deviance student notes

RSN: Deviance
_______________ is the _______________of rules or norms
It is not the act, but the reactions to the act that make something deviant ~ Howard S.
Something deviant may not be to others.
In the extreme, an act that is _______________by one group may be so _______________by
another group that is punishable by death
Profiteering in China
Sociologists use the term deviance non _______________to refer to any act to which people
respond _______________
To be considered deviant a person does not have to do anything.
_______________refers to characteristics that _______________people.
Blindness, deafness, mental handicaps, facial birthmarks, obesity, AIDs, family to
a rapist/murderer
They are your _______________status which cuts across all _______________
Reason for the need of norms
_______________make social life possible by making behavior _______________
Without them would be social _______________
They lay out basic _______________for how we should play our roles and interact with others
Norms bring social _______________-groups customary social _______________
Deviance undermines _______________, the foundation of social life
Human groups develop a system of social _______________- formal and informal means of
_______________can be the center piece of public ritual, intended to mark the
_______________as deviant and hold him or her up for all the world to see
_______________ceremonies include the Scarlet Letter, Chain Gangs, Holocaust
Do we have degradation ceremonies today?
Competing Explanations of Deviance
RSN: Deviance
Look for answers with in individuals or genetic predispositions, which lead people to
deviant acts and crime.
1. low intelligence leads to _______________
2. XYY- Extra _______ chromosome in _______________leads to crime
3. Body type-people with squarish, muscular bodies are more likely to commit
_______________crime-mugging, _______________, burglary
Focus on _______________within the individual
_______________disorders-deviating individuals have deviant personalitiesPersonality disturbance of some sort causes an individual to
_______________social norms
Schizophrenia, bi-polar
Look at factors _______________the individual
They look for social factors that “_______________” people to break norms
Socialization, _______________membership, social class, social status
Symbolic Interactionist Perspective
Why people commit crime-violation of _______________that are written into
Why do you think people commit crimes?
_______________association theory: people learn to deviate by _______________with others
_______________theory: each of us is _______________toward deviance, but most of us
conform because of an effective system of inner and outer controls
People who have _______________effective controls deviate
_______________Theory: Focuses on how labels (_______________, reputations) help to
_______________people into or away from deviance.
RSN: Deviance
People who commit deviant acts often use techniques of _______________to continue to think
of themselves as _______________.
Denial of _______________
I couldn’t help myself
Denial of _______________
Who really got hurt
Denial of a Victim
Don’t you think she deserved that, after what she said?
_______________of the Condemners
Who are you to talk?
Appeal to Higher Loyalties
I had to help my friends, wouldn’t you do the same?
Functionalist Perspective
Deviance, including crime, is _______________for society, for it contributes to the social order.
~Emile Durkheim
1. Deviance clarifies _______________boundaries and _______________norms
2. Deviance _______________social unity
3. Deviance promotes social _______________
Strain Theory:
Societies socialize their members into deserving cultural _______________. Many
people are _______________to achieve these goals in socially _______________waysthat is _______________means.
Deviants then are people who either _______________on the goals or use deviant
_______________to attain them.
1. _______________-people who accept the goals of society but use illegitimate means to try to
reach them
2. _______________-people who become discouraged and give up on achieving cultural goals,
but cling to conventional rules of conduct.
Burned out _______________
3. _______________-reject cultural goals and the institutionalized means of achieving them
Crack dealers, embezzlers, _______________, Con Artists
Alcoholics, _______________, even those who join _______________
4. _______________-convinced society is corrupt, rebels. Reject society’s goals and its
institutionalized means. Try to create society’s new goals.
RSN: Deviance
Illegitimate Opportunity Structures
Opportunities for crime that are woven into the _______________of life.
Robbery, burglary, drug dealing, _______________, pimping, gambling or
For the poor the “hustler” is a role model
Glamorous, easy $
Why do Average Americans see these things as positive?
Conflict Perspective
Conflict theorists take the position that the group in power (_______________class)
_______________its definitions of deviance on other groups (_______________class and the
_______________working class)
_______________is an instrument of _______________used to _______________the
_______________and privilege of the few over the many.
Marginal working class has _______________income, is desperate and commits highly visible
The _______________class _______________the criminal justice system using it to
_______________the crimes of the _______________while _______________its own criminal
activities away from this _______________system.