English IV Fall Semester Review

English 4 Semester 1 Final Exam Review 2010
1. Find an example of alliterative verse in Beowulf:
2. Define kenning and give one example.
3. What is Beowulf’s trophy for fighting with Grendel?
4. Provide text evidence in Beowulf for the following Anglo-Saxon characteristics:
a. courage in battle—
b. pagan belief—
c. generosity—
d. physical prowess-5. Define foreshadowing and give an example from Beowulf.
6. One of the reasons Beowulf goes to Denmark is to help the helpless. Provide text
evidence to support his motivation:
7. Define the following literary devices:
8. Define tone:
The Canterbury Tales
9. Describe the characters presented in The Prologue of Chaucer’s tales.
10. In order to win the contest proposed by the host, what must the winning pilgrim do?
11. What was Chaucer’s attitude towards the clergy?
12. Define the following literary terms:
heroic couplets—
blank verse—
slant rhyme—
frame story—
poetic narrative—
13. Describe the following pilgrims using text evidence:
a. Friar—
b. Knight—
c. Wife of Bath—
d. Miller—
14. Summarize The Pardoner’s Tale:
15. Define the following:
16. What is the moral best illustrated by The Pardoner’s Tale?
17. Describe Macbeth at the beginning of the play.
18. At the beginning of the play, how does King Duncan think of Macbeth?
19. When Duncan visits Macbeth’s castle, he states that it is a “pleasant seat.” Considering
the events to come, this phrase is an example of what literary device?
20. Using text evidence, cite three reasons Macbeth is reluctant to murder King Duncan.
21. Explain/paraphrase the following quotes:
1. “Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep!”
2. “Upon my head they placed a fruitless crown,/ And put a barren scepter in my gripe,”
3. “laugh to scorn/ The power of man, for none of woman born/ Shall harm Macbeth”
22. What is the significance of the eight kings in Act IV?
23. How does Macduff fulfill the witches’ prophecy (“the power of man, for none of woman
born/ Shall harm Macbeth”)?
24. Provide an example of correct MLA format for citing a book in a Works Cited.
25. Provide an example of correct MLA format for documenting a source in the text of a
research paper.
26. Define the following:
Works Cited—
27. Define the following terms for a better understanding of the multiple choice and reading
a. author’s purpose—
b. personification—
c. comic relief—
d. parallel structure—
e. syntax—
f. peripeteia—
g. dramatic irony—
h. concrete detail—
i. oxymoron—
j. simile—
k. point of view—
l. attitude—
m. kenning—
28. Define the following words for a better understanding of the multiple choice and reading
a. prowess—
b. bloodlust—
c. cynical—
d. apathy—
e. chauvinism—
f. prophesy—
g. scepter—
h. apparition—
i. resigned—
j. taunting—
k. portly—
l. simpleton—
m. innovative—
n. ominous—
o frenzied—
p. nostalgic—
q. ritualistic—
r. publican—
s. enterprise—
t. aura—
u. detachment—
v. lofty—
w. personage—
x. infatuation—
y. depersonalize—
z. enhance—
aa. anecdote—
bb. embarkation—