chapter 9 - deviance study guide

Name: __________________________
Know the definition of the following terms/people, their significance in Sociology, related terms/
people/theories and connect each to real-life situations or examples:
1. Deviance
2. Social Control
5. Stigma
8. White Collar
3. Criminal
6. Retrospective
9. Hate Crime
7. Differential
10. Deterrence
4. Primary
11. Rehabilitation
12. What does the conviction and imprisonment of Martha Stewart suggest about punishment
in the United States?
13. What is the difference between crime and deviance?
14. What role does biology play in causing people to commit crimes?
15. What theory by Walter Reckless and Simon Dinitz that claimed that "good boys" have the
ability to control deviant impulses?
16. What are the four responses to the inability to succeed from Merton’s strain theory?
17. Define and give appropriate examples of each response from #5.
18. Who do Albert Cohen and Walter Miller argue deviance is most likely to arise among?
19. What is the basic idea behind labeling theory?
20. Give an example of the onset of secondary deviance.
21. What are some examples of the “medicalization of deviance”?
22. What three questions do we ask to determine whether behavior is a moral issue or a
medical issue?
23. What groups of people would likely be deviant according to Travis Hirschi's control theory?
24. What is the label “deviant” based on, according to the social-conflict approach?
25. What two components make up a crime?
26. What is an example of a victimless crime?
27. What percentage of violent crime arrests are men?
Chapter 9
Pages: 222-251
28. List four ways in which, according to Emile Durkheim, deviance is functional for society as
a whole.