English IV Ms. Hamfeldt Welcome! I’m Ms. Hamfeldt (“Ham-felt”) This is my third year at AK, and I’ve taught pretty much everything-English since 2008. I also… Am from Went to this this place: school: Am marrying this guy in April>>>>>> & will become the parent of this girl >>> Do things like: Love to listen to these guys: CATALYSTS Each day when you enter my class, you will begin working on your catalyst (warm up). Start by copying down today’s date and objective (on the left side of the board) Today you will write “8/27/12” And “Objective: Comprehend course goals, focus and procedures; get to know classmates; brainstorm outline for “This I Believe” essay” Then, write “Catalyst” and record the # on the slide. Today you will write “Catalyst #1” Then, read the questions on the slide and respond to them in your journal. When you are finished, record any new homework assignments, on the side board, in your agenda. CATALYST #1 8.27 One of Steve Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is “Begin with the end in mind.” To you, what does it mean to “begin with the end in mind”? Describe a time when you did begin with the end in mind. What was the result? OR Describe a time when you did NOT begin with the end in mind. What was the result? Why might I be asking you this question? How does this apply to English class, or school in general? So, what’s this class all about? You will use the course syllabus and items around the room to infer answers to a list of questions about this class. After you answer them on your own, you will pair up with a classmate to compare answers. Then, we will have a class discussion to review the answers and make sure that you are clear about what to expect in my class. WRITE THIS DOWN! WWW.MSHAMFELDT.CMSWIKI. WIKISPACES.NET You will be using my website all of the time this semester, including to access my syllabus tonight. Please see me after class if accessing the internet is an issue for you. CATALYST #2 8.28 What do you believe in? What are the rules, principles or ideas that you live by? What beliefs do you have in common with your family or friends? What beliefs do you NOT have in common with family or friends? Have your beliefs ever helped you to be successful in a situation? Explain. OR Have your beliefs ever caused you difficulty or conflict? Explain. Important Info and Reminders The Book Fair will be taking place again this year at the Barnes and Noble in the Arboretum; bring your yellow sheet! To start off the semester, you will need to purchase all of the class materials listed in my parent letter/on my syllabus by Thursday You may get a composition or spiral notebook for warmups. You will also need: English II: The Alchemist Mythology Sadlier Oxford Vocab Level E English IV: Beowulf (will be provided) Sadlier Oxford Vocab Level G Summer reading assignments are due Oct. 1st. Assignments are posted on my website and outside my door. “This I Believe” In order to get to know one another, we have to define ourselves. In English class especially, it is so important that we feel able to share and strengthen our opinions and beliefs. We will start doing this by writing short personal narratives. These are based off of an ongoing NPR program called “This I Believe” We’ll start off by listening to some examples… Peer Interviews Interview your partner by asking him/her all of the questions on the interview sheet. Record your partner’s answers on a separate sheet of paper. Choose 10-15 of the most interesting things that this person shared with you. Write a brief biography for this person, based on the information that you choose. Be sure to group related items together Use transitional words like “also, in addition, even though, however, then, in the past/future” to make your biography flow Be prepared to present this to the class! CATALYST #3 8.29 Please have out your syllabus and pass up your parent contact sheet! How would you define the word culture? List as many different components of culture as you can. In other words, list things that a group of people would need to have in order to have ‘culture.’ What things define our culture here in Charlotte, NC, the South and/or the United States? How is our culture different from other cultures that you have learned about or been exposed to in some way? Let’s generate a list about culture… Culture Partner-work Now that we have looked at the iceberg of culture, we are going to think a bit more deeply about what culture consists of. You and a partner will receive one item from under the iceberg to define and provide examples of as they pertain to our culture here in the United States. On the back of the notecard that you are provided, you will write your definition and examples, to create our classroom culture iceberg. We will add to this throughout the semester as we study more cultures’ works and learn about their ways and customs. Peer Presentation Bingo As each person presents, write down the most interesting thing about this person (hint: this will be what I ask about the person who is being presented) After we finish presentations, we will play bingo, and the winner will get one of the supplies needed for this class (journal, highlighter, or post-its) for free! 3-2-1 Exit Ticket On the note card that you were handed, write: 3 things that you’ve learned about English class this semester 2 things that you learned about one of your classmates 1 question that you still have about English this year Printed syllabus and returned parent contact sheet are both due tomorrow! Be sure to have all of your books and materials by Thursday! Make sure that you get a Personal Info Sheet and complete it by Wed. Aug 29th CATALYST #4 8.30 PART I: Today we will begin discussing the expectations for the Graduation Project this semester. 1-What, currently, are your concerns about the GP? 2-What do you need from me to aid you in being successful with this project? PART II: We will also be setting our class goals for the semester today. 3-What do you want to improve upon this semester in terms of your reading and writing? 4-What score will you strive for on tests and quizzes? 5-What good habits do you want to continue or form this semester? 6-What would be a good class goal for us this semester (NOT “to pass”) What is a product? A product can be manifested in many different ways However, it must: Be an extension of your topic Have potential for a broader application than just this project Be applicable to or usable by an audience other than the GP judges Be student-generated Reflect ample time and effort (15 hrs or more) Be well-documented (if experience based) Product Formats Video (4-6 minutes in length) Commercial for a product, event, or organization Public service announcement series Documentary film Write and direct a short (fictional) film Instructional or “how-to” video Product Formats Website Interactive Multimedia Format Thorough Professional Model/Design Create a scale replica model Create a functioning model Develop blueprints Product Formats Creative Representation a work of art composed song a performance a publication Educational Event/Program teach a class design a thorough program with all aspects taken into account Product Formats Volunteer/Work Experience Thoroughly documented Must be reflected upon Draft Legislation/Policy/Legal Document: Thoroughly researched In an accurate format 7 Effective Habits What does Steve Covey mean by the statement made for your habit? With your group, write a 3-sentence summary of what you read about the habit that you are assigned. Designate a reader, a writer and a speaker within your group. The reader should read the statement from Covey to the group and help the group to discuss. The writer should record what is decided as the summary. The speaker will present to the class. Be Proactive: Be responsible, not blame others, surround themselves with positive people/ conscious of environment Begin with the end in mind: Create a plan for success, consider +/- results Put First things First: Focus on what’s necessary first; always have a plan and manage your time; sometimes you need to say no Think Win-win: One person shouldn’t have all of the success; everyone should get to share the wealth Seek first to understand, then to be understood: Evaluate, probe, advise, interpret, aim to understand, not just talk about yourself Synergize: Collaborate, two heads are better than one Sharpen the Saw: Self-renewing: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, keeping yourself fresh Class Goals How will we incorporate these habits into our semester? Let’s generate several class goals that will guide us for the semester. 1- What average will we aim for on tests/quizzes? 2- What will this average mean compared to other classes? 3-What habits will we focus on for first quarter? 4- How will we strive to become better readers and writers through all of this? Are our goals SMART? Are they specific, measure, attainable, relevant and time-oriented? CATALYST #5 8.31 Pass up your drafts of your TIB essays. Remember that today I will also be collecting your journals after the warm-up for a grade. All catalysts from this week should be inside!Your name must be on your journal! Why do we tell stories? What do stories do for the people who hear them? What is one story you have known since you were very small? What was the point of this story? Why do you remember it so well? Do you think that stories need to be written down? Why or why not? CATALYST #6 9.4 Create a graphic of a family tree, going as far back in your family as possible.Your goal should be to trace back at least two generations. If this is not something that you feel you can do, create a friend tree. How are you connected to each of your friends? Use first and last name as much as possible. Be sure to include yourself in the graphic! BINDER SECTIONS Your syllabus should be placed at the very front of your binder! Revolution Tracking This is where you will keep quizzes and tests that are returned to you. This is also where you will reflect on your test/quiz performance. Handouts This is where you will keep all handouts that you print or receive in class (except for writing/EOC Prep) (Put all of last week’s handouts here, except for TIB) Class Notes This is where you will keep all notes that you take on looseleaf during class. (You need looseleaf behind this tab and should place all notes here.) Essays and Writing Feedback This is where you will keep information about essay writing. (Put all TIB materials here) Grad Project Preparation This is where you will keep notes and feedback regarding your Graduation Project progress. Video Conclusion Reminder from Friday: As we watch the remaining 10 minutes of the video on the evolution of English, be sure that you record 12 facts learned from the video. These facts can include some of the words that are noted, as long as you include what language they come from and why they were noted in the video. Annotation Workshop Hear me! We've heard of Danish heroes, ancient kings and the glory they cut for themselves, swinging mighty swords! How Shild made slaves of soldiers from every land, crowds of captives he'd beaten 5 into terror; he'd travelled to Denmark alone, an abandoned child, but changed his own fate, lived to be rich and much honored. He ruled lands on all sides: wherever the sea would take them his soldiers sailed, returned with tribute and obedience. 10 CATALYST #7 9.5 Have your answers to the reading questions on your desk to be checked. Looking back at your notes on literary devices from yesterday and referring back to Beowulf Chap. 1-12: Record at least one example of each of the following: alliteration, allusion, archetype, characterization, and foreshadowing that you have found in your reading so far. Use specific line numbers for each example you find. Explain why this is an example of the literary device and why the author might have used it in that place. Be ready to share! LITERARY DEVICES REVIEW Create a list of the following in your notes. WORK WITH YOUR GROUP TO DEFINE/GIVE EXAMPLES OF AS MANY OF THE FOLLOWING AS POSSIBLE: at ac eh im k mo pe sy th to Alliteration Archetype Epic Hero Imagery Kenning Motif Personification Symbolism Theme Tone as c f i mp pa si Allusion Characterization Foreshadowing Irony Metaphor Parallelism Simile Discussion Groups Brad, Matt, Nate Kalen, David, Brandon Kylie, Jordan, Jhany Jensen, Zhyra, D’Andre Racada, Austin Alexia, Sydney, Joey Emily, Reid, Christen ANNOTATION WORKSHOP For the chapter that you are assigned, work on annotating together with your group. Start to develop a more specific system of annotating that works for you. As you annotate with your group, complete the following: At least 5 annotations per page Passages that you have questions about or think are important (AT LEAST 3 QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS) Instances of the use of literary devices (AT LEAST 3) Class Discussion What questions or important passages did you note in your annotations yesterday? What literary devices did you notice and why might they have been important? CATALYST #8 9.6 Looking back at your notes on literary devices from Tuesday and referring back to Beowulf Chap. 13-18: Record at least one example of each of the following: Imagery, tone, parallelism, simile, motif (repeated elements) Use specific line numbers for each example you find. Explain why this is an example of the literary device and why the author might have used it in that place. Be ready to share! I would recommend reviewing what happens in these chapters as well. ;) POP QUIZ! You will receive 30 starter-points on this quiz. Each question is worth 10 points each. 1- Where does the story of Beowulf take place? 2- Why is Grendel a threat to Hrothgar’s people? 3- How does Beowulf defeat Grendel? 4- Who asks Beowulf about his race with Brecca? What does Beowulf say he had to do during the race? 5- What other heroes are told of during the trip to Grendel’s lair? 6- What happens following Beowulf’s defeat of Grendel? 7- What is Beowulf given for his defeat of Grendel? Cultural Analysis Last week, we discussed the major components of the Anglo- Saxon culture. With your group, go back and re-read what you just annotated, specifically reading for evidence of the A-S culture with regard to: Warrior honor/glorification Religion Social class/ Feudal system Record at least 2 references to each of the above cultural element(s) in your notes. Record the line number where you found the reference Generate a question for class discussion based around these passages. Characterization How are the major characters characterized in these chapters? First, let’s review characterization. It contains: W A T R D CATALYST #9 9.7 Have your answers to the reading questions on your desk to be checked. We began talking about the stories of Finn, Hermud, and Siegemund yesterday. Go back and re-read their stories now. How do the stories of these two men compare? How do their stories contrast? Who do you think Beowulf most closely resembles? Therefore, what fate do you believe Beowulf will endure? How, if at all, is this different from what you believed about Beowulf earlier? CHARACTERIZATION Include an explanation and line numbers in each box. USE TEXTUAL EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT EACH TRAIT IDENTIFIED Character BEOWULF GRENDEL HROTHGAR Appearance Attitude Words Deeds Other Characters’ Reactions Overall Analysis Journal #1 In your warm up journals, we will frequently use journal entries to record thoughts on our reading/ provide a space to individually synthesize a class discussion Answer the following for your first journal entry: Now that we have examined several key characters in Beowulf, what traits stand out to you the most? Through what forms of characterization did the writer of Beowulf create the strongest portraits of these characters? Which character do you know understand far better than before? Explain why. GP ABSTRACT REQUIREMENTS 1-2 page abstract that answers the following questions: What are you doing for your product? What is the topic of your research? What role does your product play in relation to your topic/thesis? What knowledge, information, and skills are required to create this product? GP ABSTRACT REQUIREMENTS The information in your abstract must be backed by research, with at least one citation from each resource used. You must turn in an MLA formatted works cited page with at least two new sources and your original works cited page from your 11th grade graduation project paper. Your new sources may not also be present on your works cited page from last year. WHY RESEARCH AGAIN? To be as up to date and as knowledgeable as possible on your topic New information may have been released or other events may have occurred that have changed what is known about your topic To research the skills you will need to successfully complete your product: Watching documentaries and/or their creation A course in website design Digital editing Photography and/or moviemaking Construction Sample Abstract As you read the sample abstract, answer the following: 1- What did you learn about this person’s product from her abstract? 2- How is her abstract organized? 3- What questions do you have about constructing this document? RESEARCH TERMINOLOGY DATABASE: organized and searchable collections of materials that have been filtered and evaluated by publishers, editors, authors FREE WEB: the part of a web page that is accessible by searching standard search engines. INVISIBLE WEB: also known as the deep web. This is a large area of the internet that is inaccessible to search engines. QUERY: a formal information request that is used with search tools to locate web sites that match an information need. RELEVANCE: this term refers to how closely a site matches search criteria. Some search engines use special technologies to move the most relevant sites to the top of the result list. CATALYST #10 9.11 Have out your reading questions for me to check. A foil is a character that is similar in many ways to the protagonist of the story, but serves as a contrast to an important quality in the protagonist. What character serves as a foil to Beowulf? (Excluding Finn, Hermud and Siegemund) In what ways is this character a foil to our hero? Have you seen any changes in this character so far? What are they? What happens or has happened to this character? How might this help us determine what will happen to Beowulf? Unferth We are going to add another character to our character charts: UNFERTH In your group, go back and find examples of his characterization as well Focus your findings in the sections of the text that you read for today. Seminar Preparation Based on what you discussed in your groups and the characterizations we have completed, write 5 discussion questions about Beowulf. Discussion questions should have more than one answer and generally start with “How” or “Why” Now, star your three best questions. These will serve as discussion starters for our seminar; you must have these questions ready to read to gain admission into the seminar. CATALYST #11 9.12 I know this is a day belated, but… 1- What do you remember from your experience on 9/11? 2- How has your memory of this experience changed over the course of the last 11 years? 3-Were you, or do you know of anyone, who was personally affected by the events that day? 102 Minutes that Changed America Look back at the beginning chapters of Beowulf to examine the reactions at Herot after a night of Grendel’s terror. As we watch the following clip, consider how the reactions to this event may compare with what happened to Hrothgar’s people at Herot… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnksnJW_S5c&feature =related Journal #2 Respond to (oppose or agree with) the THESIS statement: “The events and people associated with 9/11 parallel the events and characters associated with the attacks on Herot in the epic Beowulf.” Develop a one-page response citing events and your recollection of 9/11 compared with the events of Beowulf. Cite specific quotes. Fishbowl Seminar Guidelines You will need a partner to participate in this seminar. There will be two circles for this seminar, an inner and an outer circle. The inner circle will be engaged in the discussion; the outer circle will be observing and taking notes on the discussion. You and your partner will take turns participating. One of you will start in the inner circle; the other person will sit directly behind him/her in the outer circle. After the partner in the inner circle speaks twice, you will trade places. Each time that you speak will be tracked, and the quality of what you say will be noted, using the guidelines on your handout. Seminar Notes While you are in either the inside or the outside of the circle, you will be responsible for taking notes on what is said during the seminar. Your notes will be collected after the seminar and will count towards your grade. While you are inside or outside of the circle you will also be expected to find text evidence to support statements that you make about the text. If you are in the outer circle, you can pass line numbers to your partner to share in the discussion. 3-2-1 Seminar Reflection Beneath your seminar notes: List 3 novel ideas or insights you took from others in today’s seminar List 2 contributions that you made to the seminar List 1 question you still have about the book or its meaning CATALYST #12 9.13 Have your questions out for me to check. Journals will be collected tomorrow! Look back at the final section of Beowulf that you read for today. 1- Choose one passage (10-15 lines) that you found to be significant. Record the lines of this passage. 2- Analyze this passage for use of literary devices (especially kenning or caesura). Refer back to your list for help. Make a list of these devices. 3- Why is this passage important to the story of Beowulf? 4- What Anglo-Saxon ideals or themes are present in this passage? CATALYST #13 9.14 Feedback Friday! On Fridays, when you turn in your journals, I will usually ask you for feedback on how class is going so far. Answer the following questions: 1- What have you enjoyed in this class so far? Do you prefer individual, group or full class activities that we’ve done? 2- Was has been difficult or frustrating in this class? Are you confused about anything we are learning? 3- How have you been doing with the reading? Are you able to understand the reading? Why or why not? 4- Has this course challenged you academically so far? In what ways? 5-Do you have any suggestions for how we could make class better? Battle Compare/Contrast Create a triple Venn diagram to compare and contrast the three battles Beowulf undergoes throughout the story. Focus your study on the following: 1- Beowulf’s demeanor 2- The reactions of others in response to the battle 3-What influences/items allowed Beowulf to be victorious (or prevented victory) Your diagram must include at least 6 quotes (2 per battle) to prove your point. (You can draw lines to these outside of your diagram.) PRODUCT PEER CONFERENCES Questions to ask and record responses to: 1- What is your product? 2- What is the purpose of your product? 3- What audience does your product serve and how will they benefit? 4- What frustrations or concerns do you have regarding your product at this point? Record all responses from your partner and be ready to share!! Fishbowl Seminar Fishbowl seminar guidelines will be used just like last time: You will track your partner’s progress in the seminar and record reflections on your seminar sheet. Remember that ample notes and reflections on the seminar sheet can enhance your grade if you do not get to speak in the seminar as much as you like. Questions should be focused on themes, cultural influences and elements of epic poetry in the text. CATALYST #14 9.14 Read through the passage from the book Grendel that you are provided. As you read, annotate in the following ways: Mark the use of any literary devices using the abbreviations we learned at the beginning of this unit. *= significant events ?= confusing elements != shocking or surprising moments Circle= characters Box= settings Underline= key plot developments or dialogue Consider: How does this narrative voice change our impression of Grendel? Journal Entry #3 Consider Hrothgar, Grendel and Beowulf’s predecessors. Consider the narrative style seen in Beowulf vs. Grendel and how the fate of these characters is presented in each text. Do you sympathize with Grendel? Can a person ‘escape’ being ‘good’? Like Beowulf or Hrothgar? Can a person ‘escape’ being ‘evil’? Like Grendel? Support your answer using at least one quote from Beowulf and one quote from Grendel. Explain the quotes that you chose. Traits of an Epic Hero/Poem On the sheet that you are provided, you and your partner will be responsible for finding evidence that Beowulf meets or does not meet traits of an epic hero/poem. You should be ready to share this information with your classmates. Be prepared with statements as well as at least two quotes (with line numbers) per trait to prove your point to the rest of the class! CATALYST #15 9.19 Have your epic hero handout out on your desk for me to check. Generate 6 questions that you think might be on the Beowulf test tomorrow. Record the correct answer to these questions. Record at least one possible ‘easily confused’ incorrect answer to each of these questions as well. Constructing a Strong Paragraph Topic Sentence: Beowulf is not an epic hero because he does not truly pay allegiance to a king. Support 1:While Beowulf does seek to protect Hrothgar’s hall, he only does so for the sake of his own fame and glory. Evidence 1(quote!): Beowulf himself says, “He who can earn it should fight for the glory of his name” (Raffel 1387-1388). (Add further support and evidence ) Concluding Sentence: Even though Beowulf appears to be defending kings, he only wants to have his own name proclaimed across both Denmark and Geatland. Topics for Review Get back together with the groups you were in for the battle comparison. Create a poster that encompasses as much information as possible about the topic that your group is assigned. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Anglo-Saxon culture and history Literary Devices/Annotation (with examples!) Beowulf as an epic hero/ Beowulf’s battles Key ‘good’ characters in Beowulf: Hrothgar, Wealthow, Wiglaf, Unferth, Siegemund, Higlac Key ‘evil’ characters in Beowulf: Grendel, Grendel’s mother, the dragon, Hermod, Finn “Catalyst” Clear your desk except for a piece of paper and a pencil! Open-Ended: 50 pt QUIZ grade You may use your book for this portion of the test ONLY! Hand in the first portion BEFORE beginning this portion. Use the paragraph structure (topic sentence, support/evidence, support/evidence, concluding sentence) that we practiced in class to answer ONE of the following questions: CHOICE A: For which of Beowulf’s victories in battle does he deserve the most recognition? CHOICE B: Was Beowulf too concerned with earning glory? CHOICE C: Was Hrothgar fit to be a king? CHOICE D: Was Grendel’s mother’s revenge justified? CATALYST #16 9.21 Read the new excerpt from Grendel that you are provided. How does Grendel view his attacks on Herot? How does Grendel feel after his attack? How does he seem to view humans, based on this passage? What is Grendel’s reaction to the “whimpering, whining, mumbling, pleading” of the people after his attack? Look back at the passage you were given on Tuesday from Grendel. Prepare 2 fishbowl discussion questions, using the question stems on the back of your Grendel passage. An example of a Ballad Turn in your textbook to p. 200 Listen along to The Decemberists’ lead singer Colin Meloy’s rendition of this ballad. CATALYST #17 9.24 Look back at your notes from the Grendel fishbowl from Friday. In your journal, note three interesting topics that were discussed For each topic: Write your opinion on this topic Cite a quote that could support your opinion on this topic This is your preparation for your post-seminar writing. Post-Seminar Assignment Choose one question that was put forward in Friday’s seminar. Write out this question at the top of your paper. In response to the question: 1-Generate an argumentative, three-pronged thesis statement (like we did for Beowulf as an epic hero) 2- Choose one of the three reasons in your thesis statement and write a full paragraph with 3 supports and 3 pieces of evidence (like we did for Beowulf as an epic hero). HISTORY OF BALLADS Originated with the troubadours (French oral poets) These French writers challenged one another to write the greatest stories The style influenced poetry writing in other areas of Europe as well After the Battle of Hastings, ballads became popular in Britain in particular. Ballads were often written as songs, much like Beowulf QUALITIES OF BALLADS Alternating rhymes Tragic or sensational subject material Strong narrative quality (tells a story) Often includes a dialogue between characters Repetition of certain lines/events or a refrain A twist (shift in tone or a surprise ending) CATALYST #18 9.25 1-What is the biggest challenge you have ever been given? 2-Did you succeed in overcoming this challenge? Why or why not? 3-Looking back now, how would you have handled this challenge differently, if you could have? 4-Do you believe in an eye for an eye? 5-Why or why not? Provide one personal experience or real- world event that supports your belief. 6- Would your actions allow you to be held to the standard of an eye for an eye? Why or why not? Medieval Ballads Turn to p. 224 in your textbook: “Get Up and Bar the Door.” On a separate sheet of paper, answer the following question that your group is assigned: ALL GROUPS: In the form of a ‘ballad,’ provide a summary of what happens in this tale. 1-Find and provide at least 2 examples of literary devices in this poem. 2- What is the effect of the repeated dialogue and rhyme in moving the plot forward? 3- What is the “twist” in this ballad? What is the result of this turn of events? 4- What is the message behind this ballad? What does it reflect about the Middle Ages every day private life/society? CATALYST #19 9.26 Look back at Part I of SGGK. We talked a lot about characterization during Beowulf… 1- How is the green knight characterized? What makes this knight stand out when he appears at King Arthur’s court (other than the fact that he is green)? 2- Find lines to support each statement that you make. Record these lines in your journal. 3- How would you sum up his personality in one or two words? 4-Create an image of the green knight. Who is the Green Knight?? Ballads Re-cap Listen to “Ballad of Billy the Kid” by Billy Joel and “Ballad of Love and Hate” by The Avett Brothers. As you listen to each song, answer the following: 1. What is the story of the song? 2. Is the subject material tragic or sensational? 3. Is there any rhyme scheme? 4. Is there dialogue? 5. Does the singer employ repetition? 6. Is there a twist? Literary Device Tracking The green knight is so vivid in our minds partly because of the imagery used by the author. Find at least three other examples of imagery found in SGGK Parts I-II. Add to your annotations as you find each example. Keep track of where each example is, as you will need to reference it shortly. Be ready to share! CATALYST #20 9.27 Have out your Part III questions for me to check. In Part III of SGGK, Gawain is tempted by the host’s wife while the host is out on hunts. 1- Create a list of temptations that you know you should not give in to. 2- On what morals, beliefs or principles did you base your list? 3- In the past, have you resisted these temptations? Why or why not? Be specific to each temptation on your list. 4- Compare yourself with Gawain. Do you have the same ability to resist temptation that he does? Why or why not? SGGK Middle Ages/Device Tracing Fold a piece of paper in half hot-dog style. Label one column “Influence of Middle Ages” Under this column, write the lines of the examples that you found at the end of class yesterday. Write a brief description of the connection to the Middle Ages for each example. Label the other column “Literary Devices” Look back in Parts I-III and find two examples of the SAME literary device (alliteration, imagery, simile, metaphor, etc.). Record the line numbers and label each example. Be sure to annotate each example that you find in your book as well! Share! Pair up with one other person who is wearing the same color pants or shirt as you, and share your findings with him/her. Then, when I call time, pair up with someone who has the same birthday month as you, and share your findings with him/her. BE SURE TO WRITE DOWN YOUR PARTNER’S EXAMPLES!! Why do authors use literary devices? Basic reasons: Make the text more memorable Make the characters and plot more interesting/enjoyable More specific reasons: Emphasize a theme or historically relevant value in the text Stress the importance of a certain character’s development Foreshadow what will happen later in the text Journal #4— did not have time to do Construct an outline for a modern-day ballad of your own. Keep in mind the qualities of a ballad: Alternating rhymes Tragic or sensational subject material Strong narrative quality (tells a story) Often includes a dialogue between characters Repetition of certain lines/events or a refrain A twist (shift in tone or a surprise ending) CATALYST #21 9.28 Have out your Part III and Part IV questions for me to check. Feedback Friday! On Fridays, when you turn in your journals, I will usually ask you for feedback on how class is going so far. Answer the following questions: 1- What have you enjoyed in the last two weeks of class? 2- What has been difficult or frustrating in this class? Are you confused about anything we are learning? 3- How have you been doing with the reading? Are you able to understand the reading? Why or why not? 4- Has this course challenged you academically so far? In what ways? 5-Do you have any suggestions for how we could make class better? Progress Report Reflection As you receive your progress report, answer the following questions in your journal: 1- What is your current average? 2- Are there any assignments that you are missing? 3- Do you believe your grade reflects your ability in this class? Are you meeting the goal that you set for yourself? 4- What are 2 next steps that you will take to either improve your grade or maintain it? MLA CITATION REMINDERS Formatting: 1-inch margins Times New Roman, 12 pt, double-spaced Right-justified header with your last name and pg # Centered title Hamfeldt 1 Rebecca Hamfeldt Graduation Project Abstract Creating an ACL Injury Cookbook MLA CITATION REMINDERS You must have 2 new sources in your abstract. Put quotations marks around any direct quotations used. After the quote, in parentheses, put the author’s last name, if available, or the title of the article/webpage (as well as the page number on which you found the quote, if available) : Paraphrase (Hamilton 30). “_____” (“Creating Dynamic Websites”). The period for your sentence will go after the parentheses, even if you include a direct quote. See the example above. Use www.easybib.com to create your Works Cited Page!! Chart Review Look back at your charting of the Middle Ages influence and the literary devices in the text… Were any of your examples on BOTH sides of your chart? This is how we can begin to connect significance of the text to the literary devices we find in the text… Literary Device Paragraphs We will be working on writing about the significance of literary devices in texts in SGGK; attempt this process now! Frame your paragraph with the following structure: Topic Sent: Significance of the use of this literary device in SGGK overall Example 1: set-up context and quote from the text (Raffel 101103). Elaboration: explain the effect of this particular use of L.D. Transition/Example 2: set-up context and quote from the text Elaboration: explain the effect of this particular use of L.D. Concluding Sent: Comment on the overall significance of this L.D. in SGGK, perhaps suggesting another step in analysis “Catalyst” 10.1 Read the sample abstract that you are provided. At the bottom or on the reverse of the sample, evaluate how well the abstract answers each of the following questions: 1. What are you doing for your product? 2. What is the topic of your research? 3. What role does your product play in relation to your topic/thesis? 4. What knowledge, information, and skills are required to create this product? 5. What new research did you conduct to create your product? Media Center After reviewing the sample abstract, the majority of class will be spent in the media center working on Abstracts, until 12:20pm Paragraph Practice Locate one example of a strong, significant use of a literary device in SGGK. Write a paragraph in which you provide: Topic sentence: In SGGK, the author uses (Literary device) to emphasize/ demonstrate (significance of the story). Context of the quotation (where in the story does this take place?) “Quotation” (Raffel 310-313). The effect of the use of the literary device in this passage (what does the use of the device do for you as a reader?) The significance of this effect in the text overall (why is this passage, or the use of the device, in this instance important to the work as a whole?) Concluding sentence: Re-state topic sentence CATALYST #22 10.2 In Part II, when Gawain sets off on his journey, we get a detailed description of what is on his shield (just as detailed, in fact, as the description of the Green Knight in Part I!) Look back at the lines that describe his shield (p. 76-77; lines 619-665). For each component of Gawain’s shield, explain what the significance might be. Make at least 4 specific comments regarding the meaning of his shield! Consider your notes on the Middle Ages! Symbolism: Gawain’s Shield Literary Device Presentations Groups were assigned and the remainder of class today was spent preparing posters and presentations for Wednesday. Gawain’s exchange & Symbolic Mng (Or his reaction) Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Encounter w/ GK: Attack 1 Attack 2 Attack 3 GK/Host’s exchange & Symbolic Mng (How he earns the animal) Significance CATALYST #23 10.3 In Part III, the host of the castle and Gawain agree to play a game: the host will give Gawain whatever he earns each day, and Gawain will give the host whatever he earns. Essentially, they will exchange gifts. The host leaves for his hunt each day, while Gawain remains with the lady of the castle… Look back at Part III and consider the following: 1. How does the host’s hunt on the first day compare to Gawain’s encounter with the lady of the castle on the first day? 2. How does the host’s hunt on the second day compare to Gawain’s encounter with the lady of the castle on the second day? 3. How does the host’s hunt on the third day compare to Gawain’s encounter with the lady of the castle on the third day? CATALYST #24 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 10.4 In Part IV, Gawain finally meets the Green Knight, one year and one day after their original meeting in King Arthur’s court. Look back at Part IV and answer the following: What happens the first time the GK strikes at Gawain? What happens the second time the GK strikes at Gawain? What happens the third time the GK strikes at Gawain? How do each of Gawain’s reactions to the ax strikes compare to how Gawain acted each day that he was tempted by the lady of the castle? What is the final result of the GK’s ax strikes, and why do you think it ends this way? Literary Device Analysis Passages Discuss these together; have one person present each component: A: Note the use of literary devices (as many as you can find— refer to notes!) as well as the prevalent themes and motifs (including elements of culture) that are present in this passage. B: What is the effect of the literary devices on the development of themes, motifs, etc? C: How do these elements contribute to your understanding of the passage AND the greater work as a whole (significance)? (Based on a close reading of the passage you should discuss how this passage is important within the work.) ALL: Make predictions for the rest of the work as a result of the conclusions of the analysis of this passage. (Share one each.) Literary Device Analysis Passages D’Andre, Sydney (709-775a) David, Christen, Joey (813-870) Reid, Austin, Matt (1036-1078) Brad, Racada, Kelvin (1221-1286) Nate, Jhany, Kalen (1815-1869) Alexia, Emily, Brandon (1931b-1974) Jensen, Zhyra, Kylie (2238-2287) Presentations (finished 10-4) Give classmates a chance to turn to the correct page in their books before beginning: 709-775a; 813-870; 1036-1078; 1221-1286; 1931b-1974 1815-1869 2238-2287 Audience members: Find the lines that are being discussed in your text—ANNOTATE as the groups share what they found! Participate! Part of your grade will include your questions, comments or responses to each group. I will be checking these off (similar to a seminar.) Symbolic Events Discussion How do the happenings between the lady and Gawain parallel the hunters’ pursuance of what they are hunting each day? How is Gawain like each animal each day? Where do you see similarities in how each is described? How do each of the GK’s three strikes at Gawain ALSO parallel the three days of the game? Why would the author of SGGK set up the story in this way?? Journal #4 After listening to and presenting on literary devices today, generate a new literary device analysis paragraph. Remember to follow the guidelines: Topic sentence: In SGGK, the author uses (Literary device) to emphasize/ demonstrate (significance of the story). Context of the quotation (where in the story does this take place?) “Quotation” (Raffel 310-313). The effect of the use of the literary device in this passage (what does the use of the device do for you as a reader?) The significance of this effect in the text overall (why is this passage, or the use of the device, in this instance important to the work as a whole?) Concluding sentence: Re-state topic sentence Context The context in the work (where it is happening) – this can be done subtly, by including elements of context in the other pieces. What device is being treated and where the example is found (with line numbers). You should include a quotation with the specific language that contains the device. Effect The effect of the device: what does the use of this device do to deepen or enhance your understanding in this particular passage? This should be established using specific, descriptive language that clarifies how this particular example relates to and enhances the text. General statements of the purpose of a device are not sufficient. You should reflect on how the specific language used in the previous part indicates the effect. Significance The significance of the usage of this device and the passage: how does this usage help to lend importance to this passage in the broader understanding of the work? You may connect your example to the greater plot of the work, to the treatment of an important theme in the work, or to the development of an important character in the work. In addition, you may connect it to how it enhances your understanding of the time period and the culture of the people who wrote this work. However, this should only be done in addition to the preceding point. Test Procedures You have from now until lunch time to complete the multiple choice portion of the test. You can begin the short answer and essay before lunch if you have time. After lunch you will finish the remainder of the test (short answer and essay) On the essay section, please answer question #5 ONLY! This is what we have practiced all week and what you are prepared for!! When you finish, place each part of your test in the appropriate pile. Then, in your textbook, turn to p. 248 and begin reading “Le Morte d’Arthur”. As you read, create a summary by taking notes on what happened at the end of each page of your reading. CATALYST #25 10.8 In your textbook, turn to p. 608-609. Read the information about satire provided on these pages. 1- What is satire? 2- What is the goal of satire? 3- What are the traits of satire? Then, set up a chart like the following: Concept Role of the Church Chivalric Code/ Courtly Love Arthurian Legend Feudal System In SGGK: In Monty Python Trait of Satire CATALYST #26 10.9 Have out your satire charts for me to check. Consider a time when you went on a “long” journey somewhere, either alone or with family, friends, etc. Describe what the conditions of this experience were like: Were you in a car, on a plane, biking, walking? What resources did you have with you? What was the purpose of the trip? How did you feel when you began the trip? What did you do or think along the way? How did your attitude change? How did you feel when you arrived at your destination? Was it what you expected? Why or why not? Board Letters and Resumes You will need to reference p. 44 in the Grad Project Handbook (in soft copy on the website) to write your letter. Your resume can take on a variety of formats, but should contain: Your name and contact info Academic accomplishments (honors, awards, scholarships, etc) Work experience and accomplishments Significant accomplishments in extracurricular activities (sports, clubs, church, etc.) Skill sets (languages spoken, computer competencies, etc) Your resume should not exceed one page! Letters and resumes are due on October 22nd. Canterbury Tales Prologue First 18 lines in Middle English: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QE0MtENfOMU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBa5nN_JyPk Canterbury Tales Setting & Plot Let’s set the stage: Read p. 144-145 and p. 163-166 Consider: How does Chaucer create the setting, atmosphere and tone for the tales? How do you envision all of these pilgrims gathered at the Tabard Inn? What does the scene look like when they head out for Canterbury the next morning? Create visual images of these scenes as captured on these pages. In your pair, designate the following roles: Illustrator—Number each illustration! Quote locater and recorder (Quotes should correspond to numbered items on the illustration.) You will present these to one another, so make sure they are presentable and clear! CATALYST #27 10.10 Picture yourself on the journey with the pilgrims of the Canterbury Tales… In the same way that they are characterized, how would you characterize yourself on this journey? Write yourself into the General Prologue. Include your appearance, your disposition, the items you would have with you, and significant personal history. Attempt to mimic Chaucer’s style and refer back to the General Prologue to keep yourself on track. Be ready to share with a neighbor! CATALYST #28 10.11 Have out your vocabulary homework for me to check. Use 3 of your vocabulary words in a sentence each. Make sure that your sentence shows the meaning of the word clearly and uses the word as the correct part of speech. Then, choose 3 more words and, like you did earlier this week, illustrate these words in some way. Be ready to share! Remember that your quiz is tomorrow! Charting Characterization in C.T. Pilgrim Character’s Character’s Faults Physical Possessions Appearance Virtues Reflection CATALYST #29 10.15 Preview your vocab words for Unit 2. 1- Choose 3 of your words and use them into your own description of a new pilgrim on the Canterbury Tales This could be a ‘modern’ pilgrim or historical pilgrim…a member of the feudal system or Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, etc. 2- What questions do you have about the reading of Le Morte d’Arthur that you read on Friday? (We will discuss this at the end of class today/tomorrow.) Pilgrims—in order of appearance Knight Squire Yeoman Prioress/ Nun Monk Friar Merchant Man/Sergeant of law Clerk/ Cleric Franklin Cook Shipman/Skipper Physician/Doctor Wife of Bath Parson Plowman Miller Manciple Reeve Summoner Pardoner Host Guildsmen (the frat boys): Haberdasher, Dyer, Carpenter, Weaver & Carpet-maker CATALYST #30 10.16 Have out your vocab. homework for me to check! 1. Can men and women understand one another? When do men and women best understand one another? When do they least understand one another? 2. Do men and women view morals and ethics in the same way? Why or why not? 3. Can men and women fulfill the same roles in society? Are there roles that are better suited for one gender over the other? Why or why not? 4. What do women most desire? What do men most desire? Explain your response to each question. Shortened Agenda for 10/17 Review vocabulary: Synonyms and Antonyms Return Abstracts and discuss feedback Discuss WoB’s prologue WoB tale “pop” quiz Begin charting WoB tale The WoB’s Prologue Read the summary of the complete Wife of Bath’s Prologue. 1- How does the WoB treat her first three husbands? 2- What does she learn from these husbands? 3- How are the last two husbands (particularly Jenkin) different from her earlier husbands? 4- What does she learn from each of these later husbands? CATALYST #31 10.18 Before beginning his tale, the pardoner quotes a verse from the book of Timothy in the New Testament that states “Money is the root of all evil.” Do you agree with this statement? Do all sins, wrongdoings or other immoral actions begin with a desire for money? Support your opinions with examples from personal experience, the news or history. What are other influences in or aspects of our lives that can have a negative impact? Do these create evil? Does evil create them? Took quiz on Canterbury Tales: WoB and Pardoner IRONY Irony is defined in three ways: Situational—a situation in which the opposite of what is expected happens Dramatic—the audience knows what to expect, but at least one character does not Verbal—sarcasm—you say the opposite of what you mean— tone of voice Tracing Irony in the WoB’s and Pardoner’s Tales… TALE Wife of Bath’s Tale Pardoner’s Tale Chaucer’s Retraction Dramatic Irony Situational Irony Verbal Irony “Catalyst” Take a few minutes to review your vocabulary words and look over the tales. Be ready to ask me any questions about the Pardoner/ Pardoner’s Tale and/or Chaucer’s retraction. We will take the vocab quiz first.You should finish the vocab quiz before you go to lunch. When you finish the vocab. quiz, bring it to me, get a copy of the Canterbury Tales writing quiz from me, and then take out all materials that you want to use to aid you in writing. You can write on both quizzes. You will need 1-2 sheets of paper for the Canterbury Tales writing quiz. Journal #5 In many ways, Chaucer sought to mock the icons of society in his time. Now that you have read the descriptions of the characters on the pilgrimage to Canterbury, comment on Chaucer’s use of satire in these tales. In a paragraph, answer the following: How does Chaucer use exaggeration and/or irony to describe three of his pilgrims? How is using satire to mock the stereotypical societal roles of his time? Characterization Paragraphs Remember that INDIRECT characterization is defined by what characters do, say, and think, as well as how other characters react to them. Compose a characterization paragraph for one of the pilgrims. Follow the following format: Topic Sent: Write a sentence defining the pilgrim’s personality in two or three words Example 1: set-up and quote from the text Elaboration: explain the significance of this particular characterization Transition/Example 2: set-up and quote from the text Elaboration: explain the significance of this particular characterization Concluding Sent: Comment on why Chaucer may have satirized his/her character in this way Characterization Paragraphs Remember that INDIRECT characterization is defined by what characters do, say, and think, as well as how other characters react to them. Compose a characterization paragraph for the WoB. Follow the following format: Topic Sent: Write a sentence defining the WoB’s personality in two or three words Example 1: set-up and quote from the text Elaboration: explain the significance of this particular characterization Transition/Example 2: set-up and quote from the text Elaboration: explain the significance of this particular characterization Concluding Sent: Comment on why Chaucer may have created her character in this way and/or how she contributes to a theme in the tales Paragraph Peer Edit Trade your paragraph with someone near you. Answer the following about his/her writing: 1- Does the paragraph define who the WoB is and what she is like? How so and how well? 2- Does the paragraph provide quotes from the text that show (not tell) who she is? 3- Are there strong explanations of each quote that tie them back to the topic sentence? 4- Does the paragraph have a cohesive structure? Does it have strong topic and concluding sentences? Does the body of the paragraph sound coherent? Overall, it is convincing and compelling? 5-What suggestions or improvements would you provide to this person? Seminar Questions Generate 2 more questions to ask in the seminar on the WoB’s significance Consider all of the following: The WoB’s characterization in the prologues The value and contributions of the other characters on the pilgrimage, esp. as they relate to her The WoB’s tale and its lessons Chaucer’s outlook regarding relationships between women and men Chaucer’s commentary on the Middle Ages Chaucer’s commentary on medieval romance Fishbowl Seminar Guidelines You will need a partner to participate in this seminar. There will be two circles for this seminar, an inner and an outer circle. The inner circle will be engaged in the discussion; the outer circle will be observing and taking notes on the discussion. You and your partner will take turns participating. One of you will start in the inner circle; the other person will sit directly behind him/her in the outer circle. After the partner in the inner circle speaks twice, you will trade places. Each time that you speak will be tracked, and the quality of what you say will be noted, using the guidelines on your handout. Creative Project Choices Choice 1: Ballads Write a modern-day ballad that follows the formatting of a medieval ballad, like the ones we read in class. Your ballad must contain at least 12 4-line stanzas. Choice 2: Shields Create a personal shield that displays symbolic colors, symbols or images in your life, like those in SGGK. On the back of the shield, explain at least 4 of your shield’s symbolic elements. Choice 3: Canterbury Tales Write your own Canterbury Tale Choose a narrator for the tale and write his/her prologue. Then write the tale, being sure that it includes a moral! These are due on Friday November 2nd CATALYST #32 10.22 Place letters and resumes in my tray as you enter class. Open your textbook to p. where Le Morte d’Arthur begins. Begin reading or re-reading the story from where you left off on the day that I was out. As you read, record as many examples of: 1. Gawain’s characterization: personality, actions, thoughts, etc. 2. Arthur’s characterization: personality, actions, thoughts, etc. 3. If you have time, begin comparing these perceptions to what you saw in SGGK. (This will be an extended warmup: you have 20 minutes!) Discussion Groups Create and record in your notes a plot timeline with your group. Then, discuss and answer in your notes the following: How are the characters of Gawain and Arthur different in this tale than how they appeared in SGGK? Where do you see evidence of the chivalric code in this story? In what ways do you see characters taking things “too seriously” in this tale? (Think about what Monty Python made fun of in their film.) Le Morte d’Arthur Back story: Guinevere had an affair with Lancelot Gawain is insistent that Arthur must fight Lancelot for stealing Guinevere from him Arthur and Lancelot want to make peace, and L. returns Guinevere.to Arthur; Lancelot is also banished from A’s land Gawain still wants vengeance and insists that Arthur fights Lancelot on his own turf Gawain insults Lancelot’s honor, forcing L. to defend himself Lancelot almost kills Gawain, but refuses to finish him out of respect Gawain heals for three weeks and then immediately attacks L. again Lancelot nearly kills G. a second time Le Morte d’Arthur In the meantime, Modred is left to care for the castle while Arthur is away fighting Lancelot Modred betrays Arthur, taking the crown and Guinevere as his own The Bishop condemns Modred, but when Modred tries to kill him, the bishop flees and becomes a hermit Modred and Arthur now battle Gawain dies in this battle, from an opened wound he incurred from Lancelot; with his dying words, he has a letter sent to Lancelot asking for forgiveness and his aid to Arthur Arthur has multiple dreams warning him not to fight Modred and to wait for Lancelot Le Morte d’Arthur Arthur tries to delay the battle, but when one of the knights unsheathes his sword to kill a snake, the battle is on Modred is soon the only one of his men left; Arthur has Sir Lucan and Sir Bedivere Sir L and Sir B insist Arthur not fight Modred, but he does, killing Modred and fatally wounding himself. He asks Bedivere to throw Excalibur into the lake to tell him what to do Bedivere hides Excalibur and lies to Arthur Arthur is suspicious and send Bedivere back until he does as commanded Le Morte d’Arthur Once thrown in the lake, the sword is held by a hand and slashed three times back and forth Arthur takes this as a sign and asks Bedievere to set Arthur out in the lake Later, a man who is presumed to be the archbishop is seen over a grave that is presumed to be Arthur’s No one knows for sure if Arthur has actually died Review Groups Beowulf: Anglo-Saxon bkgd., Epic hero, Literary devices, Geats vs. Danes, Beowulf plot SGGK: Alliterative romance/ Middle Ages bkgd, Literary devices, SGGK plot Ballads: Ballad format/structure, How structure impacts meaning Canterbury Tales: Characters in the general prologue, Pardoner’s and Wob’s prologue, Satire Le Morte d’Arthur: Arthurian legend/chivalric code, Irony, Le Morte plot There will not be a writing section on the midterm. “CATALYST” 10.23 Spend the next twelve minutes creating a study guide sheet that you will be able to use during the midterm. This must be a study sheet that you create now, on the paper provided to you, and it must be turned in with your exam. You can include any information on this sheet that you feel is necessary. Your study guide must be completed INDIVIDUALLY! (Don’t worry; you will have enough time to complete the exam after we have these 12 minutes.) ALSO: This round of Knight Time is for YOU!! I am only taking seniors and we will be working on preparing for your GP presentations. When you are finished… Place your Scantron in one pile and your test in another on my stool/front table. MAKE SURE YOU R NAME IS ON EVERYTHING. 1. Get a progress report from me. Let me know of any outstanding grades that you need to discuss. 2. In your textbook, turn to p. 324 and begin reading “Sonnet 18.” 3. In your own words, paraphrase every four lines of the poem: lines 1-4, 5-8, 9-12. Do not paraphrase the last two lines. 4. Then, answer questions 1 and 2 at the bottom of the page. 5. Finally, look back at the last two lines of the poem: what is the speaker’s message to the person he is addressing? CATALYST #33 10.24 What comes to mind… 1- …when you think of poetry? 2- …when you think of Shakespeare? 3- …when you think of summer? 4-…when you think of beauty? 5-…when you think of eternity/timelessness? Make a list of related ideas/terms for each of the above. Be ready to share with someone! CATALYST #34 10.25 What is your philosophy regarding ‘true love’? 2. Do you believe in soul mates? Why or why not? 3. Can true love be found at first sight? Why or why not? 4. Does true love need to be tied to physical attraction? Why or why not? 5. Do you believe that opposite attract? Why or why not? 6. Is unrequited love (love that is not returned) the most passionate form of love? Why or why not? 7. Can love be expressed in words? Why or why not? Answer ALL questions in complete sentenceS! Remember, the expectation is that you are writing this ENTIRE time! Don’t put your pen down! I will be checking!! 1. CATALYST #35 10.26 Feedback Friday! It is the end of first quarter! Answer the following questions: 1-What have you enjoyed in this class during the first quarter? What activities/texts have you learned the most from? 2- How prepared have you felt for tests, quizzes or exams? 3-What has been difficult or frustrating in this class? Are you confused about anything we are learning? 4- How have you been doing with the reading? Are you able to understand the reading? Why or why not? 5-Has this course challenged you academically so far? In what ways? 6-Do you have any suggestions for how we could make class better in second quarter? Journal #4 1- How does Shakespeare use comparison differently in the sonnets to the fair youth and the sonnets to the dark mistress? 2-Why do you think Shakespeare chose to use comparison so frequently in these sonnets? In other words, what is the benefit of using comparisons toward making his point? Literature and Film Comparison First, let’s re-cap what happens in the Pardoner’s Tale: Who were the main characters and what happened to them? What was the theme of this tale? What was the irony about the relationship between the tale and the teller of the tale? A Simple Plan, a film that came out in the late 1990s, has some strong parallels with the Pardoner’s Tale As you watch, chart the plot events that compare and contrast with the Pardoner’s Tale on the chart provided Announcements Journals have been graded—the rubric is posted on the website Please see me at lunch or after school if you would like to see/discuss your final grade for first quarter The speech workshop has been pushed back one day:You will bring your speech outline/notecards to class on Thursday (instead of tomorrow) Your portfolio will be due on Monday Nov. 5th (Not on Friday) Tomorrow we will start Macbeth: be prepared for witchcraft and crafty language We should finish A Simple Plan today—be sure to take notes on the plot as you watch and be looking for the comparisons you will make btw the film and Pardoner’s Tale YOUR Sonnet Begin your sonnet with the first quatrain (4 lines) Choose to write about any topic you want! Do your best to: Use ABAB rhyme scheme Use iambic pentameter—focus on 10 syllables per line Ask a question or pose a problem CATALYST #36 10.31 HAPPY HALLOWEEN! What are your preconceptions of the following types of people/scenarios? In other words, what do you typically expect of these types of people or in these situations? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Fate Curses Magical spells Witches Nurses Nuns Pardoner’s Tale and A Simple Plan The Pardoner states in his sermon, “Money is the root of all evil.” Write a short essay in which you compare and contrast how the story and the film address this theme. Be sure to include SPECIFIC events from both the story and the film, and use your chart to provide analysis of characters and symbols used in each. Macbeth: Act 1, scene 1 Turn in your textbook to p. 350 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clG8ha2D26g Create a three- column chart in your notes: Label the columns: 1971, 2006, 2010 As you watch each scene (they are seen in order) write about how the witches are portrayed in each scene. CATALYST #36 11.1 Conduct a brief self-reflection on your speech to prepare for our workshop. What is your attention grabber? Do you feel that it is interesting/compelling? Why/ why not? Do you return to this idea in your conclusion? Explain, or explain how you could incorporate it, if you didn’t. What about your speech demonstrates that you are an expert on your topic? What specific examples/stats do you use in your speech? What sources do you cite in your speech? What research have done this year to ensure that your speech is up to date and current? How did you organize your notecards/outline? Where might you still need to incorporate more information or elaborate further? What concerns do you have about actually presenting? Speech Tips Attention Grabbers: Shocking Statistic: Today, in the United Kingdom, there are more cell phones than there are people. Anecdote: Last week, in the suburbs of Chicago, a mother, father and their infant son were killed in an accident caused by texting during driving. Rhetorical Question: How important is technology in our society today? How greatly do you rely on your cell phone? Speech Tips Signposting: This is a tool used by presenters to help the audience know what to expect later in the speech. This should be used in your introduction: Today I will be talking to you about the negative affect that cell phones have on our society. First, I will discuss how they harm, rather than help, friendships. Second, I will talk about the danger they cause on the road. Finally, I will talk about the impact of cell phones on our ability to have strong attention spans. Speech Tips Transforming written research into spoken form: 35,000 Union troops were crammed into the city of Manassas waiting for the trumpet signaling them to move forward (Ray 3). According to Delia Ray, author of Behind The Blue and Gray: A Soldier's Life in The Civil War, 35,000 Union troops were crammed into the city of Manassas waiting for the trumpet signaling them to move forward. Do not include page numbers. You may want to include the year something was published. Speech Tips Movement: During your speech, you should only move if you are moving with PURPOSE. The best time to move is when you are transitioning between points. My best suggestion (from personal experience ) would be: Intro/Bkgd info: Stay centered Begin Main Pt 1: Move 3 steps to your right Begin Main Pt. 2: Move 3 steps back to center Begin Main Pt. 3: Move 3 steps to your left Begin Conclusion: Move back to center Speech Evaluation Pairs Sydney and Kalen David and Matt Jensen and Jhany Reid and Christen D’Andre and Brandon Austin and Kylie All others, you may choose to pair up with someone else, only if it is going to be productive for your time. Otherwise, work on your outline to show me before the end of class. Speech Workshop Evaluation tools: Graduation Project Presentation Rubric: this is the rubric your board will use, familiarize yourself with it! Debate Grading Scale: this assesses you on your public speaking skills, these are things that you should pay attention to when you present. Speech Workshop Trade note cards/outlines with your assigned partner. Take one minute to tell the other person anything they might need to know about your presentation. DO NOT walk him/her through your presentation or explain your topic. Speech Workshop Without speaking with your partner, evaluate the draft using the following questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Is there an attention grabber? Does it grab your attention? What is your partner’s topic? What is your partner’s thesis? Is it simple and clear? What are your partner’s main points? How are they explained and supported? Does your partner provide sources? Which sources are used? What does your partner say about his/her product? Are the thesis and main points restated in the conclusion? What is the attention keeper? Does it lead you to continue to think about the topic? Speech Workshop Review your evaluations in pairs. First discuss one partner’s, then the other’s. Express how successful you think this outline would be in aiding a presentation. REMEMBER: you are here to help, be constructive and offer suggestions, be honest and straightforward, do not be critical or unnecessarily harsh. Speech Workshop Practice Presentations Each person will go once and have 2 minutes to present – use this to pace your presentation. Partners should take notes using the rubric provided and use the rubric to evaluate their partners. After both partners have gone, review evaluations and offer constructive criticism. It is important that you treat this as a real presentation: stand up straight, do not lean, spit out your gum, make eyecontact! CATALYST #37 11.2 Have out your vocab homework for me to check. Choose 3 of your vocabulary words and illustrate them in some way. Then, create a timeline for yourself for your completion of the grad project. Remember that you have next week, and the week after. When will you complete your product? When will you complete your speech? When will you practice speech? When will you have Ms. Hamfeldt or a parent/mentor evaluate your product? Your speech? Petrarchan (Italian) Sonnets Developed by the Italian writer Francesco Petrarch This form of sonnet typically addresses: The subject of women Often romantic poems Often exaggerate the perfection of women Petrarchan (Italian) Sonnet Form Still 14 lines Broken into 2 parts 1 octave—8 line stanza 1 sestet– 6 line stanza Usually written in iambic pentameter: ˘ / ˘ / ˘ / ˘ I will put Chaos into fourteen lines / ˘ / Petrarchan (Italian) Sonnet Form Rhyme Scheme: Octave: a b b a a b b a [introduces problem/desire] Sestet: c d e c d e [comments/provides solution] OR c d c d c d Volta: The turn or transition in line 9 which marks a shift in focus or thought Spenserian Sonnets Developed by Edmund Spenser Unlike Petrarchan and Shakespearean sonnets, Spenserian sonnets do not necessarily present a problem/solution or question/answer Each stanza develops a distinct idea that is related to that of the other stanzas The final couplet provides a commentary on the subject –this is where the volta usually occurs Spenserian Sonnet Form 14 lines Broken into 4 parts 3 quatrains—4 line stanzas 1 rhyming couplet– 2 line stanza Written in iambic pentameter: ˘ / ˘ / ˘ / ˘ / ˘ / Spenserian Sonnet Form Rhyme Scheme: More use of repeated rhyme than the other sonnet structures Quatrains with interlocking rhyme: abab bcbc cdcd Ends with a rhyming couplet: ee Sonnet Explication Groups Sonnet 90- Brad, Matt, Brandon Sonnet 292- Kalen, David Sonnet 30- Kylie, Nate Sonnet 75- Jensen, Zhyra, D’Andre Sonnet 90- Racada, Austin Sonnet 292- Joey, Sydney Sonnet 30- Alexia, Jhany Sonnet 75- Emily, Reid, Christen Bolded names= Complete steps 1 and 2 of explication process> Situation and structure Italicized names= Complete steps 3 and 4 of explication process> Literary and sound device analysis Upon the breeze she spread her golden hair That in a thousand gentle knots was turned, And the sweet light beyond all measure burned In eyes where now that radiance is rare; And in her face there seemed to come an air Of pity, true or false, that I discerned: I had love’s tinder in my breast unburned, Was it a wonder if it kindled there? She moved not like a mortal, but as though She bore an angel’s form, her words had then A sound that simple human voices lack; A heavenly spirit, a living sun Was what I saw; now, if it is not so, The wound’s not healed because the bow grows slack. Edna St. Vincent Millay I will put Chaos into fourteen lines And keep him there; and let him thence escape If he be lucky; let him twist, and ape Flood, fire, and demon --- his adroit designs Will strain to nothing in the strict confines Of this sweet order, where, in pious rape, I hold his essence and amorphous shape, Till he with Order mingles and combines. Past are the hours, the years of our duress, His arrogance, our awful servitude: I have him. He is nothing more nor less Than something simple not yet understood; I shall not even force him to confess; Or answer. I will only make him good. CATALYST #38 11.7 Answer the following: 1- Do you prefer the rural or the urban life? Are you a country or a city mouse? In which type of setting would you prefer to: 2- Live? Why? 3-Vacation? Why? 4- Find employment? Why? 5- Play your favorite sport or hobby? Why? Work on completing any remaining vocabulary activities for Unit 3. We will go over all of the vocab. activities in a few minutes. Pastoral Poetry Written as urban life was starting to emerge in greater concentrations Praise the rustic or natural life Often use a romantic tone and deal with ideas of love and seduction. Often makes use of strong natural imagery Utilize metrical patterns and rhyme schemes that make the poems seem musical. We will study Marlowe and Raleigh’s pastoral poems. Christopher Marlowe First great English playwright, most famous for Dr. Faustus. Attended Cambridge University on scholarship. Accused of atheism, espionage, counterfeit, treason, and murder. Died in a tavern brawl at the age of 29, possibly murdered for political reasons. Sir Walter Raleigh Origin of the romantic ideal/cliché of spreading a coat on the ground for a lady. A favorite of Queen Elizabeth I, but fell out of favor when he secretly married and was imprisoned along with his wife. Led several expeditions to the New World. Imprisoned and tried for treason CATALYST #39 11.8 “Fair is foul, and foul is fair Hover through the fog and filthy air” These are the opening lines of the witches in Macbeth. 1- What does fair mean? What does foul mean? Therefore, what might this paradox mean? 2- The witches speak of fog and filthy air—what does this murky setting allow you to predict about the play? What predictions can you make considering that witches are the first characters we meet? 3-What types of events are foul yet also fair? Name one personal or historical experience. What was the final outcome? Take a few minutes to look over your vocab words when you are done with the warmup. Quiz procedures Hand in the quiz on my front table when you are done and take an anticipation guide set for Macbeth from my stool. Begin working on the front of the first sheet of the anticipation guide set. Be sure to give a reason for each of your responses! Pastoral Poetry Explication Groups Passionate Shepherd: Brad, Matt, Brandon Nymph’s Reply: Kalen, David Passionate Shepherd: Kylie, Nate Nymph’s Reply: Jensen, Zhyra, D’Andre Passionate Shepherd: Racada, Austin Nymph’s Reply: Joey, Sydney Passionate Shepherd: Alexia, Jhany Nymph’s Reply: Emily, Reid, Christen Bolded names= Complete steps 1 and 2 of explication process> Situation and structure Italicized names= Complete steps 3 and 4 of explication process> Literary and sound device analysis CATALYST #40 11.9 Before we begin each act of Macbeth, you will write about a key theme or issue that will be addressed in that act. In Act I, we will examine the following statement: Murder is a crime that one can easily forget and recover from committing. Decide whether you agree or disagree with this statement. Explain in at least one paragraph why you agree or disagree with this statement. Try to provide specific examples to support your argument from the news or historical events. Pastoral Poetry Analysis In what ways are each of these poems pastorals? 2. Compare the formats of the poems. 3. Interpretation: 1. Why does the nymph reject the shepherd? How might he have persuaded her to run away with [him] and be [his] love? Evaluation: Is the nymph justified in her response? 5. Choose one of the two pastoral poems. For this poem, write an analytical thesis as we have practiced in class: 4. In _____________, Marlowe/Raleigh uses __________, ____________, and _____________ to conveys a theme of _____________________________________________. Speed-Dating Now that you have taken some time to collect your thoughts about each of these ideas, we are going to share them with one another through some ‘speed-dating.’ You will need a partner. One person will sit in a desk in the front row. The other person will stand in front of him/her. For one minute, you will discuss your response to the statement number that I call out. After one minute, the person standing will move clockwise to his/her right to talk with another person. Notes on Play Format: Line Notation: I.ii.50-53 Aside: A brief statement, said only to the audience, while a character is in conversation with another character Monologue: One person’s extended speech, stated while other characters are on stage Soliloquy: One person’s extended speech, stated while no other characters are on stage (or are thought to be on stage) Act I Anticipation Guide In your textbook, turn to p. 349. Review who the major characters are in the play. Complete the first part of the Act I anticipation guide by determining if you agree or disagree that the events listed will happen in the play CATALYST #41 11.13 On your way to work this afternoon, you pass by a mysterious woman on the sidewalk. She greets you by saying that she knows you are a student in Ms. Hamfeldt’s English class this semester. She then proceeds to tell you that you will earn a 92 on the Graduation Project presentation this week. She also tells you that, in January, your final grade for English will be two letter grades higher than what you earned in October, but you sense that some evil may be involved in this coming true. 1- Describe your initial reaction. Do you believe her? Why or why not? Will you do anything about her prediction? Why or why not? 2- Now, imagine that you get your GP score, and it is a 92. How does this make you think about her second prediction? 3- Would you change your actions in order to ensure the change in your grade? Would you sit back and ‘let it happen’? Would this work? 4- What ‘evil,’ if any, do you sense might be involved at this point? If someone prophesized my future… I would initially want to just wait for it to happen. Subconsciously, however, I’m sure that my decisions would start to be inclined toward what I would know my future would entail. For example, if I knew I was going to be moving to Asheville in a few months() I would inevitably start paying attention to things I heard about Asheville. If I told other people of my fate, they would also inevitably start telling me about opportunities there for jobs, information they knew about living there, etc. If a great opportunity came up, I would have a hard time not pursuing it, especially if it lined up with what I knew was supposed to happen! Act I Viewing/Anticipation Guide 11/13/12 As you continue watching Act I, consider your responses from your warmup and how you would react in this type of situation. Also continue to prove or disprove the predictions you made on your anticipation guide. Make sure that you are noting line numbers to support your true/false statement. CATALYST #42 11.14 Based on what you know so far, how would you describe the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth? 2. Are they a ‘typical’ couple? Why or why not? 3. What are Macbeth’s personal strengths? 4. What are Lady Macbeth’s personal strengths? 5. What do you predict will happen to each character in Act II? USE TEXT EVIDENCE (LINES FROM THE PLAY) TO SUPPORT YOUR RESPONSE TO EACH QUESTION. 1. Reminder on notation format: I.ii.30-33 Gender Roles in Macbeth Why does Lady Macbeth want spirits to ‘unsex’ her? What does this mean? How does Lady Macbeth motivate Macbeth to take action? How does this reflect her idea of masculinity? What does Lady Macbeth say that she would sacrifice to achieve their goal? How does this reflect her idea of femininity? CATALYST #43 11.15 GP Check-in:YOU tell me the answers! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What should you have with you? Where do you report first? By what time? What should you wear? What will happen first when you walk into your room? Will you find out your score right after you present? How much does the presentation weigh into your grade? What is your presentation scored on? What is your product scored on? What should you do in case technology is not working? English Renaissance Gallery Walk 11/14-15/12 Today we will be gathering notes on the English Renaissance and key factors that were at play in Shakespeare’s time. You will need a sheet of paper for this activity, and you will want to fold it into three columns. CATALYST #44 11.16 Let’s prepare to write our reflection on the Graduation Project Jot down your thoughts on the following: 1- How did it go? 2- What was your emotional reaction to presenting last night? 3- What do you feel you did very well? 4- What do you wish you had done differently? 5- VENT – Get out anything else that you want! Put all of your silly thoughts in your warm up to make room for great thoughts in your real reflection! Writing your Reflection Use the guidance provided to write your reflection on the Graduation Project Make sure that you NEATLY write so that the scorer of your portfolio will be able to read your reflection. Use the following header on the lefthand side of your paper: Name November 16, 2012 Graduation Project Reflection Table of Contents Place all of your portfolio items in the following order: 1. Product Approval Form 2. Abstract 3. Letter to the Board 4. Reflection 5. Resume Journal #6 1- Refer back to statement 10 for Act I. How has your opinion on murder’s effects shifted? Use specific events from Macbeth to support your answer. Additionally, use at least one piece of text evidence to support your answer. 2- Read statement 10 for Act II: “The ends justifies the means.” Do you believe that people should do whatever they need to in order to get the best end result? Is it ok to break the rules in order to achieve your goal? How far should someone go before he/she stops? Is it ok to speed to get somewhere on time? Is it ok to cheat in order to help someone in need? CATALYST #45 11.19 Re-read the final two scenes of Act II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What does the porter compare Macbeth’s house to? Find a line that supports your answer. What does Macduff discover in this scene? Find a line that supports your answer. How does Macbeth ‘slip’ and cast some suspicion on himself? Find a line that supports your answer. What does Lady Macbeth say to try to sound innocent and delicate? Find a line that supports your answer. What is Ross’s reaction to what has happened? Who does he think are the murderers? Find a line to support your answer. Who else appears suspicious at this point? Why? CATALYST #46 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 11.20 What is the purpose of eating meals with others, rather than alone? Who do you typically eat your meals with and why? Think about a particularly meaningful mean you’ve had— either in a positive or negative sense. What made it meaningful? Think about an awkward meal you’ve had—what made it awkward? Read the chapter that you received on your way in to class today. How can you connect what this chapter states with the sandwich scene we watched yesterday? CATALYST #47 11.26 Take a look at your vocabulary words for Unit 4. 1- Choose 3 words and illustrate them in some way. 2- Mark any words in your book that you are unsure of how to pronounce. In Act II, we talked about the importance of eating meals together when Macbeth prepared a sandwich for his hitmen. In Act III, we see another “failed” communion. 3- Looking back at Act III, scene iv, what goes wrong during this meal? Find a line that supports your answer. 4- Which characters seem to drift apart or lose their bond in this scene? Find a line that supports your answer. 5- What do you think is going to happen next? Motifs Motifs are repeated actions, items, ideas or references that occur throughout a novel or play. They are not to be confused with themes, which are the underlying, universal ideas conveyed by a novel or play. Shakespeare employs many of these motifs in Macbeth: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Sleep Blood Washing/ Water Birds Supernatural appearances Illness Nature Gender play 9. Appearance vs. reality 10. Clothing 11. Light vs. darkness Pairs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Brad, Reid Matt, Jensen Kalen, Jhany Kylie, Brandon David, Zhyra D’Andre, Joey Racada, Austin Alexia, Christen Nate, Sydney Emily, Jordan Quote Analysis Re-state your quote in your own words. 2. Explain how this quote relates to what is happening in that scene of the play. 3. Identify the motif(s) that is/are present in the quote. 4. Comment on the meaning of the use of that motif. What does it say about the character speaking? 5. FIND ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF ONE OF YOUR MOTIFS IN A QUOTE FROM ACT III! Be ready to share! You will be splitting up from your partner to do so! Have your own copy of analysis ready. 1. CATALYST #48 11.28 “Murder is a crime that one can easily forget and recover from committing.” 1- How have you seen Macbeth’s ability to deal with this issue evolve over the course of the play so far? How did this change especially in Act III and IV? 2- What is different for Macbeth about the murder of Duncan vs. the murder of Banquo? “Murder can be avenged by killing the murderer.” This is the idea that we will consider in Act IV. 3- Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Do you believe in an eye for an eye? 4- Explain your answer using at least two examples from either history, the news, other literature that you have read or through a personal connection to something. CATALYST #49 11.29 “Be bloody, bold and resolute.” As we begin Act V of Macbeth, complete your final predictions on your anticipation guide. Remember that this is a tragedy, so we know that not many characters will survive to the end. In your journal, make two lists: 1. A list of those who will survive to the ending of the play 2. A list of those who will not survive to the ending of the play (Characters still alive at this point: Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Macduff, Malcolm, Donalbain, Ross, Fleance, the witches) Justify why you believe each character will live or die. 4. Finally, in order to prepare for your vocab quiz tomorrow, use 3 of your vocab words in one sentence each. Make sure that your sentence gives context for the meaning of the word and uses the word in the correct part of speech. 3. Motif Exit Ticket Re-cap: Share with your partner how you have seen at least two motifs developed in Acts I-III. To hand in, construct a paragraph on the use of two motifs in Macbeth. Topic Sentence: Your first sentence should mention the two motifs and how they contribute to one overarching message in the play. Support:Your body of your paragraph (4-6 sentences) should include at least 2 quotes (one per motif) with explanation. Concluding sentence:Your concluding sentence should explain the importance of these motifs as they relate to the overarching message of the play. CATALYST #50 11.30 1- How has Lady Macbeth gone mad? Refer back to Act V, scene i. Cite at least two examples of her madness from the text. 2- What does Lady Macbeth’s madness demonstrate? In other words, how is her ‘madness’ symbolic? Cite at least two examples of the significance of her actions. Once you answer these questions, set up your bingo board You should use all words once Four words will be used twice Do not stack any words! When you are ready, clear your desk of everything but your bingo board. CATALYST #51 12.3 On Friday, we watched Macbeth come to his bloody end. 1. What was your reaction to the ending? Why did you feel this way? 2. Were your predictions about who would live or die accurate? Why or why not? Go back and re-read the following parts of the last act: Macbeth's "Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow" speech following Lady Macbeth's death. 3. What is Macbeth saying here? 4.Was this an appropriate reaction to his wife's death? Why or why not? Malcolm's final speech after Macduff brings him Macbeth's head 5.What is Malcolm saying here? 6.Why do you think Shakespeare ends the play with these words? 7.What do you think will happen next? No Catalyst today 12.4 You will have the first 20 minutes of class today to continue using your book, if needed, to gather quotes. Otherwise, you will receive back your notes from yesterday to use during the writing of your essay. You have the entire class period to write your essay. Please be mindful of pacing and be sure that you are reading over all of the rubric!! CATALYST #52 12.5 1984 is a dystopian novel. A dystopia is a community or society, usually fictional and set ‘in the future’, that is undesirable or frightening in some important way concerning society, environment, politics, religion, psychology, spirituality, or technology. 1. What kind of world would you find undesirable to live in? 2. What kind of world would you find frightening to live in? 3. Imagine that your dystopia has become reality. In a narrative format (storytelling), describe how you would feel living in this dystopian world. Be as descriptive and specific as possible. What do you see and hear around you? How do you interact with others? How do you feel in this world? 1984 Anticipation Guide Spend the next 10 minutes addressing each of the opinionated statements on your anticipation guide for 1984. Make sure that you explain your reasons for agreeing/ disagreeing with at least 3 of the statements by writing on the back of the sheet. We will first spend some time seeing where the opinions fall in our class by playing four corners. Then, we will discuss some of the issues that appear to be most controversial within our class. 1984: Part One, Chapter One We are going to spend some time reading Chapter 1 of 1984 so that you can start to visualize the dystopia that Winston Smith, our main character, lives in. Using the post-it notes provided, jot down any descriptions provided of the setting on each page. Be mindful of imagery: sights, sounds, smell, touches, etc. We will be creating depictions of Winston’s world using the notes you take as we read. CATALYST #53 12.6 The three slogans of “The Party” in 1984 are: WAR IS PEACE FREEDOM IS SLAVERY IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH How do you interpret each of these slogans? Re-state them in your own words. If possible, give an example of a situation in which these slogans would be true. What is ‘wrong’ with these slogans? How could they be ‘undesirable’ or ‘frightening’ for a society? Look back at your anticipation guide from yesterday. Write down the numbers of any statements that connect to one of the party slogans. Four Corners Continued Today, as I read each statement, report to the corner that matches your statement. THEN, elect a spokesperson for your group. Make sure that this person knows what to say on behalf of the group 1984 Chapter 1 During our reading of 1984, I will be providing you with some time to read in class. Spend the next 15 minutes continuing to read Chapter 1. If you finish Chapter 1, continue reading in Chapter 2 (which is due by tomorrow). As you read, continue to annotate for: Elements of setting: sights, sounds, smells, tastes, etc. Emerging themes: how do you see the party slogans being demonstrated in ‘real life’? CATALYST #54 12.7 Feedback Friday! Answer the following questions: 1-What have you enjoyed in this class in the last two weeks? 2- How well do you feel that you understood Macbeth on a scale of 1-10? Explain your answer. Did you like the play? Why or why not? 3- How well do you feel that you are understanding 1984 on a scale of 1-10? Explain your answer. Are you liking the book? Why or why not? 4-What has been difficult or frustrating in this class? Are you confused about anything we are learning? 5-What types of activities have helped you understand what you are learning? How so? 6-Do you have any suggestions for how we could make class better? 1984 POP Quiz 1- What does Winston ‘accidently’ write in his journal? A: FREEDOM IS SLAVERY B: BIG BROTHER REIGNS SUPREME C: DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER D: THERE IS NO FREEDOM 2- Who does Winston make eye contact with and suspecto f being a rebel during the Two Minutes Hate? A: Mrs. Parsons B: Julia C: O’Brien D: Emmanuel Goldstein 3- What are Mrs. Parson’s children doing when Winston arrives? A: Drawing pictures of Big Brother B: Turning Mrs. Parsons in to the Thoughtpolice C: Pretending to be thoughtpolice and traitors D: Watching the telescreen for the latest announcement 1984 POP Quiz 4- How does Winston feel in Chapter 2? A: Dead B: Very ill C: Mindless D: Enraged 5- Who does Winston do with his journal at the end of Chapter 2? A: Burns it in his fireplace B: Erases all of his entries C: Hides it under his sink D: Places dust on its edge 6- All of the following are ministries except for which one? A: Love B: Truth C:Abundance D: Peace 1984 Book Circle Groups 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Team Victory: Brad, Brandon, Zhyra, Sydney Team Telescreen: Matt, Kylie, D’Andre, Joey Team Winston: Nate, Jhany, Alexia, Emily Team Truth: Kalen, Jensen, Austin, Christen Team Newspeak: David, Jordan, Racada, Reid Today’s Task With your book circle group, create a depiction of Winston’s world You can do this in whatever form and using whatever media you want: You may want to: Draw an image Create a skit Write a rap or song Do some combination of the above Create your own original idea! You must provide at least 3 examples of text evidence as part of your presentation CATALYST #55 12.10 Please note that you will get progress reports tomorrow, as the online grading system was down for maintenance from Friday afternoon to Monday. Please have our your vocabulary homework for me to check. 1- Choose 3 of your vocab. words for this unit. Illustrate each of them in some way. 2- Re-read p. 38-39, starting with “Winston examined the four slips of paper” and ending with “to be devoured by the flames” What does Winston’s job entail? 3- What is your personal reaction to Winston’s job? 4- Go back again to your anticipation guide—what statements does this passage connect to? Record the numbers of those statements. Choose one statement and explain the connection. CATALYST #56 12.11 Please have out your vocab hwk for me to check! Lunch is at 11:41; Class ends today at 12:48 Read p. 50-52, the passage beginning with Winston asking “How is the dictionary getting on?” and ending with “vocabulary that gets smaller every year.” 1- According to Syme, what is the goal of Newspeak? 2- Why does Syme believe that Newspeak is such a great idea? 3- Why does Syme say there is no use for a word like ‘bad’? Do you agree or disagree with his reasoning? 4- Syme says that Oldspeak has words with “useless shades of meaning.” What vocab word for this week means “shades of meaning”? Do you agree or disagree that a variety of words is useless? 5- Can you compare Newspeak to anything in our current society? CATALYST #57 12.12 Use your warmup time today to do the following: Set up your bingo board for vocab bingo Review what happened in Chapters 5-7 of 1984 1984 POP Quiz 1- What is the name of the new language being created by the Party? A: Newthink B: Newspeak C: Oldspeak D: Freewrite 2- Who does Winston think is following him in Chapter 5? A: Mrs. Parsons B: Mr Parsons C: Syme D: The dark-haired girl 3- According to the Party, what is the only purpose of marriage? A: To have sex B: To honor the Party C: To have children D: To talk less to others 1984 POP Quiz 4- Who does Winston daydream and write his relationship with in Chapter 5? A: His wife B: His mother C: His brother D: His cousin 5- If anyone, Winston has hope in what group of people? A: Anti-Sex League B: The Ministry of Love C: His co-workers D: The Proles 6- What does Winston keep scratching in Chapter 7, as he thinks about rebellion?? A: His head B: His ulcer C: His elbow D: His knee No Catalyst (right now) Spend the next few minutes looking over your vocab words. Remember: Our goal is an average of 88% Last time we hit 84% We just needs 4 points! AND, whichever of my classes gets the highest average on this quiz, everyone will get an extra point on their quiz score! CATALYST #58 12.13 Complete the following after you hand in your quiz: So far, what do you believe is the major message (or theme) that Orwell is trying to send to his readers through 1984? (You may want use your anticipation guide to help you with writing a statement.) Your response should be in paragraph format. To help you answer this question, answer these questions in your response: Based on your research in the media center, what motivated Orwell to write this book? What is Orwell trying to warn us of/about specifically? According to his book, what makes a society unpleasant or frightening? How might you now act or think differently after reading the first few chapters of this book? Orwell Gallery Walk As you make your way around the room, add any facts or figures to your own notes that you gain from the other posters. Next Monday, you will take a quiz on George Orwell, based off of what is on these posters—anything on a poster is fair game for a question! 1984 Themes Let’s discuss what you wrote for your warm up. As we do so, add to your own notes as you learn from other people’s insights. Try to come to a final conclusion about what you believe the book is truly about—what is the central insight about life that Orwell is trying to provide. CATALYST #59 12.14 Re-read p. 94-96 starting with “The tiny interior of the shop” to “accepted three or even two” After reading the passage, answer the following: 1- What is this passage about? 2- Make note of any literary devices that are present in this passage. Why are they used? 3- Why do you think dust is mentioned in this passage? 4- Explain what the paperweight looks like. 5- What might be the importance of this paperweight? 6- What do you learn about Winston in this passage? (Think about his reaction to the paperweight.) Passage pg #’s and Summary Central theme (message) Literary Devices (Imagery, revealed in this passage, with metaphor, stream of text evidence consciousness writing, etc.) Symbols/Motifs (repeated elements present) Insight about Winston’s character Overall Reflection on the passage’s importance With your team… You will be analyzing a particular passage from 1984 Consider the passage that we analyzed just now. The level of analysis we did for the passage together is the same level of analysis that I expect to see in your groups Use our example to guide your analysis; ask me questions if you are unsure that your analysis has enough depth 1984 Book Circle Groups Bold= Theme; Italics= Literary Devices; Underlined= Symbols; Plain text= Insight about Winston Team Victory: Brad, Brandon, Zhyra, Sydney p.67-69: “Winston sighed” to the End of the chapter Team Telescreen: Matt, Kylie, D’Andre, Joey p. 73-75: “How could you tell” “As a top hat” Team Winston: Nate, Jhany, Alexia, Emily p.81-83: Beginning of chapter to “as he approached” Team Truth: Kalen, Jensen, Austin, Christen p. 86-87 “He paused” to “watching the scene” Team Newspeak: David, Jordan, Racada, Reid P. 103-104 “He opened the diary” to End of the chapter CATALYST #60 12.17 Re-read p. 108-110 in Part Two, Chapter 1, starting with “On it was written” and ending with “instruments on a table”. 1. What is Winston’s emotional reaction to the note that he receives from the dark-haired girl? 2. What does he want to do as a result of the note? 3. What does this passage teach you about Winston’s character? How is his reaction to her different from reactions he’s had to other people and what does this reflect about his character? 4. What is Orwell’s specific message to his readers, based on this passage? Review your notes on George Orwell when you are done! CATALYST #61 12.18 Re-read p. 150-151 starting with “Four, five, six” and ending with “of any one rhyme” 1- What is the message being sent to the readers in this scene? 2- What motif is present in this scene and how has its meaning developed by this point in the novel? 3- What other literary devices do you see Orwell employing in this scene? 4- What insight do you gain about Winston in this scene? 5- Write a thesis statement (like we have been practicing) for this scene. Read over Ch. 1-4 when you are done! 1984 POP Quiz 1- What does the dark-haired girl write in her note to Winston? A: Down with Big Brother B: I hate the Party C: I love you D: Meet me tonight at 7 2- What is a major difference between Winston and Julia? A: She is more afraid of rebelling than he is B: She loves writing in her diary more than he does C: She is better at finding out things than he is D: She has never been with a man; but he has been with a woman 3- What ‘political act’ do Winston and Julia perform? A: Having sex B:Vandalizing the Big Brother signs C: Creating a plan for rebellion D: Having a forbidden kiss 1984 POP Quiz 4- Where was Julia asked to work because she was considered so pure by the Party? A: Ministry of Truth B: Newspeak Central C: Ministry of Love D: Pornosec 5-Why did Winston not get along very well with Katharine? A: She was too focused on rebellion B: She was always so nervous about being watched C: She made him uncomfortable with her sexual advances D:She was too loyal to the Party 6- What is Winston absolutely terrified of? A: Cockroaches B: Rottweilers C: German shepherds D: Rats 1984 Theme Paragraphs We have practiced writing thesis statements throughout this quarter that incorporate a message of a text and the author’s tools used to convey that message. Now let’s develop one of the paragraphs that could be composed based on this type of thesis statement. Topic Sent: Re-state message and specific tool (metaphor, symbolism, imagery, motif, etc.) Orwell used to convey this message Example 1: Set-up context for quote Provide quote from the text (Orwell 101-103). Elaboration: Explain the effect of this particular example Transition/Example 2: set-up context and quote from the text Elaboration: Explain the effect of this particular example Concluding Sent: Comment on the overall significance of Orwell’s use of this tool CATALYST #62 12.19 Read (or re-read) Chapter 6 Of Part Two, when Winston meets up with O’Brien and discusses Newspeak. 1- Summarize this chapter in your own words. 2- Describe O’Brien in a few words—use as many descriptive adjectives as possible. 3- What do you predict will happen when Winston goes to O’Brien’s home? 4-What does the telescreen symbolize in this scene? Explain. 5- What does the grave symbolize in this scene? Explain. Paragraph Peer Edit Trade your paragraph with someone near you. Answer the following IN COMPLETE SENTENCES about his/her writing on a separate sheet to be turned in: 1- Does the paragraph have a strong topic sentence? Explain how it does (or does not) state a main point and/or connect to the thesis. 2- Does the paragraph provide context for each quote provided? How so and how well? 3- Are there at least 2 quotes in the paragraph? Are they cited correctly? 3- Is there elaboration on each example that connects it to the thesis? Does it explain why the author used this device in this particular quote and what purpose it served? 5- Does the paragraph have a cohesive structure? Does the body of the paragraph sound coherent? Overall, it is convincing and compelling? 6- Does the paragraph have a strong concluding sentence? Explain how it does (or does not) summarize a main point and/or connect to the thesis. CATALYST #63 12.20 Spend the next few minutes reading over the remainder of Part Two before we take our quiz! Remember that you are to finish reading 1984 by Monday January 7th. 1984 POP Quiz 1- How does O’Brien get Winston’s attention in Chapter 6? A: Winks at him B: Drops something on the floor for him to pick up C: Coughs softly D: Uses the party signal 2- What did Winston do as a child? A: Murder his mother B: Steal chocolate and run away from his family C: Pretend to be a member of the Thoughtpolice D: Drink Victory Gin before he was supposed to 3- What does O’Brien do that shocks Winston? A: Turns off the telescreen B:Rips up the Newspeak dictionary C: Tells him how he vaporized Syme D: Commits thoughtcrime 1984 POP Quiz 4- What does Winston read in Chapter 9? A: A goodbye letter from Julia B: A journal entry from his childhood C: The book that O’Brien gave him D: A dusty note from a Prole 5- How have Julia and Winston been watched while at Mr. Charrington’s? A: Through a telescreen behind a painting B: By the rats that carried secret spying equipment C: By proles that were secretly in the Ministry of Plenty D: By a telescreen in Charrington’s register 6- What becomes of Winston and Julia at the end of Part II? A: Winston lives but Julia is killed B:They are attacked by thoughtpolice troops C: They are tortured mentally D:They are attacked by rats Four Corners Now that we are about halfway through the novel, we are going to look back at our anticipation guide statements. This time, you must agree or disagree with each statement based SOLELY on the book itself. Do you see these statements being TRUE or FALSE in the novel. You will receive a check for each time you participate. You will receive THREE checks for each time you quote from the book. With your team… In Part One, I selected passages for your team Now…. Select a 2-3 page passage from Part Two that you want to analyze as a group. Make sure that your passage is one that includes use of literary devices, including symbolism and motif. Make sure that there is a theme behind the passage and that readers learn something new about Winston in this passage. Then, divide up your tasks: Theme Literary Devices Symbolism/Motif Insight about Winston (characterization) CATALYST #64 1.2.13 Welcome back! To you, what does it mean to ‘seize the day’? 2. What is the best way to live in the moment? (Think back to what you would have most wanted to do had the world ended on 12.21) 3. Choose one of the following terms: love, war or honor 1. Define this term in your own words Give an example of what this term “looks like” in real life, a movie or book, or in a historical event Reminder: Last day to turn in late work is Mon. January 7th Progress reports will be given at the end of class Poetry Mini-Unit We will spend the first half of class on the following, over the next week or so: Cavalier Poetry Metaphysical Poetry Sonnets: Spenserian in particular Cavalier Poetry Known for use of the themes of love, war, honor, and courtly behavior. Often referred to as Carpe Diem (meaning 'seize the day') Poetry because the poems often advocated the philosophy of living for the moment. Referred to themselves as the “sons of Ben” or the “tribe of Ben” in homage to Ben Jonson, whom they considered to be their literary father. Cavalier Poetry A form of Lyric poetry: Subjective, reflective poetry Regular rhyme scheme and meter Reveals the poet’s thoughts and feelings to create a single, unique impression. Cavalier Poetry Contains an abundance of figurative language Hyperbole, metaphor, simile, and personification Use of sound devices Alliteration, assonance, rhyming, meter, repetition, etc. These are great for poetry explication! CATALYST #65 1.3.13 Yesterday, we began reading “To Virgins, to make much of time” and we explicated for situation and structure Now, in your journals, complete your explication by doing the following: 1- What literary devices do you notice in this poem? List each and provide an example 2- What sound devices do you notice in this poem? Mark the rhyme scheme on the poem first. Then, note what type of rhyme you see, as well as any use of alliteration, assonance, etc. in your journal. 3- Write a thesis statement for this poem that contains the message of the poem as well as three tools Herrick uses to convey this message. Poetry Explication Analyze “To His Coy Mistress” with your team. Follow your explication steps: Analyze the situation Analyze the structure Analyze the literary devices and language Analyze the sound devices Conclude your analysis of this poem by writing a thesis statement (as we have been practicing) for the poem that contains the message of the poem and tools used to convey the message. Writing tip: In this case you can group devices into categories in your thesis For example: Use sound devices (rather than separately writing about rhyme and alliteration) Paragraph Structure Topic Sent: Re-state message of the poem and specific tool (metaphor, symbolism, personification, sound devices, etc.) Marvell used to convey this message Example 1: Set-up context for quote Provide quote from the text (Marvell 10-13). Elaboration: Explain the effect of this particular example Transition/Example 2: set-up context and quote from the text Elaboration: Explain the effect of this particular example Concluding Sent: Comment on the overall significance of Marvell’s use of this tool CATALYST #66 1.4.13 Today we will be talking about one of the famous metaphysical poets, John Donne. Write: Notes on metaphysical poets and Donne In your green textbook, turn to p. 514-515. Read the information there about the metaphysical poets and the traits of metaphysical poets. In your NOTES (not your journal), record at least 7 facts that you learn about these poets an their poetry from this reading. Then, turn to p. 516 and read about John Donne. In your NOTES (not your journal), Record at least 5 facts that you learn about Donne from this reading. **This is great note taking skill practice for college!! Metaphysical Poetry Metaphysical Poetry is primarily devotional and often mystical in content, even though it frequently deals with ideas of physical love and relationships. A style of lyric poetry. Characterized by abstract thinking. Experiments with language – which sometimes makes it difficult to understand. Metaphysical Poetry Traits of Metaphysical Poetry Simple, conversational vocabulary, but complex sentence structure. Metaphysical conceits: a type of extended metaphor comparing very dissimilar things. Paradoxes: statements that seem to contradict themselves. Disruptions of poetic meter, or intentionally created “roughness” or unevenness. Witty and imaginative plays on words. Metaphysical Poets John Donne Born Roman Catholic Became a popular Anglican priest Studied at Oxford and Cambridge Universities, but never received a degree (due to Catholic bkgd) Secretly married for love, and because his wife was the young daughter of his boss, he lost his job and became poor. Like many metaphysical poets, focuses on ideas of love, death, religion SAMPLE FINAL POSTER: Group Names 1984 Final Group Project Group Theme Statement: (for ex: Fear can cause the loss of the individual.) Passage #1: Passage #2: Passage #3: Passage #14: Pg #’s: 213-215 Pg #’s: 250-252 Pg #’s: 278-281 Pg #’s: 301-303 Thesis: In Part III, Chapter One, Thesis: Thesis: Thesis: Orwell shows that fear can cause the loss of the individual through the use of stream of consciousness writing, symbolism and characterization. Two supporting paragraphs Two supporting paragraphs Response to reflection question A Response to reflection question B Two supporting paragraphs Two supporting paragraphs Exit Ticket Before leaving today, each team must provide me with the following (one sheet of paper per group): A theme statement for your group The four passages that your group has selected (chapters and page #’s) Who will be analyzing what passage List of at least 4 devices (one per person) that will be analyzed in the passages)