VARIETIES OF ANTI-SEMITISM: “The Socialism of Fools” (Friedrich Engels) 1880-1910: Waves of “pogroms” in Russia & Rumania. 1878: The Protestant court pastor Adolf Stoecker founds a “Christian Social Party” in Berlin. 1879: Wilhelm Marr coins the term “anti-Semitism” in “The Victory of Jewry over Germandom.” 1889: Racial anti-Semites found the “German Social Party.” 1891: In Vienna Karl Lueger founds the Catholic clericalist “Christian Social Party,” and Georg Ritter von Schönerer bars Jews from his new “Pan-German League.” 1893: Anti-Semitic candidates win 3.4% of the German vote and 16 Reichstag seats. Jewish migrations in the Late Middle Ages: In Germany the worst attacks came in 1096; in France, 1181; in Spain, 1492 The Blood Libel: The supposed ritual murder of Simon of Trent in 1475 Catholics prayed for “the perfidious Jews” on Good Friday and recalled Matthew 27:25– “Let his blood be on us and on our children.” Jews worshipping the Devil (Germany, 16th century): Indignant Christians appeal to their prince to intervene A Jew under interrogation with the strappada (Germany, 16th century) Execution of 40 Jews convicted of desecrating the Host in Berlin. Martin Luther called for the destruction of all synagogues in “On the Jews and their Lies” (1547). The Oberammergau Passion Play in 1860 and 1900 Christ and John enter Jerusalem Sephardic Jews in Holland & Italy had long pursued assimilation; by 1800 that ideal had spread among most Ashkenazi Jews in Central Europe Interior of the first Jewish Synagogue of Berlin, built in 1714 Moses Mendelssohn (1729-1786) of Berlin inspired Lessing’s Nathan the Wise (1779) Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) was his grandson Moritz Daniel Oppenheim, “The Return of the Jewish Volunteer from the Wars of Liberation” (1833-34) Carl Spitzweg, “In the Synagogue” (ca. 1850) Outside Prussia, many German Jews still lived in ghettoes: The “Judengasse” in Frankfurt a.M., early 19th century. The “Hep, Hep Riots,” Frankfurt a.M., 1819 Conservative ridicule of the idea of equality: “PROFIT – Equal Rights with Christians” (Vienna, 1848) “Germania and Her Suitor,” Der kleine Reactionär, Berlin, 10 January 1863 “How the Jew, Levy Philippsbloch, made his fortune,” cartoon published in Der kleine Reactionär, Berlin, 23 May 1863 Decree of Jewish emancipation in the North German Confederation, July 3, 1869 Jewish field service during the Franco-Prussian War Distribution of Reformed and Orthodox Jews in 1880 The largest Jewish organization was the “Central Association of German Citizens of the Jewish Faith” “The New Synagogue on Oranienburg Street,” Berlin, ca. 1880 The growth of the Jewish communities of Eastern European “Your purse or the whip!” French cartoon on the plight of Jews in Russia, published in 1885 GERMANY’S (LUTHERAN) CHRISTIAN SOCIAL PARTY, 1878-1918 Court Preacher Adolf Stoecker (1835-1909) and a poster from 1882 to celebrate Bismarck’s program for social insurance as “Germany’s Dawn” THE ANTI-SEMITES’ PETITION OF 1881 The Berlin prep school teacher Bernhard Förster and the journalist Max Liebermann von Sonnenberg gathered 250,000 signatures in 1880/81 for a petition to the government with FOUR principal demands: 1. Legal restriction of Jewish immigration to Germany. 2. Exclusion of Jews from all government offices and restriction of the number of Jewish judges. 3. A ban on all Jewish teachers in elementary school and restriction of their number in secondary schools and universities. 4. Government statistics on the number of Jews. The petition gained 54,000 signatures in Silesia, 38,000 in Brandenburg, and 27,000 in Westphalia, but only 9,000 in Bavaria. It was signed by 4,000 university students, 18% of all students in Germany. Bismarck ignored it. Wilhelm Marr (1819-1904), The Path to Victory for Germandom over Jewry (1880) “The Future: Toward Palestine” (1880): The “exclusionary” anti-Semitism of Wilhelm Marr THE TIVOLI PROGRAM OF THE GERMAN CONSERVATIVE PARTY, 1892 1. “We desire the preservation and strengthening of the Christian life-view in the nation and the state…. State and church are institutions ordained by God; the cooperation of the two is the necessary precondition for healing our national life…. We regard the confessional, Christian Volksschule as the foundation of national education and the most important guarantee against the increasing degeneration of the masses and the dissolution of all social bonds. We fight against the often obtrusive and corrosive Jewish influence in our national life. We demand Christian authorities for the Christian people and Christian teachers for Christian students.” Postcard from “The Only Jew-Free Hotel in Frankfurt am Main,” aka “New Jerusalem” (1897) “The Jews in Germany” (Dresden 1896), running department stores, Yellow newspapers, banks, and music halls Europe’s most multi-cultural state: AustriaHungary in 1900 FOUNDERS OF AUSTRIAN ANTI-SEMITIC PARTIES Georg von Schönerer, Karl Lueger, the the Pan-German Christian Social (1842-1921) (1844-1910) “Carriage Shafts” (Austria, 1900): “Schmul’s Patented Automobile. Cheapest operation! Completely safe!” “Museum of Horrors: The Traitor!” (French caricature of Alfred Dreyfus, ca. 1896) AntiDreyfusard caricature of Baron de Rothschild (1898) The Viennese journalist Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), author of The Jewish State (1896), founder of modern Zionism The Maccabee Fraternity, Berlin, 1906 THE ANTI-SEMITIC VOTE IN WILHELMIAN GERMANY YEAR Number of a-Sem voters Share of national vote Reichstag seats won 1887 12,000 0.2% 1 1890 48,000 0.7% 5 1893 264,000 3.4% 16 1898 284,000 3.7% 13 1903 245,000 2.6% 11 1907 249,000 2.2% 22* 1912 301,000 2.5% 10* * Refers to the “Economic Union” with some non-anti-Semites. DILEMMAS OF THE WILHELMIAN ANTI-SEMITES THEORETICAL: Did the “problem” with Jews stem from their religion, “culture”, or “blood”? (Scientific studies showed that there was no discernible difference in hair color, eye color, or other visible traits between Jewish and non-Jewish Germans.) HUMANITARIAN: What level of action against Jews could be justified ethically? Should Jews who converted to Christianity or displayed outstanding patriotism (e.g., decorated combat veterans) be exempt? TACTICAL: Was there any realistic hope to “solve the Jewish problem” through electoral politics?