War of 1812 Changes Republicans

The Era of Good Feelings
What were the beliefs of the
War of 1812 Changes Republicans
• Build a permanent
professional army
and navy
• Second Bank of
the United States
• Internal
National Road
• Protective tariff:
Tariff of 1816
• Essentially adopted
all of Hamilton’s
ideas as their own
• Republicans are the
only party until
election of 1828
Panic of 1819
by over speculation on frontier
Inflation from War of 1812
Decrease in British Cotton Demand
Controversial Role of the Bank
•BUS tightens credit to control
•Went too far which led to deflation
•Caused many banks to close
•Hurt land speculators in the West (war hawks?)
•Caused many farms to go into foreclosure
Soup kitchens
Debtors’ Prisons
Runs on the bank
Panic on a scale that
the country would not
see again until the
Great Depression
• Made the bank
unpopular in the West
and the South
What sectional tensions arose
during the Era of Good Feelings?
Based on what we have seen so
far, do you believe that this time
should be called an “Era of Good
Foreign Affairs
•Rush-Bagot Agreement 1817
 Great Lakes disarmament
Sign of improving British-America
•Treaty of 1818
49th Parallel
fishing rights shared off Newfoundland
joint occupation of Oregon
•Adams-Onis Treaty 1819
 1818 Andrew Jackson authorized to stop
Indians, leave Spanish Forts untouched
OOPS!!! Leads to the Florida “Purchase”
Treaty of 1819—Adams-Onis Treaty
What do you think would be the
European response to the
Monroe Doctrine? Why?
What effect do you think it
would have on the American
people? Why?
Westward Settlement
What factors led to the migration West?
– Victories over Native Americans
•Tippecanoe and Horseshoe Bend
– Cheap land
– Immigration
– Tobacco
– Led to concern over population growth
Like a Firebell in the
Tallmadge Amendment
• James Tallmadge-NY
• All slaves born in
Missouri after the
territory became a
state would be freed
at the age of 25.
• Passed by the House and not by the Senate.
• What were the Southern concerns with the
The Missouri Compromise
• Sen. Henry Clay-KY “the Great Compromiser”
• 3 Features:
1) Maine would be a free State
2) Missouri would be a slave State
3) Any future state N of the 36-30 parallel
would be free
The Missouri Compromise
Portrait Painting of
Revolutionary Heroes
•Gilbert Stuart,
Charles Wilson Peale
•Enshrined and
exalted Famous
•How is GW made to
look HEROIC in this
Hudson River School of Art
•The first coherent school of American art
•Helped to shape the mythical idea of the
American landscape.
•Thomas Cole and Asher B. Durand
•Landscape painting was the prevalent genre of
19th century American art.
First Presidents Review:
The precedents that Washington established
Whisky Rebellion, Neutrality Proclamation, Farewell
XYZ Affair, Alien and Sedition Acts
Differences between the Federalists (Hamilton) and the
Democratic-Republicans (Jefferson)
Revolution of 1800
Jefferson’s Louisiana Purchase, Economic embargoes
Marshall Court
Causes of the War of 1812
Results of the War of 1812
Era of Good Feelings
American System, Tariff of 1816, Panic of 1819
Monroe Doctrine, Treaty of 1818, Adams-Onis Treaty
Tallmadge Amendment, Missouri Compromise