ongoing media practices

Journalism: 2015
Thus far, we have started the following activities: academic Twitter account and show & tell.
For the rest of the semester, please be mindful of these guidelines.
1) Academic Twitter Account
a) Follow at least FIVE organizations or
professionals in your field of interest.
b) Follow at least FIVE news publications or
journalist (The New York Times, CNN, ESPN, The
Wall Street Journal, The Economist, LA Times,
Washington Post, BBC).
c) Tweet or ReTweet out at least one piece of media a week. Organize your
tweets using meaningful hastags. For example, when I use my academic
Twitter account, I organize Tweets and Retweets according to #technow;
#gendermatters; #racematters; #ohtheirony. Please have your weekly Tweet
completed by Friday. I will start perusing your accounts on Friday night.
d) Please follow me at pdelacruzuic and I will follow you back.
2) Show and Tell
For your presentation day, show the rest of the
class a website, a clip (no more than 3 minutes), a
visual, a profile, or an article that you think reflects
current developments in your
academic/professional field of interest.
YOUR PRESENTATION DAY: _________________________________
3) Investigative Essay on Your Discipline: As you prepare for your post-high school
experience, we will take this semester to think more about an innovation, concept, or
person that is significant to your future field.
a) Stage #1: January 30th – February 6
Determine a topic. This will take some considerable thought. Use your
academic Twitter account to explore and narrow down possible ideas. Please
Tweet out your topic using #wnmedia2015.
b) Stage #2: February 9-13
Collect Research. Use this week to research your topic. Please find at least
THREE credible sources (apart from your one required interview) for your
topic. Tweet out your sources using #wnmedia2015.
Journalism: 2015
c) Stage #3: February 16-20
Interview. Use this week to prepare and interview one person who can provide
insight into your field. Unless the person is geographically very far from you, you
should plan on meeting with this person. Please avoid interviewing a family
member (unless you do not see them that often). This is an opportunity to make
connections with other people in your field.
d) Stage #4: February 23-27
Concept Map. Start creating a concept map based on all the information you
have generated thus far. Your concept map should be on paper that is at least
11X8 since you will be presenting this in-class. You will turn in the concept map
with your final product.
e) Stage #5: March 2-6
First Draft Writing & Revising. Use this week to create your first draft. This
investigative piece should reflect everything we (will have) discussed about
investigative essay writing. Please upload your first draft to by
March 6th (Friday at 11:59).
f) Stage #6: March 23-27
Final Revisions & Complete Product (Written and Concept Map). Using
the comments you got back, revise and upload your article to the class Google
Classroom (creating a visible Google Doc). This step will be explained more in
class. You will also turn in the concept map in class in order to present it to the
class upon returning from spring break.
Additional Notes Concerning Assignments:
Same rubric guidelines: Organization, Accuracy, Fluency
600-800 words.
Use of at least one external source
Use of interview source.