Unit 6 Chapter 8, Section 3 The Cabinet Mr. Young American Government I CAN: 1. 2. 3. Explain how the President selects his Cabinet Analyze the roles the cabinet plays within the Bureaucracy Evaluate factors limiting the Cabinet’s role Essential Question What is the purpose of the Presidential Cabinet? How has the cabinet changed over the years? Cabinet Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x xSvi6JCCfk Obama’s Cabinet Cabinet General term for the advisers around any head of state 15 secretaries, Vice-President, and other top officials More than advisers; also administrators of bureaucracies Question The cabinet has changed dramatically since Washington was first President. Why do you think this has happened? Answer: The nation has grown and so has its needs Selection of Cabinet Needs to balance political, social, and management considerations Secretaries need to have experience Appointments need to be accepted by all Geographic balance such as race and gender Patronage and party loyalty is important Role of Cabinet As Individuals, responsible for head of their executive department As Group, serve as an advisory board Depends on what each president wants from their cabinet Influence of Cabinet Secretary of State, defense, treasury, and attorney general make up “inner circle” Will leak (deliberately disclose) some candidates to get reaction from Congress and public Question Why do you think that the former 4 cabinet secretaries make up the “inner circle” of the Presidential cabinet? Answer: Deal with all the major concerns the President will face Cabinet Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7 Cda-u8acz8&feature=fvst Essential Question What is the purpose of the Presidential Cabinet? How has the cabinet changed over the years?