Name Directions: As you read pages 725 – 764, answer the

Name __________________________________________
Directions: As you read pages 725 – 764, answer the questions thoroughly.
Chapter 21: Cold War and New Nations
What 3 issues dominated the first two generations following WW II?
The Cold War: 1945-89: USA vs. USSR
What is “manifest destiny?”
What is Pax Americana?
What 2 countries did America pay special attention to and what did America do?
What was the Soviet Union’s similar mission?
What did the agreements signed at Yalta lead to?
What did the USSR impose between 1945 and 1948?
How did the Russians interpret the global political scene?
What did the USSR do in March 1948 and how did the USA deal with it?
What was the most terrifying arena of competition?
Briefly describe the Red Scare and McCarthyism.
What two things happened that shocked the United States, starting in 1957?
The Korean War, 1950-53
Where was Korea divided?
How many died by 1953 and what did the Korean War reconfirm?
How did the war affect Japan and its relationship with the US?
What was created in 1949 and who did it include?
What did the USSR establish in 1955?
The Soviet Union after Stalin: Nikita Khrushchev, 1953-64
What did Khrushchev do in 1961?
What was the gulag?
What did Khrushchev do? What happened to him?
Leonid Brezhnev, 1964-82
What was the “Brezhnev Doctrine?” Where was it applied?
Describe the events in Poland.
What happened to Walesa and other Solidarity leaders?
Describe the events in Afghanistan in 1978.
The American Military-Industrial Complex
Define proxy war. Where were many proxy wars fought?
The Cuban Missile Crisis
Describe the Bay of Pigs.
The Cold War and the Emergence of New Nations
What did Nasser do?
What did Israel, Britain, and France agree to do? How did Eisenhower react?
What did the Soviets assist them in?
Who was Patrice Lumumba?
What was the major issue that developed?
How many French settlers lived in Algeria?
Who was elected president of France and what did he do? What happened to the French in Algeria?
Mozambique, Angola, and Guinea
Describe how they were able to gain independence from Portugal.
Define non-aligned nations.
The Emergence of the Third World
Describe the first, second, and third world.
What is OPEC?
Client States and Proxy Wars
How many people died between 1945 and 1983 in proxy wars?
Latin America
Who was Augusto Cesar Sandino and what did he organize?
Who were the Sandinistas?
What did Carter do? What did Reagan do? What was the result?
What did Colonel Jocoba Arbenz do?
Who was Armas?
What is a banana republic?
What occurred on 12/31/99?
Who was Salvador Allende and what did he do?
Who was Ayatollah Ruhallah Khomeini? What did he do?
What is terrorism and how is it used?
In Pursuit of Peace
The United Nations: Growth and New Missions
What did the UN provide a home for?
What did the UN begin to dispatch and what were their missions?
On a third level, what did the UN undertake?
What did the WHO declare in 1979?
What concerns dominated the UN Conference of the Human Environment meeting in Stockholm in 1972?
Who was blamed for ecological problems?
Demographics: Health, Migration, Urbanization, and the Green Revolution
What was the world population growth from 1900 to 2000 and what were the main concerns?
Where is the fastest population growth occurring?
What also contributed to an increasing/sustained population?
What saved the world from mass starvation?
By 1990, where did most of the people in the world live?
Economic Growth
Western Europe
Summarize this section
Summarize this section
International Organization
What are the IMF, World Bank, and GATT?
NGOs and Transnationals
Summarize this section
Review Questions:
What were the reasons for the Cold War competition between the USA and the USSR?
Why did decolonization take place so quickly once the process had begun?
How did the superpowers and the new nations attempt to use one another for their own benefit? Please give examples.