OASIS ACADEMY SKINNER STREET LEARNING CHALLENGES OVERVIEW: 2014 - 2015 YEAR 1 Learning Challenge RE Autumn 1 Which birds and plants would LRR find in our park? DT bird tables Art Sketching Exit Powerpoint Why can’t a meerkat live in the North Pole? Art – paint mixing Dance/Movement Exit – penguin or meerkat? What is important to you? Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Where do the leaves go to in Winter? Art and Design William Morris Music – Classical music Maths – centigrade, measuring rainfall Exit – weather forecast summary Why is the Wii more fun than Grandma and Grandad’s old toys? DT Design and make moving toy Dance – toys coming to life Exit – your toys or your grandparents? Games afternoon Which materials should the three LP have used to build their house? DT Bridge building Dance show Exit – ideal bedroom How do the seasons impact on what we do? Art – revisit William Morris print leaves Music – based on weather Why do Christians celebrate Christmas? How do I know I’m being good? What do Christians and Jews believe about creation? How do religions welcome new members? PE Gym Outdoor and Adventurous activites Gym Striking and Fielding games Dance Striking and Fielding games Dance Net Games Athletics Computing We are storytellers Creating a talking book We are celebrating Creating a card electronically We are treasure hunters Using programmable toys We are TV chefs Filming steps of a recipe We are collectors Finding images using the web Summer 2 Where do and did the wheels on the bus go? Design and make a vehicle Computing – presentation about the learning journey. We are painters Creating an eBook YEAR 2 Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Learning Challenge How will 5 a day help me to be healthy and how could you be the next Jessica Ennis or Steven Gerard? Performing in front of others. Geog – atlases where do fruits grow Art – print using fruit Why would a dinosaur not make a good pet? DT – plan design and create a model of dinosaur land Music – dinosaur sounds Exit – TV programme about dinosaurs Where did that racket come from? Num – collecting info about music preferences. Measuring differences when trying out own phones. DT – design and make own instrument Music – appreciate a range of music from different genres What is our school made of? Num – classify different sets DT – design plan and make a toy Music – music made by instruments made from different materials How can you be the next Master chef? Art – Famous artist Arcimboldo DT – design and make a meal Exit – invite families to a meet Could you be the next Lightning McQueen? Num – time trials DT – create own vehicles and test them to see which moves quickly What was it like when the Queen came to the throne in 1953? Num – dates and money Art – research and design football team kit or special dress worn at this time Geog- locate countries within the British Empire Do our actions speak louder than words? Why do we love to be beside the seaside? Num – graphs and charts about holiday destinations DT – design and make a fairground ride Art – take photos of seaside on visit and create a postcard What would Dora the Explorer or Ben Ten find exciting about our town? Art – photos of buildings in Gillingham. Create own paintings from photos. Geog – local maps RE How do Christians, Jews and Muslims say thank you to God for the natural world? PE Dance Outdoor and Adventurous activites Computing 2.1 We are sports starts Programming on screen Where would you prefer to live England or Bangladesh? Art – colour associated with Bangladesh Music – rhythms associated with Bangra Why is light important in religions? How have Rosa Parks and Nelson Mandela helped to make the world a better place? Art – from another culture Music – Listen to Motown Why did the Titanic sink? Art – model of the Titanic Music/Dance – music traditionally associated with the period and linked to the dances Summer 2 What does it mean to be be a Muslim? When do we cooperate? What have I learned about different religions? Dance Striking and fielding games Gym Stricking and fielding games Gym Net games Net games Athletics We are zoologists Recording bug hunt data We are detectives Communicating clues We are photographers Taking, selecting and editing digital images We are researchers Researching a topic We are games testers Exploring how computer games work. YEAR 3 RE PE Autumn 1 Autumn 2 How far can you throw your shadow? Num – measuring length of shadows – present in a graph DT – make periscopes Art – Turner and watercolour to create reflections Design and create a stained glass window What do rocks tells us about the way the Earth was formed? Art – Rocks sculpture Are you attractive enough? Art/DT – design and make a simple game based on magnets What makes the Earth angry? DT – design and make a volcano Music – create music to go with presentations Who first lived in Britain? DT – make own model shelters Art – cave art – art of ancient Britons How did the Victorian period help to shape the Medway/Kent we know today? Art – photos of the area and create images in LS Lowry style Music – sing songs sung in Victorian times What are the rules? Gym Outdoor and Adventurous activites Computing We are programmers. Programming an animation Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 How did that blossom become an apple? DT – create a fruit salad Art – watercolours of blossoms Why has Greece always been in the news? Num – carry out surveys and present information of data and statistics Art – make Greek pots Why do so many people choose to go the Mediterranean for their holidays? Where did the Dockyard go? Art – using old photos create abstract work of art How can Usain Bolt move so quickly? Num – Time running, create graphs to compare with UB Art – sketches of the body as it moves Dance – ability to balance and move What do people believe about God? That’s not fair! Or is it? What is so special about places? Gym Striking and fielding games Dance Net games Dance Net games Invasion games Invasion games Athletics We are bug fixers. Finding and correcting bugs in programs We are presenters. Videoing performances. We are network engineers. Exploring computer networks, including the Internet. We are communicators. Communicating safety on the Internet We are opinion pollsters. Collecting and analysing data. Num – weigh and measure fruits DT – make a Mediterranean food dish Art – Gaudi Music – well known musicians of Europe YEAR 4 Autumn 1 How would we survive without water? Num – temperature Dance – based on the changing state of water Why is the Medway so important? Hist – old maps Art – local famous artists. Painting the river RE What does worship mean? PE Computing Autumn 2 What happens to the food we eat? Num – time intervals. Graph work Art – Design a model of the digestive system Dance – movement of food through the body Why were the Romans so powerful and what did we learn from them? Drama – marching carrying the equivalent Roman armour Art – Design a weapon to capture cities Spring 1 Spring 2 How could we cope without electricity for one day? DT – design a game Design a make a meal that doesn’t need electricity Why is the sound that One Direction makes enjoyed by so many? Music – appreciation. Explain likes and dislikes for a range of music Num – create tables graphs and measure Exit – Talent Show Why are the Norman castles certainly not bouncy? Num/DT – measurement to design a mott and bailey castle Art – create a collage capturing modern life linked to Bayeaux Tapestry Art – create a clay plaque depicting a Norman Castle theme Summer 1 What makes Canterbury a cool place? Summer 2 What would you have done after school 100 years ago? IT – silent movie and film it Music – popular songs to add to video presentation Which wild animals and plants thrive in our locality? Num – classify plants and birds leading to graphs and tables Art – photos of flowers like Georgia O’Keefe. Pencil sketches and paint DT – Design and make a bird box What is Judaism? What do we mean by commitment? Why did Jesus tell stories? What is pilgrimage? Dance Outdoor and Adventurous activites How is Christmas celebrated in other countries? Dance Striking and fielding games Gym Striking and fielding games Gym Net games Invasion games Invasion games Athletics We are meteorologists. Presenting the weather. We are software developers. Developing simple educational games We are HTML editors. Editing and writing HTML We are musicians. Producing digital music. We are coauthors. Producing a wiki We are toy designers Developing a simple educational game. YEAR 5 Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 How different will you be when you are as old as your grandparents? Num – carry out measurements and create charts and graphs Art – range of artists work and create self portrait Capture older person’s faces Will we ever send another human to the moon? Num – measure, use scale and create diagrams DT – design and make a model of moon surface and buggy Exit – film moon landing Do all animals and plants start life as an egg? Music – write own music and create own dance using life cycle of butterfly as stimulus Art - Andy Goldsworthy or Simon Watts use environmental to create 3D piece of art Why should gunpowder, treason and plot never be forgotten? Art – make tiles of typical London houses and use clay to capture the raging fire. Parliamentary debate Could you be the next CSI investigator? Art – consider the work of Salvador Dali and create own using prints What are the 5 pillars of Islam? Am I always right? What do we believe in Gillingham? How did it all start? How can we rediscover the wonder of Ancient Egypt? DT design and make pyramid containing at least one hidden compartment Dance – strictly Come Egyptian Dancing Were the Anglo Saxons really smashing? Art – design and make own jewellery based on patterns used by AS DT Design and make an AS settlement Exit – film documentary What can we learn from religious texts? How would you have survived Medieval England? DT medieval board games based on chess Summer 1 What were the historical implications of Henry VIII’s break from the Catholic church? DT Design and make Tudor Houses Food tech – Tudor recipes Art – Tudor dances Summer 2 Can you feel the force? Num – measuring Art – Design and make structure to propel a marble How did the Battle of Britain change WW2? Num – Speed and other attributes of planes in battle Art – watercolour of sky and sketches of planes in flight Music – of the period RE How did it all start? PE Gym Outdoor and Adventurous activites Gym Striking and fielding games Dance Net games Dance Invasion games Invasion games Athletics Computing We are cryptographers Cracking code. We are artists. Fusing geometry and art. We are game developers. Developing an interactive game. We are architects. Creating virtual space. We are bloggers. Sharing experiences and opinions. We are web developers. Create a web page about cyber safety YEAR 6 Autumn 1 Have we always looked like this? Art – self portraits sketching Dance – human form, balance and movement Who were the Mayans and what have we learnt from them? Num – dates, periods of time, using charts and tables Art – design and make Mayan pyramids RE PE Computing Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 How can you light up your life? Num – use large numbers when considering distance, speed of light Art – close obs sketching of eyes inc proportion Constable and Cezanne exploring light and shadow What would a journey through your body be like? Num – graphs relating to pulse and exercise Art – self-portrait using small paper to cover proportion To be or not to be? That is the question. Music – link modern day music with Shakespeare’s couplets Drama – part of a play using actors, directors etc Could Spiderman really exist? Num – tables to classify living things Art – research artists who specialise in plants and nature Could you be the next Nintendo apprentice? Enterprise – organise into groups including seeking a business loan Art – design and work to create an electrical circuit board game Were the Vikings always victorious and vicious? Num – septarchy and area DT design and make a Viking longboat Food tech – Viking meal Will you ever see the water you drink again? Num – accurate measurement skills DT moving toy using water to power it Music – create own weather music Why should the world be ashamed of slavery? Art – use a range of media to capture images of slavery Rights and responsibilities Exit – create a documentary I’m a Year 6 pupil, can you get me out of here? Num – measurement Art – use water colour or acrylic to paint a local scene they have photographed How can religious meaning be expressed through art? Dance Outdoor and Adventurous activites Why is Diwali celebrated by both Hindus and Sikhs? Dance Striking and fielding games What is prayer and meditation? How do different religions celebrate marriage? What do pupils believe happens after someone dies? Gym Striking and fielding games Gym Net games Invasion games Athletics We are app planners. Planning the creation of a mobile app. We are project managers. Developing project management skills. We are market researchers. Researching the app market. We are interface designers. Designing an interface for an app. We are app developers. Developing a simple mobile phone app. We are marketers. Creating video and web copy for a mobile phone app.