kindergarten parent presentation2014

Welcome to Fuller Meadow School
Kindergarten Overview
Fuller Meadow School
•Kindergarten, grade 1 and grade 2
•2014-15: 16 classrooms for just under 300
•For 2014-15, we will have 5 sections of
Staff Introductions
• Kindergarten Teachers
 Caroline Halligan
 Karen Newton
 Lisa Scharffenberg
 Laurie Murphy
 Amanda Libby
 Andrea Stevens, Kindergarten Special Educator
Office/Administrative Staff:
• Dr. Bernard Creeden, Superintendent of School
Diane Carreiro, Principal
Katie Provost, Early Childhood/Special Education Coordinator
Joan Garber, School Secretary
Gail Nicholls, Office Assistant
Dale Marshall, School Nurse
Fuller Meadow School Hours
Monday-Friday 8:30-3:00
Buses begin arriving at 8:15 and student arrival may begin at 8:15
•Children can arrive at Fuller Meadow
between 8:15 and 8:30
•For the first week of school, teachers will
meet their students outside and walk them
into the building
•School begins at 8:30
• Students take the bus unless they live within walking distance
• Parental transportation is optional
• The bus transports kindergarten through grade 6 students
• On the Meet and Greet Day
(tbd, but likely at the end of August),
your student will have the opportunity to
board the bus and ask the
driver questions.
Kindergarten Safety
 For the first 1-2 weeks, teachers will wait outside for the
Kindergarteners to arrive.
 Your Kindergartener will be asked to wear a teddy bear
tag to distinguish in which class they belong and for
identification purposes. These tags will be given out
during Kindergarten Screening in September.
 Kindergarten children are seated in the first few rows of
seats on the bus.
 Bus BEHAVIOR problems should be reported to Mrs.
Carreiro. Logistical Bus Route problems should be
addressed with Mr. Greenberg in Central Office.
School Safety
• Fuller Meadow Rules:
• Middleton Public School Wide Behavior Expectations Matrix
• Middleton Public Schools Discipline Rubric
• LOCKED DOORS at all times
• Sign In!
• Visitor Badge
• Cameras
• Security Plans and Drills
Kindergarten Curriculum
Common Core State Standards
Reading/Language Arts
• Balanced Literacy
• Guided Reading
• Fundations
• Letter Formation
• Phonological and Phonemic
• Sound Mastery
• Phonics
• Vocabulary
• Irregular (Trick) Word Instruction
• Fluency
• Comprehension
• Written Composition
• Oral Language
• Vocabulary development
• Phonemic Awareness
• Writer’s Workshop
• Expression of ideas into
• Application of phonemic
Math in Focus
Number and Operation
Data Analysis
Problem Solving
Science & Social Studies
• Seasons and their changes
• Non-living vs. living things
• Concept of fairness, rules,
• Family, town, own address,
• US national holidays
• Knowledge of important
American symbols
• Learn the Pledge of Allegiance &
Patriotic songs
Art, Music, Library, Computer and Physical Education
Snack and Lunch
• Students should bring a healthy snack
• They may bring or purchase a lunch
and milk. School menus are located
on our school website and a paper
copy goes home at the beginning of
each month.
• Please notify the health office and the
classroom teacher if your child has any
• Lunches can be paid for in advance
using the My School Bucks system at
• This year, lunch
costs $2.50 per
day and milk
costs $.60.
What does a Kindergarten Day Look Like?
Morning meeting/circle time
RTI (Response to Intervention)/WIN (What I Need)
Specialists: physical education, music, art, computers, library
Guided reading/literacy centers
Writer’s Workshop
Health & Wellness/Olweus
Read aloud
Science/Social Studies
•Students remain in their classrooms at
dismissal until…
• Walkers, pickups or afterschool children are
called over the loud speaker.
• Students who are being picked up are called to
the cafeteria.
• Students who ride the bus are dismissed to the
gymnasium to wait for their buses to be called.
Classroom Assignments
• Classroom assignments take into account: balance
of class size, consideration of a wide range of
abilities, balance of boys & girls, social dynamics of
the group, and appropriate instructional grouping.
• Classroom assignments will be communicated via
postal mail in late June/early July.
Meeting the Teacher
 Students will receive information regarding a “Meet and
Greet” with the Kindergarten teachers before the start of school.
Your child will also participate in the Kindergarten Screening
in early September.
First Day of School for Kindergarten is September 8, 2014.
Kindergarten Open House for Parents is in September. (date tbd)
Kindergarten Teachers will schedule conferences in
December and March/April.
Health Related Requirements
• Student Physicals
• Immunizations
• Hearing/Vision…Height/Weight
• Emergency Cards/Contacts
• Medical Concerns
• Illness in the AM
• Working Towards Independence
Before & After School Programs
•Both are held at Fuller Meadow School.
•Go to the Middleton Public Schools
Homepage at for
more information about both programs or for
information regarding registering your child.
•Mrs. Janet Bilicki is the Program Coordinator.
Middleton PTO
Join the PTO!!!!
Check out the website and join the
mailing list at
• Enjoy your summer with your child.
• Practice oral counting (up to 100).
• Learn and practice the alphabet song.
• Practice identifying and differentiating between upper and lowercase letters.
• Build and support your child’s independent self-help skills (zippers, buttons, shoes, etc.)
• Go to Flint Library and take out books. Get alphabet books, concept books, and story
• Sit with your child and share books every single day!
• Provide opportunities for your child to draw and write.
• Come to the Kindergarten Parent Breakfast on the first day of school, sponsored by the