RHS Weekly Lesson Plan-Allied Health Time 10 min Dates 9-15-14 9-16-14 9-17-14 9-18-14 9-19-14 Standard Monday HS-AHM-11-Perform advanced technical skills within medical office services. Medical Office Assistant Tuesday HS-AHM-11-Perform advanced technical skills within medical office services. Medical Office Assistant Thursday HS-AHM-11-Perform advanced technical skills within medical office services. Medical Office Assistant Essential Question/ Key Question What is the role of a Medical Office Assistant in the Medical Office or Hospital? Friday HS-AHM-11-Perform advanced technical skills within medical office services. Medical Office Assistant What is the role of a Medical Office Assistant in the Medical Office or Hospital? Lesson Opener Use QR #5 and write down Vocabulary/Abbreviation #5 What is the role of a Medical Office Assistant in the Medical Office or Hospital? Why is it important to have good telephone skills in the medical office? Use Quizlet to practice vocabulary/abbreviations #5 Wednesday HS-AHM-11-Perform advanced technical skills within medical office services. Medical Office Assistant What is the role of a Medical Office Assistant in the Medical Office or Hospital? Use Quizlet to practice vocabulary/abbreviations #5 Test tomorrow Use Quizlet to study for vocabulary/abbreviations #5 test Journal in My Days Lite 4 things you learned in class today. Procedures/St rategies Teacher Tellagami Presentation Continue: Use teacher tellagami creation to ask students: How do you answer the phone when it rings? Should you answer it differently in a medical office or Hospital? If so, what should you say? Student will be divided into groups and given assigned telephone techniques to read over and demonstrate using telegami-email your presentation to Mrs. Wood at: swood@polk.k12.ga.us Vocabulary/Abbreviation Test #5 Using Today’s meet-ask students to answer the following question: Is it necessary to write down a telephone message? Why? Use teacher tellagami to explain written messages. Show teacher tellagami presentations: Messages: Skills Lab-using a message pad, students will use their cell phones to call and take messages. Students will be put in pairs-one will be the patient while the other will be the Medical Assistant and take the message. Use Procedure 23:2 in Diversified Health Occupations and workbook section 23:2. Complete Using the Telephone handout-page 573-574 in workbook. Lesson Summary Using Todays Meet-Tell what is the role of a Medical Assistant in the medical office or hospital. Teacher to set up URL and post on smart board. Class will watch a quick video about medical office assistant on smart board. Inside Jobs-Medical Assisting on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNM_OpSmMyc Go to the GCIS link: http://gcis.gcic.edu/info2.aspx?FileID=Occ&FileNum=10012 5&TopicNum=0# Put in: Username=Rockmart Password= gcis386 Go to Occupations tab Pick Career Clusters Pick Health Science Pick Medical Assistant Then student will explore the medical assistant topics and answer the following questions using the My Days Lite Journal App: Common work activities, Physical Demands Skills Helpful High school courses Preparation Licensing/Certification Wages Use Todays Meet and tell what you learned about Medical Assistants Question/Answer Session to review today’s lesson Question/Answer Session to review today’s lesson Todays’Meet-Tell 3 things you learned about taking a phone call and putting someone on hold. Question/Answer session of todays lab. Assessment/ Evaluation Today Meet answers My Days Lite Journal entries Teacher monitoring-tellagami project Teacher monitoring-tellagami project Test results, Question/Answer session Monitoring skills lab Time 35 min Time 5 min Time 5 min https://tellagami.com/gami/8Q0EN5/ Presentation will ask the following: How do you answer the phone when it rings? Should you answer it differently in a medical office or Hospital? If so, what should you say? Student will be divided into groups and given assigned telephone techniques to read over and demonstrate using telegami-email your presentation to Mrs. Wood at: swood@polk.k12.ga.us What is the role of a Medical Office Assistant in the Medical Office or Hospital? https://tellagami.com/gami/4PQS0N/ Taking a message: https://tellagami.com/gami/YJGRPJ/ Problem Calls: https://tellagami.com/gami/4XHGP6/ Putting calls on hold: https://tellagami.com/gami/PTXYAY/ http://www.cteonline.org/portal/defa ult/Curriculum/Viewer/Curriculum?ref cmobjid=133041&action=2&view=view er&cmobjid=195821 Techniques will be presented to class. RHS Weekly Lesson Plan-Allied Health Materials Needed Smart Board iPad iPad, SmartBoard, Telephone techniques handout iPad, SmartBoard, Telephone techniques handout iPad, Smart Board Text Book, Workbook handout, telephones, message pad, pencil/pen