Meeting Minutes 4/2/2013

General Meeting: 4/2/13
a. Malawi Project Presentation
i. Next general meeting, Tuesday 4/9
b. EWB Benefit Dinner
i. Thursday 4/18
c. Students for Haiti Thrift Shop
i. Thursday 12:00-3:00
ii. To raise money for victims of Hurricane Sandy in Haiti
II. This Meeting: Project Manager Roles and Responsibilities
a. Community Contact
i. Liaison between community contact and club
ii. Work schedule
1. What is expected to be done upon arrival
2. Trip schedule
iii. Find materials
b. Mentor Contact
i. Find mentors appropriate for project
1. May or may not travel
2. Travellers must meet EWB requirements
ii. Liaison between club and mentor
iii. Consult about designs
iv. Create construction schedule
v. Training for trip
c. Report Writing
i. Delegation
1. Figure out what team can help with
ii. Community contact
1. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
2. Close-out
iii. Mentor assessment
iv. Provide contact info
d. Presentations
i. For club
ii. With EWB-national
1. Conference calls after reports submitted
iii. TAC (Technical Advisory Commission)
1. Must know project inside and out
2. Be able to answer technical questions and/or coordinate
someone to be present who can
e. Trip Scheduling
i. Travel logistics
1. Plane
2. Transportation (van/bus)
3. Hotel
4. University requirements for travel
ii. Find materials
iii. Contingency plans!!
f. Trips
i. Keeping team on schedule
ii. Community is aware of presence
iii. Teem meetings during the trip
iv. Relations between team members
v. Making sure that correct work is getting done
1. Review work after each day
g. How to become a project manager…
i. Interview process
ii. We see what you do in meetings