Bienvenidos a la clase de la Sra. Morales Español I (Honores) (1st, 3rd, 5th, 6th periods) AP Spanish Language & Culture (2nd period) Room 1.241 Un poco de mí… ¡Mi actividad favorita es estar Whocon amMII as a person? FAMILIA! Places I have been in the Spanish speaking world. México España Ecuador Guatemala Honduras El Salvador Puerto Rico Costa Rica Easier To Get A Job According to the U.S Census Bureau, about 12 percent of U.S. residents speak Spanish at home. As a result rising number of jobs require spanish or at least prefer individuals who can speak spanish. All of these companies have a branch or headquarters in Atlanta that deals with Spanish speaking countries and or people. By 2050, the US will be the largest Spanish speaking country, according to Humberto López Morales, the general secretary of the Association of Spanish Language Academies. Americans have a reputation for being monolingual. Prove them wrong! Impress your friends by joining the ranks of the bilingual. Better yet -- help them learn too! This quote by Nelson Mandela says a lot: “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.” What do you think? Helps Your English Spanish is derived from Latin, like many words in English (via French). Learning Spanish will boost your vocab by familiarizing you with words that have fallen out of everyday use in English, but have common equivalents in Spanish. Makes You Smarter That's right -- the latest research shows that speaking being bilingual improves cognitive skills unrelated to language. • Language is a skill! • You need to practice! • What is something new you learned and how long did it take you? • Was it difficult? Will Mrs. Morales treat me fairly? Yes, Always! What are the rules/guidelines in this classroom? What will I be doing this year? Level 1 • Speaking Spanish in class with classmates & Sra. Morales • Language Lab – Listening to & Speaking Spanish • Writing sentences & eventually paragraphs In Spanish • Reading Spanish How am I going to be graded? How will I be graded? 45% Summative Assessments (May include but not limited to: teacher generated unit tests, major projects, research papers.) 35% Classroom assessment (May include but not limited to: quizzes, daily work, homework, labs –listening/verbal, etc.) • 45% Summative Assessments (Unit Tests & Projects) • 35% Classroom assessment (Quizzes – 15%, Classwork/Homework 10%, Spoken communication in Spanish 10%, ) • • • • 20% Final Exams 5% Verbal Performance Final Exam 5% Written Performance Final Exam 10% Multiple Choice Final Exam Sra. Morales’ Classroom Contract • Guidelines • Procedures In Sra. Morales’s Classroom… Group Dynamics: Being in a public place requires special behavior. A school classroom is a very public place where group dynamics require that we all be thoughtful & respectful with where and how we focus our attention. Speaking one at a time & raising your hand to speak are some ways we can ensure that the classroom environment is positive and respectful. Guideline #1 Be on time and in your assigned seat and working on the assigned warm-up (calentamiento) when the tardy bell rings. 7 agosto de 2013 Calentamiento: (Warm-up) • List the days of the week in Spanish Objetivo: (Objective) • Students will be able to understand the classroom guidelines and procedures Guideline #2 Bring your 3-ring binder and materials to class and take them with you when you leave. Each day, students should bring: A pen or pencil (or both!) A 1” or 1.5” 3-ring binder with loose-leaf paper, and all handouts. I suggest you divide your binder as follows: 1. Vocabulario 2. Gramatica - Place loose-leaf paper in this section 3. Cultura 4.Ejercicios - Place loose-leaf paper in this section of binder. Your workbooks will remain in the classroom. (See me later if you wish to leave your Textbook in the classroom – details later.) Guideline #3 Follow directions the first time they are given. ¡GRACIAS, MUY AMABLE! Guideline #4 Treat each person in this room with respect and dignity. And SPEAK SPANISH at every opportunity given in class (and even outside of class )! Guideline #5 Follow ALL procedures and policies as outlined in the Grayson HS and Gwinnett Public Schools handbooks. • Cheating - Cheating is forbidden and is taken very seriously. Copying homework is cheating. Any student found cheating at any time including communicating during assessments, will be referred to an administrator and the parents will be notified. A zero will be given for any work for which cheating was an issue. The use of a translator is considered cheating and is therefore forbidden. • Dress code, • No food, drinks (except water), candy, or gum; NO cell phones, headphones in the classroom, etc. REFER TO GREEN SIGNS IN CLASSROOM FOR CONSEQUENCES Special Guideline This classroom is a “No Whining Zone”. That means that there will be no whining, for ANY reason. Everything that I do is in your best interest, so please respect the “No Whining Zone” this semester. “Zona sin lloriquear” “Zona sin quejas” Procedures A Guideline Infraction Notice Given to a student when they are not doing what they are supposed to be doing. Guideline Infraction Notice Lawana Welt – Liberty Middle School Guideline Infraction Notice • Read it • Sign it • Keep it until the end of class. (See me after class.) Following Guidelines will result in . . • A stress-free learning environment • A pleasant and orderly classroom atmosphere Not Following Guidelines will result in . . . • 1st – Warning and documentation (Guideline Infraction Notice) • 2nd – Action Plan form and Parental Contact, • 3rd – Disciplinary Referral Severe Clause Any student who uses profanity, fights, damages school property (this includes the property of the teacher and other students), or is disrespectful (as defined by the teacher) will be giving a Discipline Referral. Classroom Procedures Explain, Rehearse, Reinforce! Entering the Room • Please enter quietly. • Have a seat. • Take out your materials. • Review the agenda. • Begin bellwork assignment. When you are tardy . . . • You must get a ROT pass. • Enter classroom quietly. • Excused or Unexcused Tardy: Place excuse note in the basket on my desk. • Have a seat and take out your materials. Getting Your Attention I will . . . • Stand in front of the class. • Raise my hand • Wait for everyone to be quiet. • I will begin speaking. Paper Heading • Write your name* –plus unique number • I will give you that number later. • Place on all homework, tests assignments, projects, etc. *First name (Spanish or regular) and always write your last name. MLA Paper Header Student # I will give you First & last name Mrs. Morales Spanish I honors (Period - ) 5 de agosto de 2014 Finish Classwork Early “What do I do next?” What to do if I finish my classwork early: • Work on unfinished Spanish assignment. • Review grammar notes. • Review vocabulary words or learn new ones from other chapters, the glossary, appendices of the textbook. • Start working on tonight’s homework. After an Absence – Make –up work This is your responsibility. And do not interrupt class to inquire about the work you missed. • Ask a reliable classmate (before or after ¡Gracias! class) for other details you missed in addition • Go to the folders of “¿Qué hicimos ayer?” and take any handouts you missed. to the handouts. • Or, ask Sra. Morales when she is not busy (before or after school or class) about what you missed. • AND, check Sra. Morales’ GHS Teacher Page. After an Absence – Make –up work (continued) • All quizzes, tests, projects, etc. are announced well in advance. If a students was absent the day before or at some other time prior to the quiz, they still must take the quiz on the day it is given (limited exceptions). Students who have an excused absence on the day we do a graded assignment (tests, quizzes) may make the assignment up without penalty (within 5 days). The assignment must be made up at one of the usual makeup times: before or after school. • Students who are absent the day an assignment is due, must turn it in to the teacher the first day they return from their absence. Accepting Assignments Late • From time to time, some students may forget an assignment or run out of time and cannot finish before it is due. At GHS, we do accept assignments late at a penalty of -10 points per school day for five days. After five days, a zero for the assignment may be assigned. • BE CAREFUL! This extremely flexible late-work policy can be dangerous for students. The days go by quickly, students get busy, and then may forget to turn in their work. The result is either a zero or an extremely low grade. Scheduled Check Out • Please let me know as you enter the classroom. – I will be at the door or at my desk. • Quietly raise your hand to get my attention. • Pack your materials and leave at the scheduled time. Turning in Papers • Place your paper on the desk next to you (to your right side). • When you receive a paper, place yours on top and continue passing the stack to your right. • I will come by and collect all stacks. Classroom Discussions • PLEASE participate. And whenever possible, ¡EN ESPAÑOL! • I want to hear what you have to say. • Make all questions and comments relevant to the current discussion. • If your question is off the topic, write it down and ask later. Bathroom breaks • Raise 3 fingers and wait for me to acknowledge and ask in Spanish… ¿Puedo ir al baño, por favor? Moving Around the Room • Do not do it. • You must ask permission. • Do not ask during a classroom discussion unless it is an emergency. Class Dismissal • Sra. Morales dismisses you, not the bell. • Do not start packing up prior to the bell. • Wait until the teacher finishes and officially dismisses you with “Have a nice day!” “¡Tengan un buen día!” • Please do not stand and line up by the door. Remain at your desk until the bell rings. “Special” Procedures These will be introduced on an “as needed” basis. • • • • • • • • Library/Media Center Computer Lab Special guests Progress Reports Working Cooperatively Fire Drill Assemblies Substitute Teacher – writing of name - detention Intercom Announcements – always be quiet during this time (before 1st period.) SPEAK SPANISH ALL THE TIME! “You each have so much potential! I can’t wait to see how each one of you will succeed! Let’s get started and have an awesome year! - Sra. Morales ENTREVISTA -- ¡Hola! ¿Cómo te llamas? -- ¡Hola! Me llamo María. ¿ Y tú? -- Me llamo José. -- Mucho gusto. -- Igualmente. Index card: Write the following information on the front of the index card. 1. Your name first/last (official & name you prefer to be called). 2. Indicate your style of learning. 3. Have you taken Spanish before? If so, where and for how long? 4. (A) Does anyone in your family speak Spanish? (if “no”, skip B & C) (B) If so, who speaks Spanish in your family? (C) Do you already speak, read & write Spanish (indicate what skills you may already have and how comfortable you are with them)? 5. Please write your parent/guardian’s email address and phone number. 6. Please write your email address. Please answer the following 2 questions on the BACK SIDE of the index card. 1. What is important to you? 2. Why does it matter?