La Gramática: Indirect object pronouns

Hoy es el 27 de mayo.
Es martes.
La pregunta:
Contesten en oraciones completas.
 ¿Qué cosas reciclas en casa?
 ¿Qué puede hacer la gente para tener un
barrio más limpio?
 Escribe dos recomendaciones sobre cómo
debemos ayudar a los demás.
La tarea
Libro de ejercicio p. 153
ESTUDIAR –Examen de 8B (el 3 de junio)
La meta: Students will be focus on the use of indirect object
El plan de hoy
La gramática – Indirect object pronouns
La GramActiva
La hoja de apuntes
La tarea
Libro de ejercicio p. 153
ESTUDIAR –Examen de 8B (el 3 de junio)
La Gramática:
Indirect object pronouns
¡Lean la información en la
caja azul en la p. 410
La discutimos
La Gramática:
Indirect object pronouns
¡Miramos la GramActiva!
La Gramática:
el presente del verbo “decir”
Completen la hoja de
apuntes de los “IOPs”
La discutimos
La Gramática:
Indirect object pronouns
El libro de texto: Complete this section of notes based on what you read
in the blue grammar box on pg. 410 of the textbook.
An ___________
To whom
____________ or
For whom
an action is performed.
Indirect object pronouns are used to replace
an indirect object noun.
La Gramática:
Indirect object pronouns
Fill in the chart below with the Spanish IOPs next to the English
(to/for) me
(to/for) you
(to/for) you
(to/for) him, her;
you (formal)
(to/for) them;
you (formal)
(to/for) us
La Gramática:
Indirect object pronouns
In the sentences below, UNDERLINE the verb and CIRCLE
the indirect object (to whom or for whom the verb is
I give money to them.
I’ll bring you the glass and the cans.
Will you please recycle these bottles for us?
La Gramática:
Indirect object pronouns
The indirect object pronoun comes right
the conjugated verb.
When an infinitive follows the conjugated
verb, the IOP can be placed in one of two
• Attached to the infinitive
• Placed before the conjugated verb
La Gramática:
Indirect object pronouns
Now, based on what you know about placement of IOPs, replace the indirect
object noun from the English sentence on the left with the appropriate IOP in
the Spanish translation of the sentence on the right.
I give money to them.
Les doy dinero.
I’ll bring you the glass and the cans.
llevo el vidrio y las latas.
Will you please recycle these bottles for us? /
Nos reciclas estas botellas, por favor?
¿ _____
La Gramática:
Indirect object pronouns
How can you show emphasis or make the
meaning clear when you are using the IOPs le
and les, since these IOPs have multiple
• By adding a + the corresponding name, noun
or pronoun
Por ejemplo: Les damos lecciones a los niños.
La Gramática:
Indirect object pronouns
El video: Complete this section of notes based on what you saw in the video.
1.) Match the parts of speech in the top box with the
sentence in the bottom box by drawing a line.
Direct object / Indirect Object / Verb / Subject
I give a newspaper to Mr. Newman.
La Gramática:
Indirect object pronouns
2.) In the sentence in the box above, what IOP can you
use to replace the indirect object “ Mr. Newman”?
I give _________
a newspaper.
3.) Where is the IOP normally placed in Spanish?
• Before the conjugated verb
• Attached to the infinitive
4.) Translate this sentence  I give him a newspaper.
• Le doy un periódico.
La Gramática:
Indirect object pronouns
5.) ¡PRUEBA! – Rewrite the sentence by filling in the correct
indirect object pronoun.
1.)Luis da la manzana a Amy. (Luis gives the apple to Amy.)
le da la manzana. (Luis gives her the apple.)
• Luis _____
2.) Damos un coche a nuestros padres. (We give a car to our
Les damos un coche. (We give them a car)
• _____
La Gramática:
Indirect object pronouns
Traducciones – Parte I: Fill in the correct IOP and translate the phrase.
*Notice that “a___” explains to whom or for whom the verb is being
1.) Yo _________
compro globos de muchos colores a mis
• I buy them balloons of many colors, my little siblings.
2.) Rosario _________
va a dar una corbata a su padre.
• Rosario is going to give him a tie, her father.
3.) Mis hermanos y yo _________
preparamos el desayuno a nuestra
• My siblings and I prepare her breakfast, our grandma.
4.) Mis padres siempre _________
dan un regalo a mí.
• My parents always give me a gift, me.
5.) Nuestros primos _________
traen unos dulces sabrosos a
• Our cousins bring us some tasty sweets, us.
La Gramática:
Indirect object pronouns
Traducciones – Parte II: Write each phrase in Spanish using a verb and an
IOP. Also, add emphasis by adding a + the corresponding name, noun or
6.) Juan buys me a gift.
• Juan me compra un regalo a mí.
7.) I bring Maria the boxes and cardboard.
• Yo le traigo las cajas y el cartón a María.
8.) They write us a letter (una carta).
• Ellos nos escriban una carta a nosotros.
9.) Steven and Eric give the money to you.
• Steven y Eric te dan el dinero a ti.
10.) He recycles the cans for us.
• Él nos recicla las latas a nosotros.
Para identificar el “IOP”:
He gives María the book.
To whom does he give the book?
To María.
 Indirect Object =María
He buys me flowers.
For whom does he buy the flowers?
For me.
 Indirect object =me
• Juan me compra un regalo.
John buys me a gift.
John buys a gift for me.
• Juan te compra un regalo.
John buys you a gift.
John buys a gift for you.
• Juan le compra un regalo.
John buys her a gift.
John buys a gift for her.
• Juan nos compra un regalo.
John buys us a gift.
John buys a gift for us.
• Juan os compra un regalo.
John buys you-all (familiar) a
John buys a gift for you-all.
• Juan les compra un regalo.
John buys them a gift.
John buys a gift for them.
Para repasar:
Cosas para recordar
• The IO answers the question "to whom" or "for
• Place the pronoun before the conjugated verb.
• Think in phrases, do not translate word-for-word.
• Le and les are ambiguous.
• Prepositional phrases are often used for clarity
and for emphasis.
• Read the verb/object pronoun phrase backwards
La tarea
•Libro de ejercicio p.
Examen de 8B (el 3
de junio)