
Personal Learning Plan
Create a Resume
What is a Resume?
A document that details:
Your work experience
Your educational qualifications
Other relevant information such as:
Memberships and affiliations;
 Skills and capabilities; and
 Personal attributes
Sometimes also called a Curriculum Vitae or
What is the Purpose of a Resume?
The purpose of a resume, along with a cover
letter, is to get an employee to
invite you for an interview
It is the purpose of the interview to get the
employee to decide to offer you the job
Generally, a resume is not sufficient
information to be offered a job
What must be in a Resume?
Details of previous jobs that you have held:
Job details (employer, position title, dates)
Duties, roles and responsibilities
Highlights and achievements
Educational qualifications
Memberships and affiliations
Skills, capabilities and personal attributes
Contact details
Optional Inclusions for a Resume
Cover page
Summary statement
Contact details
Date resume was prepared
Only provide references up front if requested
Speak to referees before providing their details
Summary Statement
A short statement about yourself and the nature
of the job you are seeking
This is the first impression that you create. Use
this opportunity wisely
Sometimes called your “Elevator speech”
“Previously a professional engineer
turned to teaching in the subject areas of
Design & Technology and Mathematics”
Summary Statement Example
“A professional engineer capable of both logical
problem analysis and creative solutions that focus
strongly on technical and operational factors to suit
the client’s requirements.
Seeking to take an active role where experience,
interpersonal and technical skills will contribute to the
successful completion of projects”
Rules for Resume Writing (1)
Make it stylish
Use different font styles for different levels of detail
in the resume
Use spaces between sections
Be consistent!
Don’t overdo the style
Keep it elegant but simple
Don’t rely on colour
Photos and graphics are not always appropriate
Rules for Resume Writing (2)
On every page:
Job title / position applied for
Contact details (phone and e-mail)
Date resume was prepared
Use headers and footers (except on title page)
Check spelling and grammar
Check other details, especially references when
Rules for Resume Writing (3)
Most important information first
Previous jobs
Memberships and affiliations
Other information if it is relevant
Reverse chronological order
Most recent first
Oldest last
Rules for Resume Writing (4)
Do not include unnecessary personal details:
Date or place of birth
Driver’s licence – unless required for the job
Residential address (unless it is to be used for
postal correspondence – rather use e-mail)
Primary school
Secondary school once you have a tertiary
Rules for Resume Writing (5)
No more than two pages of detail
Reduce font size if necessary (down to 11 pt.)
Use bullet points
Use two columns if necessary
The detail pages should be able to stand alone as a
complete resume
Title page and references are additional pages
E-mailing a Resume
Never send a resume in native word processor
file format (i.e. filename.doc)
Always send resume in pdf file format
Employer may not have the same fonts installed
Different printers change page layout
Install pdf printer driver
Use web-based doc to pdf coverter
Filename should include your name
Suggested Templates
MS Word (2010) has templates for creating
resumes. Suggest looking at:
Chronological minimal
“Tried and Tested Resume Template”