Salamis (479) to Pericles (445) How victory over the Persians ultimately led to an Athenian empire Persian Wars - Salamis Salamis was pivotal but by no means the end of the Persian Wars Persian Wars - Plataea Battle of Plataea (479 BC): - Final land battle of the Second Persian War Took place near the city of Plataea in Boeotia Great Persian losses Best example of Greek unity Persian Wars - Mycale - Battle of Mycale (479 BC) - Mount Mycale is on the coast of Ionia, opposite the island of Samos - Hoplites decisive - Ionian allies of the Persians defected - Remnants of Persian navy destroyed - Ended defence of mainland Greece, freed some Ionian cities Persian Wars – ongoing conflict - Ongoing conflict with the Persians until 448 - Predominately in Asia Minor (and Aegean) Delian League - Athenian leadership - Established immediately after the Second Persian War - Those allies who could not contribute ships of their own, paid an annual fee - Treasury on the island of Delos Athenian Empire - “I’m making you an offer you can’t refuse” - Members of the league unable to leave; a protection racket - The league used for purposes other than mutual defence Thasos (465 BC) • Dispute with Athens over control of its mining and trading interests • Secedes from the league • Athenians besiege Thasos for two years • Navy confiscated; walls demolished; mint closed; mainland possessions annexed • Tribute-paying subject state Pericles Pericles’ building programme - Rebuilt the Acropolis which had been left in ruins after the Second Persian War - Incredible architecture built with impressive speed - Used funds paid to Athens by League states