12.2 Formal commands 12. 2 Formal Commands ANTE TODO As you learned in Lección 11, the command forms are used to give orders or advice. Formal commands are used with people you address as usted or ustedes. Most Spanish speakers use ustedes commands for the plural command, whether they are being formal or not. 12.2 Formal commands Observe the following examples, then study the chart on the next slide. Hable con ellos, don Francisco. (hablar) Talk with them, Don Francisco. Laven los platos ahora mismo. (lavar) Wash the dishes right now. Coma frutas y verduras. (comer) Eat fruits and vegetables. Beban menos té y café. (beber) Drink less tea and coffee. 12.2 Formal commands Infinitive Present tense yo form limpiar barrer sacudir decir (e:i) pensar (e:ie) volver (o:ue) servir (e:i) limpio barro sacudo digo pienso vuelvo sirvo Ud. command Uds. command limpie barra sacuda diga piense vuelva sirva limpien barran sacudan digan piensen vuelvan sirvan 12.2 Formal commands The Ud. and Uds. commands, like the negative tú commands, are formed by dropping the final –o of the yo form of the present tense. For –ar verbs, add –e or –en. For –er and –ir verbs, add –a or –an. 12.2 Formal commands Verbs with irregular yo forms maintain the same irregularity in their formal commands. These verbs include conducir, conocer, decir, hacer, ofrecer, oír, poner, salir, tener, traducir, traer, venir, and ver. Oiga, don Francisco… Listen, Don Francisco… Ponga la mesa, por favor. Set the table, please. ¡Salga inmediatamente! Leave immediately! Hagan la cama antes de salir. Make the bed before leaving. 12.2 Formal commands Note also that stem-changing verbs maintain their stemchanges in Ud. and Uds. commands. e:ie No pierda la llave. Cierren la puerta. o:ue Vuelva temprano, joven. Duerman bien, chicos. e:i Sirva la sopa, por favor. Repitan las frases. 12.2 Formal commands Verbs ending in -car, -gar, and -zar have a spelling change in the command forms. sacar c qu saque, saquen jugar g gu juegue, jueguen almorzar z c almuerce, almuercen 12.2 Formal commands The following verbs have irregular formal commands. Infinitive Ud. command Uds. command dar estar ir saber ser dé esté vaya sepa sea den estén vayan sepan sean 12.2 Formal commands To make a formal command negative, simply place no before the verb. No ponga las maletas en la cama. Don’t put the suitcases on the bed. No ensucien los sillones. Don’t dirty the armchairs. 12.2 Formal commands In affirmative commands, reflexive, indirect and direct object pronouns are always attached to the end of the verb. Siéntense, por favor. Acuéstense ahora. Sígame, Laura. Pónganlas en el suelo, por favor. 12.2 Formal commands In negative commands, these pronouns always precede the verb. No se preocupe. No los ensucien. No me lo dé. No nos las traigan. 12.2 Formal commands Ud. and Uds. can be used with the command forms to strike a more formal tone. In such instances they follow the command form. Muéstrele usted la foto a su amigo. Show the photo to your friend. Tomen ustedes esta alcoba. Take this bedroom. 12.2 Formal commands ¡ATENCIÓN! When a pronoun is attached to an affirmative command that has two or more syllables, an accent mark is added to maintain the original stress: limpie lean diga sacudan límpielo léanlo dígamelo sacúdanlos 12.2 Formal commands ¡INTÉNTALO! Indica cuáles son los mandatos afirmativos y negativos correspondientes. Afirmativo 1. escucharlo (Ud.) 2. decírmelo (Uds.) 3. salir (Ud.) 4. servírnoslo (Uds.) 5. barrerla (Ud.) 6. hacerlo (Ud.) 7. ir (Uds.) 8. sentarse (Uds.) _________. _________. _________. _________. _________. _________. _________. _________. Negativo _________. _________. _________. _________. _________. _________. _________. _________.