PowerPoint metabolism, catabolism and anabolism



Chemical reactions to sustain life

Metabolism Example

• Potato= cellulose (cell walls) + starch (energy)


• Catabolism—the potato (cellulose + starch) gets digested by animals to make  glucose then glucose  is used to get ATP energy immediately for the body (cellular respiration) ATP used for chemical reactions.

• Anabolism—sugar or glucose (liver takes it from catabolism)  excess made into glycogen for long term Energy storage for your body (stored in liver)

Metabolism Example

• Hamburger= muscle protein

•  chains of amino acids

• Digestion occurs  catabolism is the digestion of the protein

• Anabolism  individual amino acids are put back together to build a new protein for your body…..new protein could be collagen or an enzyme the body needs

Metabolism is affected by many factors

• the faster metabolism?

– Male or female?

– Warm or cold?

– Young or old?

– Warm blooded or cold blooded?

Energy coupling

• Catabolism fuels anabolism

• ATP is regenerated by the process of digesting food….so ADP  ATP

• The catabolic process is cellular respiration

• First step of cellular respiration is glycolysis or the breaking down of glucose and eventually producing ATP

Energy coupling

• After food is broken down….then we build it up or reconstruct it into other macromolecules the body needs.

• This requires energy…where does the energy come from (food) or ATP. So ATP (used)  ADP

• This building up of macromolecules…..anabolism….

What regulates this process?

• Hormones regulate the body and tells whether it should be in a catabolic or anabolic state.

• Turn to page 11—relate this to negative feedback

• Turn to page 983—relate this to maintenance of glucose
