Social Structures

The Nation’s Beginnings :
From 13 Colonies to One Republic
Social Structures P. 11
 Learning Target
 “I Can evaluate Social Structures in Colonial
Settlements in America”
 Objective
 Describe Significant Aspects of the variety of Social
Structures in Colonial America.
Social Structures… A fancy way
of analyzing Culture.
 Using the characteristics
of Culture evaluate what
you might find here if you
were suddenly thrust into
this area?
Social Structures…
 Using the characteristics of Culture evaluate
what you might find here if you were
suddenly thrust into this area?
More Social Structures… (Not
referring to a building)
 Using the characteristics of Culture evaluate what you
might find here if you were suddenly thrust into this
The 13 Colonies
 New England –Pilgrims in Plymouth(1620) and
later Puritans settled Massachusetts (1630) for
religious freedom
 The Mayflower Compact (1620) provided a model
for self-government (Social Contract)
 Timber, Fishing, Ship-building
 Middle Colonies (NY from Dutch, PA, NJ) –
Known for religious tolerance (Quakers) and
exported wheat as economy was based on
 Southern Colonies – Slavery was more important
here because cash crops like tobacco, indigo, and
rice are more labor intensive.
Jamestown, VA (1607)
This monument is
dedicated to Captain
John Smith who founded
the colony at Jamestown,
VA in May 1607. It was
the first permanent
English settlement. He
was the colony’s first
Jamestown’s Harsh Environment
Insect-infested Swamp
The Chesapeake Bay
400th Anniversary of Jamestown
May 13, 2007 was the
colonies 400th
Current archeological dig
at the original site
Dutch pottery dating
back to the late 1500’s
Then and Now
A model of early
What is left today
Who is this?
Jamestown Prospers
 Tobacco (1612) was the
number one export.
 It was governed by a
partnership between King
James I’s appointed Royal
Governor and the House of
Burgesses (an elected
The first African slaves were brought
To Jamestown in 1619 for this reason. After the “Starving Time”
(Winter of 1610-11) the
colony experienced great
Fill in the chart – Give Characteristics of
Social Structure of each settlement.
Reason for Creation
Colonial Governments
 Each had a legislature and usually it was
 In Royal Colonies, Upper House chosen by Crown
and Lower House by the People.
 Self-governing Colonies both houses chosen by
the people.
 Judges were appointed by the King in Royal
Colonies and elected by the people in Selfgoverning Colonies.
 Suffrage was not universal. Only white men, 21
years of age and that owned land could vote.
The Colonies and Britain
 1607-1754 – England’s
policy was salutary neglect
toward the colonies.
 The traditions of limited
monarchy and selfgovernment in the colonies
benefited both sides ($$$!).
 Britain & France fought a
series of costly wars
between 1689 - 1763 &
relationship changed.
 King George III = Tyrant!
Exit Slip – The Colonies Overview
What group of early colonists authored the Mayflower
a. the Dutch b. the Pilgrims c. the Puritans
2. The Republican form of government was first used in
ancient _______.
a. Babylon b. Greece c. Rome
3. The major export of the Jamestown colony was
a. Tobacco b. Wheat c. Cotton
4. In ___________ colonies, both houses of the legislature
were chosen by the people.
a. royal b. self-governing c. all
The French-Indian War (1754-1763)
1. What was another name
for the French-Indian
What side did the Native
Americans take? The
Who won?
What did the winners
take from the losers?
What new problems
resulted for the colonists
at the end of the war?
Simon Kenton
Fort Boonesboro, KY
Founded by Daniel Boone and others in April 1775
One source of conflict was that colonists wanted to move west!
Here are two rare photos of pioneer children at work in their cottage.