Conference Session: B6 6096 Disclaimer—This paper partially fulfills a writing requirement for first year (freshman) engineering students at the University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering. This paper is a student, not a professional, paper. This paper is based on publicly available information and may not provide complete analyses of all relevant data. If this paper is used for any purpose other than these authors’ partial fulfillment of a writing requirement for first year (freshman) engineering students at the University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering, the user does so at his or her own risk. THE USE OF GERMANIUM-TIN SEMICONDUCTORS IN OPTICAL COMPUTING Connor Bomba,, Bursic 2:00, Timothy Cropper,, Sanchez 10:00 Abstract - Microprocessors have been under constant modification since the first one was manufactured in 1971. Engineers have been changing the architecture of the chip to increase their speed and make them more powerful. They have achieved this mostly by increasing the transistor count, adding more cores, and designing the chip to dissipate heat efficiently. Engineers had basically hit a wall when it came to improving processing capability, but recent studies have shown that it is possible to use photons to transmit data within a microprocessor. Germanium is already in use in processors as a semiconductor, but lately scientists have found benefits in doping germanium with small amount of tin. When grown on silicon under specific conditions they produce a chip with integrated optics. Meaning that these germanium-tin semiconductors are capable of producing light emissions (lasers) that transmit photons as data. In this paper, we discuss the recent evolution of processors and where this technology could be heading in the near future. Explicitly, we dive into the design and production of computer processors to try and find where the faults are in current processors. We then use this information to evaluate if the eventual integration of germanium-tin semiconductor lasers would be a step in the right direction for the future of processors. Key Words — Transistors, Semiconductors, Capacitance, Utilization Wall, Silicon, Germanium-tin laser INTRODUCTION Starting with the first microprocessor in 1971, until 2002, processor speed was increasing exponentially. After that processing speed slowed down and has been slowly increasing over the years. Engineers have been able to continually increase the speed of these processors by increasing the number of transistors inside, but this cannot continue forever, as current processors contain over 1 billion transistors. Since increasing the transistor count can only go so far, eventually we will have to introduce a new way to continue to make increase processing speeds [1]. One way to address this issue is to change how processors work. By transitioning to using germanium-tin semiconductors University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering 1 Submission Date 2016-03-04 that are capable of producing photons to transmit data, we could potentially make processing speeds faster. Currently germanium-tin semiconductors do not work at temperatures that make them useful in a working environment, but engineers are hopeful that with more research, germanium-tin semiconductors could be used for optical computing [2]. COMPUTER COMPONENTS Microprocessors A microprocessor is the component in a computer that handles the logic and acts as a director for the other parts of the computer, such as the memory, storage, and peripherals: input and output devices such as a keyboard or a monitor. These processors need to be fast in order to deal with the mass amount of information that is being delivered to it from other parts of the computer and from peripherals. As we progress, technology is becoming more and more complicated; as we transition from using buttons to touch screens for input, and we output displays at higher resolutions, these processors must keep up, and so far they have. But the way to increase efficiency of a microprocessor needs to shift to redesigning how it works, as opposed to modifying the current model. Semiconductors A semiconductor is the most basic part of a microprocessor. A semiconductor is simply a material that is more conductive than an insulator but less conductive than a conductor, and the most commonly used semiconductor in microprocessors is silicon. This makes them useful in electronics because it is possible to change their conductivity, which allows the semiconductor to be used to create different parts of a microprocessor, such as transistors and diodes. The conductivity can be changed with different processes, such as changing the temperature, establishing a magnetic or electric field, adding in other metals (called doping), and introducing light or heat. Since all of these actions alter the conductivity, semiconductors can be used to detect when these changes occur [3]. Connor Bomba Timothy Cropper is attributed to the increasing transistor density...” [1]. This shows the importance of transistors in microprocessors. However, Moore’s Law cannot reasonably continue forever, considering there will be a point at which transistors are unable to be made any smaller, or the mass amount of transistors would cause overheating within the microprocessor, this is known as the “Utilization Wall” [4]. An article by George Strawn published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society states that, as far as the number of transistors in processors goes, Moore’s Law could be coming to an end [5], and with a 2012 Intel processor containing 1.4 billion transistors, that limit could be getting closer and closer. This means that engineers will have to look in a new direction in order to make computers faster. The previous article even mentions that one of the next possible steps to take in order to improve the speed of microprocessors, is optical computing. This is where we believe germanium-tin semiconductor lasers could be introduced. Transistors One of the aforementioned uses for semiconductors in microprocessors is a transistor. Transistors work like switches, and they tell the computer if a signal is present or not: on or off, and can also control the amount of current that is flowing through a wire, thus amplifying the signal. This is necessary in computers, since they operate on a binary system of 1s and 0s. It is logical then, that having more options of switches that can be on and off would give a processor more options for what it is capable of, and allow for more data to be handled at once. The measure of how fast a computer processes data is known as clock speed. This leads to Moore’s Law, which states that the number of transistors on a microprocessor doubles every other year as processors become more advanced [1]. Optical Computing In the past, the main source of data transfers and signals in a processor have come through wires as electrons. But as we push to make processors smaller and smaller so that they can fit into thinner smartphones and laptops, we are running into the problem of manufacturing wires that are small enough to fit in microprocessors. As the wires get narrower, they have diminishing returns on how much space electrons have to move around; this is known as quantum confinement [6]. To battle the quantum confinement, engineers must move on to new innovations. One of their options to explore is known as optical computing. Optical computing is very similar to fiber optic cables, which work by transmitting data as photons, or tiny packets of light. Since the data is being transmitted as photons, it is able to move at the speed of light which is much faster than data is currently transferred by electrons moving through nanowires. In order to make the switch from traditional computing using electrons and transistors, optical transistors will be put in to use. An optical transistor is similar to a regular transistor in that it takes in a signal and is able to amplify it or change it in some way. The main difference comes from the fact that the signal that goes into and comes out of an optical transistor will be light, in the form of photons. While the increased speed of optical computing sounds ideal, there are still drawbacks that may keep it from being commonplace. One concern is that optical computing loses close to 30% of its energy when converting from electric energy to light. So the cost of having faster processing speed may come in the form of requiring more power in order to compensate for the conversion loss. Most of this energy that is lost is turned into heat that could pose a risk of overheating the microprocessor. Another concern is that converting back and forth between electric energy and light takes time, which could FIGURE [1] Rate of Processing Speed Increase As seen in the previous charts, the number of transistors on microprocessors has been steadily increasing and roughly adhering to Moore’s Law with each new generation of microprocessor from Intel. Roger Uy published an article through the Computer Technology Department at De La Salle University and stated that “The increasing trend in clock speed 2 Connor Bomba Timothy Cropper end up slowing down the entire process of optical computing [Nolte]. could be the future of processing speed. In studying the chemical make-up of silicon, it was discovered that germanium has an indirect band gap and a direct band gap that is not too far above the indirect gap. The direct band gap is fabricated by researchers through a process that adds phosphorus to the germanium bonded with tin. This puts the metal under a mechanical strain. Once strained to a certain amount, the direct gap is within reach and thus effective for use. This means that the electrons and positively charged particles are able to move between different energy levels to a level of ease [9]. Another discovery made during research of the topic is that since germanium, tin, and silicon are all group IV elements, they can be combined onto each other handily. The ease of combination between silicon, germanium and tin atoms is crucial to the entire process. These elements are able to react together so nicely because of the valence electrons they possess. Valence electrons are the outer most electrons of an atom that are not in a full shell; because they are not secured by a full shell, the atoms react easily. All of these elements have four valence electrons and since eight is usually desired for stability, the four valence electrons of germanium and the four from tin are a perfect match. Current trials of the germanium-tin laser are promising but have significant flaws. One of these being the operating temperature. One current study being done has the laser functioning at -183 degrees Celsius. For obvious reasons, this is not practical because it cannot be implemented into devices. However, researchers are optimistic that they will be able to increase the operation to a temperature in which the laser can be useful in devices [2]. Naturally, silicon has a competent range of ultraviolet and infrared light intake. Since silicon and germanium-tin are similar in atomic structure, they both will have quality absorption. Different concentrations of germanium to tin have been tested in research in an attempt to find the ideal combination. In doing so, it was discovered that the concentration of tin effects what wavelengths of light can be absorbed. For example, when the germanium quantity is over ninety percent, the wavelengths absorbed are between 1.31 and 1.55 micrometers (10−6 𝑚). This is important because most communication systems that transmit data use a signal within this wavelength range. Nanowires Current microprocessors use a specific type of wire known as a nanowire. A nanowire is a wire that is constructed out of nanoparticles and has a diameter measured in nanometers (1x10-9 meters). These wires are typically made of semiconducting material such as silicon or germanium, and they are used to create the transistors used in microprocessors. As processors become smaller, there is less room even for nanowires, which is why we must try to move away from them [6]. GERMANIUM-TIN SEMICONDUCTORS When anything becomes innovated to its maximum potential, it is necessary to research new ways of accomplishing the task. Without constant innovation, the world will reach a standstill in technological capabilities. For this reason, germanium-tin semiconductors are needed. Before the technology implemented in the germanium-tin laser can be truly appreciated and recognized as innovative, one must understand the basis of it. The whole functionality of this laser is to bypass the increasingly thin copper wiring that is limiting the capabilities of computing speed. But with copper being the best overall option for wiring, wiring will need to be eliminated, in a sense, all together. The noted benefits of germanium-tin are not only to increase processing speed, but also to attempt decrease in power consumption. This is ideal for any electronic device [2]. In a perfect world, communication in computing devices would solely use silicon to do all the work. A significant amount of data linking the Internet today is moved via lasers. This is done by producing light that is sent down glass fibers. These fibers lead to a different computing system where the data is then sent to its necessary location. Silicon is capable of producing light to a very small degree, but the output produced by it is not nearly efficient enough. This is due to what is known as an indirect band gap. An indirect band gap is the result of poor coherence between the energy that electrons have in the atomic structure compared to the energy of positively charged particles [7]. The consequences of an indirect band gap are tremors and oscillations; this is bad news in high precision computing device. Additionally, this movement can cause unwanted heat production. It is less than ideal to have complex computer systems have shaking parts [8]. For this reason, optoelectronics have a semiconductor component to them in order to produce the light needed for faster transmission speeds [8]. When scientists realized that silicon could not produce the results needed for practicality, they went to the drawing board. After some time, they made an advancement, that with some refinement and improvement, Molecular Beam Epitaxy To get the germanium-tin combination to adhere correctly a few different processes can be taken. One of the processes is Molecular Beam Epitaxy, or MBE [10]. MBE is a process that fabricates infinitesimally thin films made from a variety of materials. It proves to be one of the more preferred methods because of the repeatability that it offers. The basics of the design of an MBE reactor is that it contains three different chambers. The first chamber uses an electron emitter to force excess electrons upon the germaniumtin to decrease reaction time. The material is then moved to the second chamber, called the intermediate chamber, in which 3 Connor Bomba Timothy Cropper ions of the entity are ejected towards the sample to further increase the growth. The reason this process produces such a precise product lies in the use of electron and ion emitters. They release the materials with acute precision. This gives the product very high tolerances of error. Finally, the germaniumtin is moved to the third chamber where it sits to harden. If a company is going to potentially manufacture tens of thousands of units, they will want to ensure that the structures are consistent and perform to the desired level. Additionally, surfaces made through MBE are incredibly smooth [11]. However, hot wall reactors do have advantages over cold. Cold wall reactors have a bigger difference in temperature. This temperature difference can affect the consistency of how thick the layer is. Furthermore, another problem lies in the size of the batch being made. If there is little material being coated in the reaction chamber, the amount of thermal stress put on the product can be too much for it to handle. As a result, damage can be done to the item being coated. From a produce stand point, this is less than ideal. [12]. Below is a basic example of a hot wall reactor. This reactor is set up to coat multiple items; therefore, this model has shelves in it. At the top is where the gases needed for the reaction to take place are put in. As you can see, the heating elements are on the left and right sides and force heat inward to aid the reaction. Finally, there is an exhaust vent to deal with all of the non-useful products. Chemical Vapor Deposition Much like MBE, chemical vapor deposition, or CVD, also applies extremely thin layers of composites to materials. Researchers see a lot of potential in this area of CVD for specific use in semiconductor uprising. In the development of silicon based semiconductors, CVD has been at the forefront of their development. As a matter of fact, CVD is even used to purify the silicon so that it can be used in components. A consistent quality of material is crucial in the production of any product. In the chemical vapor deposition process, several reaction types are used with two standing above the rest; hot wall and cold wall. The hot wall system is a chamber in which the materials you wish to be coated are loaded inside of. Next the chamber is heated, usually by coils, to high temperatures. Once threshold temperature is reached, the gases needed for the particular reaction are introduced. After the reaction is complete, the gases are pumped out. Hot chambers are often designed and built to the size specifications needed for the product being made. Additionally, the only major limitation of the hot wall reactors are the materials they are made out of. Due to the intense heat, design and materials used may vary slightly for ideal efficiency. The other major type of chemical vapor deposition reactor is the cold wall reactor. These are built similarly to the hot wall reactors. However, the reaction that takes place varies significantly. In this case, the material being made is heated and the chamber is chilled to very low temperatures. Additionally, both chambers have increased pressure put upon them to aid the reaction. Typically, when pressure is increased for a reaction, atoms collide more frequently and the process time is reduced. Furthermore, cold wall reactors have a few noted advantages over its hot wall counterpart. The biggest advantage cold has over hot is that the chamber has less material left on the walls after the reaction is done. This is valued by producers because more often than not, the materials undergoing chemical vapor deposition are rather expensive. The more that is left on chamber walls is less profit they will make. This also means less cleaning time which is crucial if CVD is being used to produce items in high quantity. Finally, cold wall reactors get their desired temperatures quicker than hot walls do. FIGURE [12] Hot Wall Reactor for Chemical Vapor Deposition. DRAWBACKS OF GERMANIUM-TIN SEMICONDUCTORS Although germanium-tin semiconductors have several promising upsides, there are downfalls with it. Most notably of these is power consumption. The semiconductor itself uses less energy but in this process a new need for energy arises. This need is for the converting of electrical energy to photons and the reverse once the process is complete. In total, the energy saved in this process is used in the conversion and thus no net benefit [13] [2]. Additionally, this technology is still in the midst of research. Currently, functioning prototypes have been made but they must operate at extremely low temperatures. For this reason, germanium-tin semiconductors are not near a point where they could be implemented. This raises the question: Is this technology worth pursuing? OTHER TECHNOLOGY OPTIONS Quantum Computing 4 Connor Bomba Timothy Cropper something faster, after all, processors are already fast and capable of doing our current tasks. Faster and more efficient processors could make certain jobs no longer a necessity. One example is that if an employee is able to complete the same task, possibly data processing, in less time, then an employer would not feel the need to pay 2 or more people to process the data that another employee could process in the same time. Another example would be that if employees are being paid based on how much work they get done, being able to complete more work would force an employer to increase pay. If the employer was forced to increase pay, and they are not able to, then the employer would likely fire some employees. In addition to possibly taking jobs away, it also might not be the best use of resources to constantly strive for the next best processor. Time and money could be placed into solving other problems such as cancer research. We already have fast processors that get the job done, so is it necessary to go faster? When will we be satisfied? Overall we think the best option is to continue making the advancements with micro processing speed. While companies may be required to pay more, they would also have the possibility of benefitting from employees being able to work faster. The speed of processors would also in aid cancer researcher, as researches most likely rely on computers to analyze their findings. Increasing the speed of a microprocessor would most likely benefit those that use them as opposed to harming them. Quantum computing uses the theories of quantum physics in order to process electronic data and logic. Just as current computers use bits as a way of storing data, quantum computers use qubits (quantum bits). In a traditional computer, a bit is represented by being on or off: a 1 or a 0. On the other hand, a qubit in a quantum computer could be a 1, 0, or a superposition of either, which starts to get into the theories of quantum mechanics and how particles behave at sub-atomic levels. The best way to explain superposition is that it is similar to Schrödinger’s cat and the Electron Cloud theory. With the electron cloud theory, you can predict the general location of an electron, but you cannot know the exact location; just as a qubit is known to be between a 1 and a 0, but the exact value is not known [14]. Since quantum computers operate based on quantum theories, this is also where they would end up being the most beneficial. Quantum computers would be better at working with extremely large numbers and data sets. In a study by the International Association for Cryptologic Research that used 80 processors and took almost two years, researchers were able to factor a 232-digit number. The researchers stated that if only one processor had been used, then it would have taken around 1500 years to do complete the same process [15]. With a quantum computer designed to process these types of large numbers, the process would not take as long. In addition to processing large data, quantum computers would also be used for solving quantum algorithms, and simulating chemistry and physics processes that deal with quantum mechanics [16]. CONCLUSION Optical vs. Quantum Computing Germanium-tins’ ability to produce photons and be combined with silicon allows it to be a useful as a semiconductor. Since silicon alone does not produce enough required light to be used in optoelectronics, adding in the light emitting germanium-tin changes how the semiconductor could be used within a processor. Instead of using silicon to construct transistors and diodes that work with electronic pulses, the photons emitted by germanium-tin would be used as the data carriers, being intercepted by sensors and optical transistors that can be used with photons as opposed to electrons. There has not yet been established an ideal formula for germanium-tin to be produced. Research is ongoing to determine the ratio of germanium to tin for specific purposes. Not all ratios are equal because the amount of tin effects the wavelength of light produced from it. Also, one mean of production has not placed itself above the rest. Both Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Chemical Vapor Deposition are proven processes to work. However until researchers determine a way for germanium-tin to exist at more reasonable temperatures, neither MBE nor CVD is clearly more effective. Overall, germanium-tin has high potential to revolutionize computing speeds and can have a significant impact on the technology in this world. It is capable of getting current technology over the utilization wall and into the next era of When it comes to choosing the possible future of computers, the two largest competitors are transitioning to optical computing, or transitioning to quantum computing. While both of these options have clear pros and cons, they also have extremely different potentials for their uses. Optical computing has the ability to make consumer computers and computer devices faster and more efficient, and quantum computing could be used by researches that want to study more about the fundamentals of quantum physics. While quantum computing could be an option for general consumers, the current market price of $15 million [17] is sure to put buyers off. Ultimately, it is probably best to explore both options, as we do not know which one will be more useful in the future, and we should not rule out an options that are still in the early stages of development. ETHICS There were only a few ethical issues we ran into while researching. The first being that faster and more efficient processors have the possibility to put some people out of work. The other reason is that we are wondering if it is really the best use of time and money to constantly work on making 5 Connor Bomba Timothy Cropper processing if proven effective, therefore it should be further researched. [9] K. 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(Book). [14] J. Lee. (2015). “Ryoji Ikeda: Test Pattern.” Afterimage 42, no. 4. (Online journal article). [15]T. Kleinjung, K. Aoki, et al. (2010). “Factorization of a 768-bit RSA modulus” International Association for Cryptologic Research. (Online Article). [16] J. Stephen. (2016). "Quantum Algorithm Zoo." Math.Nist.Gov. (Website). [17] A. Shah. (201)6. "D-Wave Prepping Quantum Computers To Outperform Conventional Servers". Pcworld. (Website). REFERENCES [1] R. L. Uy. (2014). “Beyond Multi-Core: A Survey of Architectural Innovations on Microprocessor.” HNICEM. (Online Article). pageType=expertSearch&searchtype=Expert&SEARCHID= 75241b21M899bM4704M9d70Mebbc71f9737a&DOCINDE X=9&database=3&format=expertSearchAbstractFormat&ded upResultCount=&SEARCHID=75241b21M899bM4704M9d 70Mebbc71f9737a [2] P. Patel. (2015). “The Germanium-Tin Laser: Answer to the On-Chip Data Bottleneck?” (Online Article). [3] D. K. Ferry. (2013). “Semiconductors”. IOP Science. (Online Book). [4] J. Cebrian, L. 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