mitosis reading wkst

Name _________________________________________________________ Date __________________________
1. Why is it better for cells to stay small?
2. Define cell cycle:
4. Which comes first: interphase or mitosis? Why does it come first?
5. How long does it take the typical animal cell to complete the cell cycle?
6. Most of the cell cycle is taken up by interphase, which is where the cell prepares to divide. It grows and divides its
DNA. Interphase happens in three stages. Describe what happens in each stage below:
a. Gap 1 (G1):
b. Synthesis (S):
c. Gap 2 (G2):
7. What category of organisms goes through the cell cycle we are talking about? List examples also.
8. G1, S, and G2 are part of interphase. ___________________ follows interphase.
9. What is mitosis? What happens during this part of the cell cycle?
10. What are the new cells called that mitosis produces?
11. What are the stages of mitosis? Describe them below:
12. What is the longest stage of mitosis?
13. Each chromosome is ___ shaped.
14. Each half of a chromosome is called a _________________________________.
15. What is a centromere?
16. What is the spindle apparatus? Why is it important?
16.5. Why do the spindle fibers move to opposite ends of the cell?
17. How do you feel about Snooki being pregnant?
18. Which phase has the chromosome lined up at the equator/middle of the cell in a neat row (the “metaphase plate”)?
19. Why do the chromosomes line up at the metaphase plate? What is going to happen to the chromosomes next?
20. What is the final stage of mitosis?
21. What phase of the cell cycle comes after mitosis?
22. What is the result of cytokinesis?