides.
- Documents attached in separate file.
3) Products-scope and sequence, curriculum maps
Curriculum maps can be found in Georgia Department of Education documents
- Documents attached in separate file.
4) Common assessments
Teacher use of common assessments occurs across all content areas for teachers teaching the
same subjects. Common assessments may include short, frequent formative assessments,
formal quizzes and tests and district unit tests and benchmarks.