Project Charter

1301 16 Ave NW
Calgary, AB
T2M 0L4
Calgary Social Communication Map
Team Contineo
Christopher Depaz
Victoria Galan
Mark Robinson
1301 16 Ave NW
Calgary, AB
T2M 0L4
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents....................................................................... 2
Executive Summary ................................................................ 3
Project Vision ........................................................................... 4
Project Purpose ........................................................................ 4
Project Scope ............................................................................ 6
Terminology.............................................................................. 7
Project Objectives.................................................................... 7
Project Team............................................................................. 8
Project Stakeholders ............................................................... 8
Risk Assessment ...................................................................... 9
Project Schedule .................................................................... 11
Project Facilities and Resources ....................................... 12
Project Budget ........................................................................ 13
Promotion and Communication........................................ 13
Intellectual Property ............................................................. 14
1301 16 Ave NW
Calgary, AB
T2M 0L4
Executive Summary
This document will describe the goals and ideas of the Calgary social
communication map a network interface that will allow people to be better
connected with volunteer organizations, In this charter we will go over our project
in great detail. This charter will identify the problems that our project will solve as
well as the current situation of the project.
We will also go into great detail of the necessary preparation for our
website the hardware we will require as well as the software we will be
purchasing. this will include servers, peripherals and the necessary firewalls,
We will talk about all the important stakeholders to our project such as
ourselves and the volunteer organization that we will be working with. These
stakeholders will include but not be limited to our instructors Alberta Health
services domain and SAIT.
The scope of the project it to ensure that our project will not overstep our
parameters for example we will not have any RDP or VOIP services but we will
include a communication platform and security aspect.
We also have a Gantt chart that will demonstrate our timeline for the for the
project, including the start and end times for the project. This will also include
everyone role and purpose involving in the project.
In our risk assessment we go over the possible problems that we can foresee
including non-completion of the project and hardware malfunctions. We discuss
how to prevent these problems from occurring.
In the project budget we outline the the cost of both the hardware and
software and the operating costs of our project.
The website will be released to the public upon completion and will be
promoted for use by the community this will have to be verified by all users.
The intellectual property of the project has discuss and the project has been
evenly divided among the members. As well as where the final project deliverable
(a fully functioning website) will be handed over to.
1301 16 Ave NW
Calgary, AB
T2M 0L4
Project Vision
Our project’s vision is to bring a cross collaboration between domains, nonprofits, volunteers and the people they work for; that includes ease of access for
the youth, minorities and people with disabilities across Calgary. This includes the
ability to network with past, present and future social centers within Calgary. The
case for this project is a direct result and solution to recent budget cuts proposed
to non-profits, due to a lack of communication between organizations.
See: [1] for
Project Purpose
During the past three years Christopher Depaz has been working with non
profits across the city and province to bring awareness to youth related issues,
specifically those of the aboriginal community. Through working with these groups
over the past few years significant issues have been noticed and gone unaddressed.
Problems such as a low rate of attendees showing up for programs, shortage on
volunteers and multiple programs with similar goals. These problems have directly
affected positive reporting, the integrity and reputation of these organizations, and
finally the willingness for government to fund programming.
This project is a direct response to personal experience and government
reporting on the subject of non-profit programming within the city of Calgary. Due
to the negative outcomes of the current system, budgets have been cut and less and
less programs are being facilitated in the city. To keep an orderly and socially
strong community one must have structures in place to facilitate the needs of the
The reason this project means a lot to us is the fact that we can easily utilize
all of the resources that we have been taught within the past 3 semesters to create
something that will help so many users in our immediate community. This project
1301 16 Ave NW
Calgary, AB
T2M 0L4
will take the first three quarters of the fourth semester to complete, while the rest
of the time can be used polishing and adding more tools to be utilized.
Problem / Opportunity
Volunteer organizations and not for profits groups are not properly
connected around the city of Calgary. The volunteers that are working with these
organizations are not able to communicate with other volunteers that would be
working on similar projects. Individuals who might be interested in volunteering
have to do a lot of work to find an organization that they might be interested in
volunteering with. Furthermore, the organizations are dependant on volunteers to
find therm. We have found an opportunity to create a place where volunteers and
organizations can communicate and work together. Volunteers and organizations
will be able to seek each other out. This project will provide a central hub for
everyone to meet and communicate.
Project Description
The project will be a interactive website that will combat the issue of poor
communication but allowing multiple organizations to collectively and efficiently
coordinate with each other and share resources accordingly. The role of volunteer
organizations are sometimes missed because of the amount of resources and
volunteers required to complete a project The project will solve the problem this
issue by bridging these communications and providing the way for organizations to
pool resources.
Current Situation
The current situation of the project is that it is in its infancy and there are
still a lot of future features to be explored. The problem is vast and will require
months of work to see the progress being made as this will involve real time events.
1301 16 Ave NW
Calgary, AB
T2M 0L4
Key Stakeholders
Project Manager
Shared equally between group members
Alberta Health Services and Domains
Team contineo
SAIT, Alberta Health Services and Domains
Project Scope
The scope of the project is:
1. To create a user friendly website that is a professional way of all users
connecting to each other
2. To create a secure data center to store all and any data acquired through
the website
3. To solve the problem of the lack of communication between volunteer
4. To allow the website to be maintained after the project is finished
Out of Scope
Deliverables that will not be included in the project are:
1. Not including an entertainment aspect
2. Not providing a voice over IP service
3. Not be using remote desktops services to remotely edit our storage server
1301 16 Ave NW
Calgary, AB
T2M 0L4
CSCM - Our project name, Calgary Social Communication Map, has been
abbreviated to CSCM. This is because the full name is long and cumbersome, and
the abbreviation is easier to remember.
Project Objectives
 To create a reliable and convenient way for potential volunteers to
communicate with volunteer organizations and not for profits
 To securely and safely store data by using secure encryption methods
 To provide a space in which volunteers can properly utilize the resources
provided by volunteer and not for profit organizations
 To provide a platform for volunteer organizations to collaborate and share
 To provide volunteer and not for profit organizations a place to search for
potential volunteers
 To provide volunteers with a place to search for volunteer opportunities
1301 16 Ave NW
Calgary, AB
T2M 0L4
Project Team
Below is an outline of the roles and duties of each group member. It has been
divided according to each member’s skills and specialties.
Development of front facing webpages, scripting, programming,
reports and presentations
Primary responsibility for security considerations, server
hardening, primary responsibility for data protection and
encryption, networking and networking security
Hardware setup and maintenance, backup setup and maintenance,
Active Directory setup and maintenance, Microsoft Exchange setup
and maintenance, partial responsibility for security considerations,
partial responsibility for data protection and encryption
Project Stakeholders
The key stakeholders involved with the project are Victoria Galan, Mark
Robinson, Christopher Depaz, and Alberta Health Services Youth Domain. (See
above table for full description) Below is a table of additional stakeholders
involved in the project
Role or Influence
Brenda Domeij
Academic Chair of Computer Systems and Hardware
SAIT has a vested interest in seeing our project completed to
Will be supervising the completion of our project
1301 16 Ave NW
Calgary, AB
T2M 0L4
Risk Assessment
Project Risk Assessment
The project may not be completed by the
e.g. High,
Medium, Low
e.g. High,
e.g. High,
The project has been carefully scheduled to
ensure probable completion by the deadline.
The group will meet regularly to discuss the
members’ individual progress, that each
member be held accountable for any work
that has not been completed on time.
Hardware failure/loss
The backup server will be the first server to
be set up. Backups will be run twice a week,
and will be monitored for any potential
issues. Should the backup server fail, it will
be immediately re-imaged and new backups
created within 24 hours. In the event that
multiple servers should fail, a backup located
on a hard drive will be kept in a separate
1301 16 Ave NW
Calgary, AB
T2M 0L4
Poor teamwork
Should the team reach a point where we are
not working together effectively; each team
member will be required to be present for a
meeting with the instructor to discuss issues
and concerns.
Security breach
Until the website has been secured against
potential attacks, it will be hosted on a LAN.
Every server will be equipped with Antivirus
and Antimalware software, and a Firewall.
When not in use, all equipment will be locked
up. All servers will have secure passwords
known only to the group members. In the
event of an online security breach, the
servers will be immediately disconnected
from the internet, and all group members will
immediate engage in damage control. The
breach will be examined afterward, and the
servers will be hardened accordingly.
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1301 16 Ave NW
Calgary, AB
T2M 0L4
Project Schedule
This is a projection on how we for see our project going into the new
semester and how the group will be separating the work as well as how we will be
operating as a team. The Gantt chart will also clearly identify when specific
milestones are achieved and at what rate will tasks be accepted to be completed
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1301 16 Ave NW
Calgary, AB
T2M 0L4
Project Facilities and Resources
This project requires a number of resources to be completed successfully.
Hardware resources that will be required are three servers - a web server, a
backup server and a mail server - as well as peripherals. Two of these will have to
be acquired from SAIT; we had a third server donated to us by OilLift. We will
require a hard drive on which an emergency backup will be stored. This will have
to be purchased.
The project will also require a number of software resources. We will
require three instances of Windows Server 2012, Microsoft Exchange, Norton
Ghost, Microsoft Outlook, Bitlocker, Malwarebytes, ZoneAlarm and AVG. We
already have trial versions of Windows Server 2012, Microsoft Outlook and
Microsoft Exchange available. We will have to acquire a trial version of Norton
Ghost. Malwarebytes, ZoneAlarm and AVG are free software. Bitlocker is
available on Windows machines. We feel that trial versions of Ghost will be
sufficient for the duration of the project. Once the website has been released, full
versions may be purchased by the host.
This project does not require any extra facilities aside from the project
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1301 16 Ave NW
Calgary, AB
T2M 0L4
Project Budget
Equipment and Facilities
The servers we require are available from SAIT. There is only one piece of
equipment that will need to be purchased.
DRIVE $139.99
Operating Costs
There are no known operating costs associated with the project
Promotion and Communication
The plan for our project is to release it as a public website after it has been
completed. In order for the website to be successful, the general public needs to
know about it. As such, we have no issues with confidentiality. The only
confidential information involved with the project will be the database of user
information. Should a group member wish to release information about the project
to the public, we require that the group member provide written or verbal notice to
the other group members so the group as a whole is aware.
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1301 16 Ave NW
Calgary, AB
T2M 0L4
Intellectual Property
The intellectual property that will come of this project is shared equally
between all group members. As the project is a non-profit website, once it has been
completed it will be handed over to Alberta Health Services Youth Domain, and
will become their property if the whole group agreed at that time.
[1], "Report on Organizations".
We here by formally offer to proceed with the project
CSCM in which we hope to solve the problems that we have
outlined throughout this document.
We are requesting approval to continue
Victoria Galan
Mark Robinson
Christopher Depaz
Colin Chamberlain
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1301 16 Ave NW
Calgary, AB
T2M 0L4
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