Constitutional Law - Final Examination Review First Amendment

Constitutional Law - Final Examination Review
First Amendment
Absolutist Approach
Categorical Approach
Balancing Approach
Literary and Artistic Expression
Prior Censorship
Political Correctness
Hustler Magazine v Falwell (1988)
Establishment Clause
Free Exercise Clause
Two Plastic Animal Rule
First Amendment Law
Bad Tendency Doctrine - Speech which may lead to trouble is not protected
Clear and Present Danger - Schenck v United States (1919)
Imminent Lawless Action - Brandenburg v Ohio (1969)
Key to Persuasion
Tinker v DesMoines (1969)
Westboro Baptist Church
Trigger to imminent lawless action
Big Dan’s Rape Trial (1984) - Cheering onlookers are criminally complicit
Rice v Paladin (1996) - The right to publish Hitman was not protected
Second Amendment
What is the Meaning of the Term Militia?
The Hidden History of the Second Amendment - Fear of Slave Insurrection
Right or a Privilege
District of Columbia v Heller (2008) - Handgun ban lifted in D.C.
McDonald v Chicago (2010) - Handgun ban lifted in Chicago
Michael Moore - Bowling for Columbine - PRIVILEGE
United States v Miller (1939) - Government may establish stipulations for possession
Third Amendment
As it Stands - Least litigated of all the Constitutional Amendments
Engblom v Carey (1982) - Abuse of prison guard living accommodations by National Guard
Mitchell Family Case v Henderson, Nevada Police (2013)
Possible Modern Applications
The Quintessential Universal Soldier (Military Toxic Pollution)
Federally Protected Endangered Species
Fourth Amendment
Search Warrant
Probable Cause
Kyllo v United States (2001) - Applies to thermal imaging
Warrantless Search
Exigent circumstances
Articulable Defense
Terry v Ohio (1968) - Pat search to protect police officer
New York Stop and Frisk Program
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (Patriot Act)
Police Drones
Cyber Ninjas
Student School Search - Reasonable in inception and scope
T.L.O. v New Jersey (1985)
Veronia School District v Acton (1995)
Third Party Confidentiality - Minimum Necessary Standard
Fifth Amendment
Grand Jury
Sanctuary of the Church
Runaway Grand Jury
Due Process of Law
Habeas Corpus
Guantanamo Bay
Self -Incrimination
Miranda v Arizona (1966) - Right to remain silent
Reid’s Nine Steps of Psychological Manipulation
Vigilante Law - Arizona Border
Eminent Domain - Kelo v City of New London (2005)
Sixth Amendment
Fair and Impartial Jury Trial
Jury Selection
Criminal Jury Tampering
Jury Tampering by the Legal System
Reasonable Doubt
Inability to Reach a Verdict
Hung Jury
Double Jeopardy
Jury Nullification
Dual Sovereignty
Right to an Attorney
Powell v Alabama (1932) - Guaranteed in all capital cases (Scottsboro Boys)
Gideon v Wainwright (1963) - Guaranteed in all cases
Eighth Amendment
Bounty Hunter
Cruel and Unusual
Chain Gang
The Super Max - Florence: The Alcatraz of the Rockies
The Psychological Effects of Solitary Confinement
Capital Punishment
Leopold and Loeb - Clarence Darrow
Joe Arridy
George Stinney
Furman v Georgia (1972) - Moratorium on capital punishment
Gregg v Georgia (1976) - Overturns de facto moratorium on capital punishment
Ninth Amendment
Enumerated Rights
Un-enumerated Rights
Reasonable Expectation of Privacy
Buck v Bell (1927) - Permitted the sterilization of the mentally challenged
Loving v Virginia (1967) - Struck down the law banning interracial marriage (miscegenation)
Windsor v the United States (2013) - Struck down DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act)
Griswold v Connecticut (1965) - Struck down the law banning contraceptives
Roe v Wade (1973) - Struck down the law banning abortion
In the Case of Karen Ann Quinlin (1976) - Legalized passive euthanasia
Jack Kevorkian - Advocated physician assisted suicide
Tenth Amendment
The Elastic Clause
Historical Opposition to Federalism
Schecter Poultry Corporation v the United States (1935) - strikes down the New Deal NIRA
The Tea Party