Board Meeting Minutes Manchester College January 11, 2012 1:00

Board Meeting Minutes
Manchester College
January 11, 2012
1:00 – 5:00 pm
Anita Yoder, Goshen College, President
Scott Feeny, IU – SPEA Bloomington, President-Elect
Liz Bushnell, Manchester College, Past President
Kirk Bixler, Franklin College, Ex-Officio Historian
Libby Davis, University of Indianapolis, Ex-Officio Member Hospitality
Ashley McArdle, IPFW, At-Large
Veronica Rahim, Purdue University – West Lafayette, At-Large
Andy Bosk, Indiana Univ. - Bloomington, At-Large
Natalie Connors, Purdue North Central, At-Large
Conference Call
Susan Gresham, St. Mary-of-the-Woods College, Director of Member Services
Debbie Blades, Purdue University – Calumet, Newsletter Coordinator
Phil Parker, University of Southern Indiana, Treasurer
Kay Schwob, Huntington University, Secretary
Welcome & Introductions
 Anita called the meeting to order at 1:05pm.
Standing Reports
 The October 27, 2011 minutes, amended to reflect that the next conference will be at the Columbus Learning
Center, were approved by consensus.
o Scott announced that he will step down from the President-Elect role at this time due to competing priorities
for his time and attention at work. He will remain on the board in an at-large position and will continue to
the lead the statewide virtual career fair.
o Anita clarified which board members will lead which events and programs:
- Spring and Fall Conferences – Anita
- Summer Leadership Institute – Debbie
- Statewide Virtual Career Fair – Scott
- Networking Events with Employers – Need volunteer
- INdorsed Career Ready Graduate Program – Liz
- Mentoring Program – Andy
- Virtual Internship Program – Veronica
- Awards & Grants – Libby
- Newsletter – Debbie
- Marketing Morsels – Andy
- Webmaster - Andy
Treasurer’s Report – Phil
o Annual Budget: Phil developed this based on recent years’ expenditures, tended to under-estimate revenue
to be cautious. We have been operating at a deficit for the past few years and discussed questions and
actions into order to achieve a balanced budget.
 Questions/Comments:
 Conference registration based on $50/person, but could be less if the conference
committee charges $40/person. If we leave it this way, we lose revenue.
 Membership dues are $20 and have been for a long time (7-8 years). In the beginning,
they were $10-15. We tried institutional membership, but it wasn’t equitable and we
stopped. Consider a small increase – maybe $25. Need to be sure conference discount
is also raised to keep incentive for membership. If increased to $25, would add $750 to
GRE and CCI represented in two areas – what is the difference between
events/hospitality? The $600 was primarily food – decided to combine these line items.
 Consider increase membership to $25. Did not decide, but will revisit before next
membership campaign.
 Hold event conference committees accountable to budget we set (if go over, committee
needs to get sponsors). Board needs to provide more regular oversight to ensure events
don’t go over budget.
 Make networking events a grant of $500 to committees/regional groups who organize
them (in additional to professional development grants). Any additional expenses are
responsibility of the sponsoring individuals/groups.
 Implement budget oversight, more information and cost-saving ideas for conferences:
o Change message to conference chairs – rather than break even, aim to make
$2000 profit.
o Make decision with conference planners on the registration price (no more than
$50. May need to vary based on locations/specifics of each conference.
o Consider employer sites to host us for free (this was common practice many years
o Seek more sponsors.
o We need more communication with conference cmte to ensure that conference
budget matches our numbers.
o Consider impact of complimentary board registrations costs (10 board members is
loss of $500)
o Need to ensure conferences are not hosted at sites with limited attendance.
o Need better communication to conference chairs on profit expectations,
sponsorship, cost of registration – give more guidance to conference chairs to help
make those goals. Libby volunteered to update the conference planning guide with
another helper. Updates will include the suggestions listed above.
 Consider inflation as justification for increased dues/conferences
 Stop sponsoring Midwest ACE; try to develop a non-monetary, reciprocal “sponsorship”
relationship – need someone to pursue this relationship.
 Cut hospitality line item – embed that in the “events” budget – make it $2500
 Cut $700 “training and development” line item
 Consider limiting to number of grants awards to three, instead of four
 Add Summer Institute to budget. Need to talk with the committee that SI can’t lose
money; all expenses need to be picked up within the event budget. At a minimum breakeven, if not earn money.
 Final budget approval tabled until next time.
Treasurer’s report was presented (see attached)
 Conference budget - Made several hundred dollars, but not necessarily $1000 – Phil will compare
our numbers to Vincennes’
 Susan asked if there is a plan for using CDs – does it just stay there? Tabled and will discuss
Newsletter – Debbie
o Current edition – will contact Susan get new members names to recognize. Needs registration info for
spring conference (website link isn’t live yet, so skip this). Libby asked to fit in announcement about the
grants/awards. Veronica will send internship blurb. All submissions due by Friday, January 13. Planning to
include Career Echo/Virtual Job Fair information – Scott has details. Debbie requested information about
how this will benefit students that we can use to promote this. Scott will send by Friday. Hope to send next
o New Communication Options:
 Liz introduced discussion about consolidating our communication venues (email updates from Kirk,
Marketing Morsels, newsletter) into a scheduled, brief email like “Constant Contact”. There could
be a deadline for monthly submissions. Perhaps include a venue for time-sensitive information (LI
Discussion Group might be an option)
 Scott’s office manager has research on different vendors for Constant Contact-type emails,
comparing costs, which we could use.
 Our website vendor might have some options for e-newsletter/emails.
 Kirk sends something out as members request it – sometimes a flurry, sometimes weeks with
nothing. Most aren’t time sensitive and can wait to be collected in e-newsletter.
Website has function to email all members (through an administrator, not just any member), has job
posting section.
Website could have directions on how to communicate, send things.
Members will still send info to Kirk – Solution: Name the email news after Kirk! Kirk, the website.
Captain Kirk’s CDPI News. There is a lot of potential here!
Action: Establish a task force to propose a new communication strategy – goals to consolidate our
venues, create an established schedule, utilize the functionality of the website. Will have proposal
for spring meeting. Members: Andy, Debbie, Kirk
Membership – Susan
o 168 paid members
o Following up on any “memberships” that were renewed through fall conference registration
o Developing new strategy to encourage earlier membership renewals – suggested postcard reminder in
addition to email renewal message
o Invoices currently only sent as requested; some members say they didn’t renew because the “didn’t get an
o Susan suggested having an intern match list of all schools in Indiana with membership lists to identify and
recruit new members. Kirk reported CDPI did this several years ago.
o Andy said website can send routine reminders for membership.
o Need to have consequences for those who don’t renew (e.g. compare conference registrations with
membership and charge non-member rates).
o Lindsay suggested a push at the spring conference; ask for members to invite others, “refer a colleague”
(creates personal invitations, maybe a contest for the most referrals).
o Decided to try website automatic reminders, push at spring conference (Anita will create letter members can
pick up and distribute)
Website Demo - Andy
o First visit to site, need to click “forgot password” to set up password and then can login to access “board
only” section
o Event Management Features:
 Spring conference registration is started, but not live (aim to have live by end of Jan). Spring
conference has attendance limit of 90, need system to track and go to “waiting list” once reach max
 Is there a way if they select member price, the system can compare to the membership list and the
member price is only available to current members? If not a member, could an auto message pop
up to have them renew membership? Need something for nonmembers to be able to register.
 Add Holly Peck to board member group so she has access to board member rate for conference
 Andy demonstrated how to create an event
 In this section, can send emails to all members, can send reminders to those registered
o Member Management
 Contacts page – can filter to identify certain groups, including “attention required” – helpful to
identify membership issues.
 Susan needs to know how to get notifications from the website – Andy investigating.
 There is an approval stage for membership registration (gives us a chance to ensure meet our
criteria) – Kirk pointed out this needs careful attention to be sure applicants meet our criteria.
 Has option to email all members
 Need to send email to members to intro new site and give directions for how to register on the site.
o Change “recent blog posts” to reflect our new communication method once we decide on one.
 Is there a way to set up a RSS feed from LI group to website – Andy will investigate
o LinkedIN – we are not as strict in membership for this discussion, Andy & Scott manage and approve
o Andy still testing functions – see what messages go out automatically (e.g. auto message if membership
o Explore how to post CDPI documents on website (like CDPI Conference Planning Guide).
 Conference updates - Scott
o Fall 2011: Vincennes Conference – report available on website
o Spring 2012: Columbus Learning Center, “This is Not the Life I Ordered”
 Things are going smoothly
o 2012-2013 Conferences
 Need co-chairs for Fall 2012 (hopefully in place before Spring 2012 conference)
Start with email “call out” to see if anyone wants to host (Kirk)
Ashley will check availability of IPFW (last one in NE was 2008), potential chairs in NE – Cindy
Verduce, Linda Bateman
Susan has names from membership forms of people interested in working on conferences (can
check with them to see if there’s interest in co-chairing) - will send to Anita
Summer 2012 Institute – Purdue Calumet, June 26-29 – update from Debbie
o Committee meeting regularly
o Speakers for most sessions secured, committee is still looking for speakers for a few sessions
o Keynote and endnote are secured
o One registration to date – goal is about 30-35 registrations
o Kirk suggested sending email reminder about SI
o Debbie has one-page ad in upcoming newsletter about SI
INdorsed Career Ready Graduate pilot program (2011-12) - Liz
o Pilot schools are in various stages of implementation. Next committee meeting is in January. Board
members on committee are working on consistent marketing, checklists, logo, employer information sheets,
and employer survey.
o Committee will present at spring conference on best practices to implement and recruiting more schools to
participate in full launch next fall.
o Employer groups (SHRM, WorkONE) want to see assessment of the program. Assessment Ideas:
Testimonials – from employers who hire grads with this, maybe quotes from employers who say they like
the idea, wait a year or two for assessment to survey grads in their workplace (survey their employers on
how they did), measure learning outcomes of specific steps of the program, pre/post assessment of
students, ask students to sign off to be “pilot” participants and willing to participate in surveys – FERPA
release, students offer “this is what I learned from this process” – student testimonials, Ask SHRM in survey
what do you need to see to know this is worthwhile. Natalie willing to help!  Check with Shelly to see if
they have any assessment tools we can use as model.
CDPI Virtual Career Fair – Scott
o Scheduled for April 18, 2012
o Interest from 30 schools, 8-9 confirmed. IUPUI Kelly School definitely in.
o Each school sends 100 or more employers to CareerEco. Contract outlines restrictions on how CE can and
cannot use employer contacts (see attachment). Scott will email contract for review, needs approval from
board and will sign contract with CE.
o CE Goals: Minimum 15 employers, 15 schools
o Will have form for participating schools to complete – contact info, est. of types of student participants, etc.
o Deadline for schools to be included in marketing is: Jan 23, 2012
o Add note on Employer Lists to encourage small schools without 100 names to contact Scott.
o Discussion whether it’s okay to have contact lists sent to Scott’s email (not sure if schools would have
concerns about sharing). Decided any with concerns can email list directly to Gayle at CE.
o Decided on Name: Indiana Statewide Virtual Career Fair presented by CDPI
o CE provides marketing pieces each participating school can customize and distribute
o Scott sending registration info to 30 interested schools this weekend (will also send invite to general
membership to participate)
o If event is cancelled (because of less than 15 employer registrations), we owe CE $4500. Let’s not do this.
Employer Networking Updates – Scott
o Decided to change format, offer three $500 grants as part of CDPI programming
o Someone else will advertise and promote this to regions, separate from the awards/grants Libby
PR Campaign – Anita
o Lindsay Smith resigned from the board, didn’t feel she had the time to do it justice.
Board Nominations – Liz
o Openings we are recruiting for: President-Elect, Director of Member Services, Treasurer, At-Large (1), ExOfficio PR (if PR role can’t be filled by At-Large)
o Anita and Liz will work on an expedited timeline to replace current President-Elect role
o Board approved following process:
 Solicit nominations from membership forms, email call out, board nominations
Create online application for candidates to complete (requesting info on qualifications, past CDPI
experience, interest/motivation in joining the board)
 Nomination committee will review applications, discuss and propose a board slate for the full board
to consider (full board will have access to all applications to review). Committee volunteers: Kirk,
Veronica, Ashley, Liz
 Once board approves slate, present it at spring business meeting for membership vote
 President-Elect: Janet Johnson (Libby)
 Director of Member Services
 Treasurer: Scott Feeney (self), Gary Beaulieu (Liz)
 At-Large: Susan Gresham (Liz), Rick Coleman (Kirk)
 PR: Matt Wells, VU (Natalie)
 General/not sure which role: Sabrina Walls (Kirk), Jen Schott (Scott)
Internship supervision for virtual intern – Veronica & Ashley
o Scott not returning this spring because final semester of grad school
o Holly Peck, Ball State, selected for spring – will meet via Skype and in-person in Indianapolis with Victoria
o Project may include comparison of membership list with all schools in Indiana
o Fee waivers – offered free registration for SI to Scott and Holly – we’ll honor this, give both students a
deadline for registration – April 1, 2012. (For all, cancellations – no refunds after June 1).
o Scott enjoyed his experience, wanted to participate in future CDPI conferences. Can’t be member,
however, but can pay grad student fee to attend future conferences.
o Veronica moving toward focus on more tangible results, projects accomplished – looking for more outcomes
for the student and CDPI.
CDPI Mentor Program Update – Andy
o Six-month survey, most matches are active (8), three matches didn’t report back, one not good
o Transition from Claudine to Andy for leadership of the program (recommended 3mo and 6mo checkins)
o Andy will update outline (marketing piece) to explain how mentors/mentees are matched
o Evaluate the program to decide how much structure we offer – consider offering a database of mentors, or
we find you a mentor based on request. Less structure might be easier to manage.
o Evaluate the program after a full year, then decide how much oversight we offer.
Update Job Descriptions - All
o Skipped, will do next time.
Open Forum
 Policy Manual – Anita and Liz are working on this and will have available for board to review at spring meeting.
 Travel allowance – Consider if we should increase the allowance. It’s more expensive for some schools at a
distance. Travel reimbursement is currently $100. Decided to increase it to $150.
 Transition meeting and date - Set for June 28th at Purdue Cal, lunch with Summer Institute participants
 Remove Chris Muir from employer list for school contacts for Purdue, replace with Veronica
 Send Phil any bills for expenses
 Libby thanks the Board for concerns, emails, prayers from boards support when her family lost her grandson,
Board Meeting Assessment
 Keep: Synergy, Preparing reports in advance
 Stop:
 Start: Sticking to time limits for scheduled topics, Consider only putting on the agenda what needs action – just
updates could be covered in the reports, concern expressed that discussions are integral to taking action.
Future Business
Meeting adjourned at 4:52 pm.
Upcoming Board Meetings:
o April 12, 2012 – Columbus Learning Center, 12:30 pm lunch, 1 pm – 5 pm meeting
o June 28, 2012 - Purdue Calumet, during Summer Institute, 10am-5pm (join people for lunch) - (am
training and pm transition meeting). Lunch is 11:45-1pm
Items Tabled for Further Discussion:
Decide whether to increase membership dues before next renewal period.
Consider limiting number of professional development grants awards to three, instead of four
Review updated budget for approval.
Discussion about how/whether to use money in CDs
Review position descriptions
Action Items:
 Debbie: Need to talk with the committee that Summer Institute can’t lose money; all expenses need to be picked
up within the event budget. At a minimum break-even, if not earn money. Send email reminder to membership
about SI registration.
 Phil: Update budget with actions identified in the budget discussion; prepare updated budget for consideration at
spring meeting. Reconcile fall conference committee budget report (profit of $1000) with our records and
identify/correct discrepancies.
 Susan: Send names of new members to Debbie for recognition in the newsletter by Jan 13 th. Send names of
members interested in conference committee to Anita (for potential conference co-chairs).
 Veronica: Send internship blurb to Debbie for newsletter by Jan 13th.
 Scott: Send virtual career fair info to Debbie for newsletter by Jan 13th.
 Libby: Send grants/awards info to Debbie for newsletter by Jan 13th. Update conference planning guide (with
 Andy/Kirk/Debbie: Investigate and propose a new communication strategy with goals to consolidate our venues,
create an established schedule, utilize the functionality of the website. Have proposal for spring meeting.
 Andy/Susan: Work together to set up automatic membership reminders through website.
 Andy: Website updates/investigations listed on page 3. Update marketing piece about mentoring program.
Remove Chris Muir from employer list for school contacts for Purdue, replace with Veronica
 Holly/Veronica: Match list of all schools in Indiana with membership lists to identify and recruit new members.
 Anita: Create membership letter to distribute at spring conference. Send conference planning guide to Libby to
start updates.
 Ashley: Check IPFW as site for fall conference.
 Kirk: Send call-out to membership for conference planning volunteers, sites
 Scott: Send virtual career fair contract to board to review. Send requirements to interested schools ASAP to get
confirmations/employer lists by Jan 23. Send general email to all membership to invite to participate, send
confirmation/employer list.
 Liz/Kirk/Ashley/Veronica: Work on Nominations Committee to develop board slate for next year
 Need volunteer: Help Libby update the conference planning guide.
 Need volunteer: To create and oversee grant process for regional employer networking events.
 Need volunteer: Try to develop a non-monetary, reciprocal “sponsorship” relationship – need someone to pursue
this relationship.
Respectfully submitted by Liz Bushnell, Past President