Liberty Bankers Life | Privacy Policy

TBA was set up in 2011 by three former leaders of The Futures
Company (TFC) - Crawford Hollingworth, Sian Davies and Sarah
Davies. Their agency, which now has offices in London, Shanghai,
Sydney and Oxford, focuses on the use of behavioural economics
(BE) to deepen consumer understanding and help companies
influence consumer behaviour.
In Australia, Liz Kameen joins as a Senior Consultant. Most recently,
she spent five years as an AD at Sweeney Research, prior to
which she was a Senior Research Consultant at GfK Blue Moon,
and held senior roles at AMR Research and Andrew Irving
Welcome: CNBC – American Greed producers
The global ‘survey industry’ – which is really the marketing
and information gathering tentacle of the OCTOPUS.
Length: 10 Minutes (Approx)
Survey Number:KK3BNP2453
Memolink Ask GtF
The scam is a daisy chain of interconnected 'surveys'
which ask you the same questions over and over
again - many are the exact same forms - daisy
Chained together with 'spaghetti code'. This ruse
Kris White also joins the Sydney, Australia team as a Senior Consultant,
with a background that includes serving as a Director of The Leading Edge,
Qualitative Director at YouGov, Senior Brand Consultant at 303
Advertising, Regional Research Manager at Blackbox Research,
and Senior Project Director at NFO Donovan Research
(now TNS).
James Halliday joins the London office as an Associate Director,
having spent the past five years at Freshminds, latterly as
Research Consultant. Prior to this, he held marketing positions at
Finally, Coral Zhang and Sarah Lu join the company in Shanghai as
Senior Consultants. Zhang previously worked at Jigsaw Market
Consulting for four years, most recently as Assistant Research
Manager, and Lu was Senior Research Manager at branding
consultancy Labbrand.
into answer a multitude of clever offers for
Co-founder Hollingworth comments: ‘This has been a truly amazing year for
TBA and we are delighted to be hiring such incredible talent to help us use
the new insights from the behavioural sciences to reinvigorate existing
research methodologies and pioneer new ones. They will all make brilliant
behavioural architects.’
everything under the marketing world sun
Web site:
serves the purpose of deceiving the survey taker
including sweepstakes in place of the promised
Johnson & Johnson Takes More Global
cash and the temptation to gamble with
incitements -the delousing that one is earning the
November 11 2013
funds being gambled.
Pharma and CPG giant Johnson & Johnson is moving to a more global
approach to market research for some of its major brands.
taking.jsp ……………… chained to
Here is the Survey Manager
According to , Brenda Armstead, J&J’s VP of Global Strategic
Insights, told the Market Research Event in Nashville the firm was looking ‘to
become more of a global organisation [with] standards and consistency in the
way we track our brand equity across our entire consumer group portfolio’.
In the past, the group has invested in a successfully decentralised approach to
marketing and MR for top brands including Tylenol, Listerine, Johnson's Baby
and Neutrogena. Armstead says some of the ‘mega-brands’ are now covered by
a standard methodology, with a Millward Brown composite metric capturing
levels of engagement and loyalty and providing a composite brand score.
According to Armstead, the new approach flags up under-performance, allows
in-depth analysis of what is driving the brand in different markets, and satisfies
‘senior management in Jersey that really wants to see score-carding and how
the brands stack up’.
Web site: .
Publicis Acquires Data Mining Specialist ETO
November 7 2013
Upon completing this survey, you will earn the following: Advertising giant Publicis has acquired Lille and Paris-based customer
VIP Points, which can be used as entries into a variety relationship management agency ETO, enhancing its own CRM and
of exciting sweepstakes or to bid on great auction items;
data mining capabilities, while also expanding its reach in France and
Remember, with our reward levels, you increase your winning
power by taking more surveys - the more surveys you accurately
complete, the more points you'll earn for each one, and the better
odds you will have to win great prizes. Reach our 5th level of VIP Founded in 1985 by Jean Derreumaux and Nicolas Leconte, ETO
specializes in helping brands develop profitable relationships with their
status and you will earn 200 points per survey!
clients through CRM, digital marketing, data mining and management, big data technologies. The agency is notably strong in data
management and analysis, and employs more than 100 staff in
this area.
Current directors Laurent Dunkelmann, Yves Riquet,
3 D Printing
Jean-Edouard Faidherbe and Yan Claeyssen, will maintain their
management roles, while the integration of ETO will be managed by
Publicis Dialog's co-Chairmen Christian Verger and Nicolas Zunz.
East Carolina Univ Arthur Sadoun (pictured), CEO Publicis Worldwide, comments:
headquarter Provo Utah
‘ETO is an agency we have admired for a long time, notably for
This company provides the software - but do they engineer its expertise in data. This acquisition will allow us to further better
our value proposition in CRM and on the emerging markets of
solutions for their clients
VRM (vendor relationship management) and big data.’
In the US, customer and employee research specialist ORC
International - Strategy Research Solutions team. More Web sites: and
CMI’s SVP Client Solutions Donna Wydra says the agreement Bioethics and Research Establishments
‘increases the breadth of our online community offerings,
as well as the speed with which we can deliver results to our
From the August 2009 Scientific American Magazine
clients’. Peter Shafer, SVP of Enterprise Solutions
for Toluna, says the partnership is ‘a natural fit’, and comments:
Taking Biological Research Out Of The Laboratory
‘In partnership with CMI, we can provide panel
health and management expertise, along with a full suite of
Do Seed Companies Control GM Crop Research?
research capabilities.’
And food labeling FDA protocols…………………….
Web sites: and .
Opinion Connect
Scientists must ask corporations for permission before
publishing independent research on genetically modified
crops. That restriction must end
By The Editors
Advances in agricultural technology—including, but not limited
to, the genetic modification of food crops—have made fields more
productive than ever. Farmers grow more crops and feed
more people using less land. They are able to use fewer
pesticides and to reduce the amount of tilling that leads
to erosion. And within the next two years, agritech
ORC International has appointed Natasha Kennedy as
companies plan to introduce advanced crops that are
Senior Vice President, in charge of its Strategy Research
designed to survive heat waves and droughts, resilient
Solutions team.
characteristics that will become increasingly important in a
world marked by a changing climate.
The OCR process is currently in a test phase, and Google
Unfortunately, it is impossible to verify that genetically
says it still intends to bring in its own product for
modified crops perform as advertised. That is because
measuring online video audiences. comScore says it has
agritech companies have given themselves veto power over
been working with Google for some time and claims
the work of independent researchers.
that three times as many ad campaigns employ vCE
To purchase genetically modified seeds, a customer must
(Validated Campaign Essentials) as use OCR. comScore
sign an agreement that limits what can be done with them.
co-founder and Executive Chairman Gian Fulgoni, quoted
(If you have installed software recently, you will recognize
on , said the OCR tags move was
the concept of the end-user agreement.) Agreements are
nothing more than a ‘test’, possibly giving Nielsen a
considered necessary to protect a company’s intellectual
‘toehold’ in the online video measurement space.
property, and they justifiably preclude the replication of
Nevertheless, analysts say the move is good news for
the genetic enhancements that make the seeds unique.
Nielsen. Web sites:
But agritech companies such as Monsanto, Pioneer and
Syngenta go further. For a decade their user agreements and
have explicitly forbidden the use of the seeds for any
independent research. Under the threat of litigation, scientists
cannot test a seed to explore the different conditions
which it thrives or fails. They cannot compare seeds
Marketing Research
from one company against those from another company.
And perhaps most important, they cannot examine
whether the genetically modified crops lead to
unintended environmental side effects.
Research on genetically modified seeds is still published,
of course. But only studies that the seed companies have
GfK Launches ‘Innovation Roadmap’
approved ever see the light of a peer-reviewed journal. In a
number of cases, experiments that had the implicit goNovember 12 2013
ahead from the seed company were later blocked from
GfK has introduced an ‘end-to-end’ strategic innovation process publication because the results were not flattering. “It is
called the Innovation Roadmap, which it says will guide an
important to understand that it is not always simply a matter
organization’s product launch journey from strategy to
of blanket denial of all research requests, which is bad
enough,” wrote Elson J. Shields, an entomologist at
creation, and evaluation to forecasting.
Cornell University, in a letter to an official at the
The process is based on GfK’s market analysis framework,
Environmental Protection Agency (the body tasked
with regulating the environmental consequences of
designed to explore market dynamics, identify market
modified crops), “but selective denials and
opportunities, and understand market impact.
permissions based on industry perceptions of how ‘friendly’
or ‘hostile’ a particular scientist may be toward [seedMarilyn Raymond (pictured), Global Head of the firm’s
enhancement] technology.”
Market Opportunities & Innovation product group, explains: ‘The
spokesperson for a group of 24 corn insect
market analysis framework lets us capture and analyze the
these practices. Because the scientists
dynamic interrelationship between evolving consumer needs
rely on the cooperation of the companies for their
and the benefits offered by the market, and then evaluate
research—they must, after all, gain access to the seeds
these against an organization’s competencies and assets.
for studies—most have chosen to remain anonymous for
fear of reprisals. The group has submitted a statement to
In this way, the new service takes a unique approach
the EPA protesting that “as a result of restricted access,
by leveraging foresight to identify tomorrow’s own-able
no truly independent research can be legally conducted
strategic innovation opportunities.’
on many critical questions regarding the technology.”
It would be chilling enough if any other type of company were
Web site: .
able to prevent independent researchers from testing its wares and
reporting what they find—imagine car companies trying to quash
comparisons done by Consumer Reports, for
GfK Echo to Offer ‘Holistic’ Customerhead-to-head model
example. But when scientists are
Satisfaction View
prevented from examining the raw ingredients in our
nation’s food supply or from testing the plant material that
covers a large portion of the country’s agricultural land, the
November 7 2013
restrictions on free inquiry become dangerous.
GfK has launched a customer experience management (CEM)
Although we appreciate the need to protect the
solution called Echo, which captures real-time feedback and integrates
intellectual property rights that have spurred the
it with transaction and other data and with user experience
consultancy, to provide a ‘holistic’ view of customer satisfaction.
investments into research and development that have
led to agritech’s successes, we also believe food safety
Results are delivered to the client through an interactive dashboard
and environmental protection depend on making plant
showing trends, flagging potential problems and highlighting
products available to regular scientific scrutiny.
achievements for individual units. These results can then be run
technology companies should therefore
through a user experience analysis process, to help clients optimize or
immediately remove the restriction on research from their
redesign their operations and produce changes in overall customer
end-user agreements. Going forward, the EPA should
also require, as a condition of approving the sale of new
Dan Zuckerman (pictured), Global Product Manager, comments: ‘GfK
seeds, that independent researchers have unfettered
Echo sets a new standard for customer feedback that goes beyond
access to all products currently on the market. The
simply pointing out improvement opportunities. Our powerful
revolution is too important to keep locked
combination of technology and consultancy allows our clients to
behind closed doors.
uncover new opportunities to enhance their performance, boost
efficiency and maximize the lifetime value of each customer.’
Web site: .
It accused the firm of having helped police arrest other hackers
last month. The company denies the claim.
The group Lulzsec and hackers involved with "Operation Antisec"
all identify themselves under the wider Anonymous heading.
Panda Lab's Spanish parent company, Panda Security, said it
was investigating the intrusion but said it could assure its customers
that none of their information had been compromised.
It added that an external server hosting some of Panda Labs'
content had been targeted. Visitors to the site no longer see the
hackers' posting
Stealth techniques in rootkits
Jan 11
(0) Comments
Posted on 01/11/08 by
Some days ago MR Team members warned that a new stealth
technique was being used by some rootkits.
When this type of malware is run in a system, it makes a copy of
the original MBR in the absolute sector 62 of the hard disk and
overwrites the one existing in the sector 0 with malicious instructions.
Additionally, it installs itself at the end of the hard disk, being its code
of approximately 240kb in size.
The next time the computer is started, the first sector of the drive
will be loaded before the operating system. The first sector of the drive
contains the modified MBR, whose code will load the other part of the
There is insight into the mindset of the market research industry
– just like Vance Packard warned in 1960 – beware
of the image makers and the pyramid builders; even
though we are all human – a few people are not dishonest
and untrustworthy.
This new software is designed to bridge the gaps in social
media networks allowing the ‘researchers’ to write
permissions onto other networks and cloud computing
malware (~240Kb). This part, in turn, is responsible for the network
communication established between the operating system and the
BIOS interruption 13h, hiding the modified MBR and the malicious
This technique allows any type of malware to be camouflaged in
the system, making its detection more difficult.
Thanks to Arrizen Pérez for his explanations.
Cyber Warfare and Transnational Corporations
Q&A: Hacker attacks in support of WikiLeaks
Agence France-Presse | 08/12/10 |
Last Updated: 08/12/10 5:32 PM ET
On Wednesday, in a show of support, a group of Internet
hackers attacked the websites of payment providers who
have denied service to WikiLeaks.
Who is disrupting the websites of MasterCard, Visa,
and others?
A cyber army called “Anonymous,” described as a “hacktivist”
group. It was born out of the internet messageboard 4chan, a
forum popular with hackers and gamers.
Permissions Research – Cambridge MA
serious question about this companies authenticity
PermissionResearch is a division of ComScore, Inc., one
of the nation's largest Internet research firms, boasting
more than 2 million members worldwide. Our goal is to
help companies understand digital content trends and
patterns so that those companies can give people like you
what you want. TV networks use rating services that
collect data from sample populations to determine the
most watched programs; then they decide which shows
and commercials to air. Similarly, the businesses and
media organizations rely on services like Permission
Research to understand how people view and interact with
content on the Internet and on TV. Permission Research
panellists help influence the content and services that are
available on the Internet and offline as well.
How it Works?
In order to participate in this research community, we ask that
members install software on their computers. This research
software monitors the community member's Internet activity,
allowing PermissionResearch to develop an understanding of how
they and the members of their household use the Internet. In
addition, PermissionResearch may occasionally invite its
members to participate in online surveys that are designed to help
companies understand the member's attitudes and interests on a
wide variety of topics. Participation in these surveys is optional.
Permission Research Scam
Permission Research Panel
Permission Research Rewards
Permission Research Website
Permission to Do Research
Permission Rewards
Permission Surveys
The Fox guarding the henhouse – SPYWARE and
What is the relationship between Toluna, Panda Labs and
Permission Research
Exploited the ignorant – behavioral research and addictive
behavior patterns
marketing research malware vs spyware
Spyware – types of malware || Panda Research Labs
Panda Internet Security 2013 Review
Hybrid intelligent systems for detecting network intrusions
Mrutyunjaya Panda1,*,
Ajith Abraham2,3,
Manas Ranjan Patra4
Article first published online: 11 JUL 2012
DOI: 10.1002/sec.592
Panda Internet Security Unsafe File Permissions Let Local Users Gain
Elevated Privileges
SecurityTracker Alert ID: 1023121
SecurityTracker URL:
CVE Reference: CVE-2009-4215 (Links to External Site)
Updated: Dec 11 2009
Original Entry Date: Nov 2 2009
Impact: Modification of user information, Root access via local
system, User access via local system
Exploit Included: Yes
Version(s): 2010; Build 15.01.00
Description: A vulnerability was reported in Panda Internet Security.
A local user can obtain elevated privileges on the target system.
The software is configured to allow 'Full' access control to the
'Everyone' group. A local user can modify the files to include arbitrary
Panda Global Protection 2010 is also affected.
The vendor was notified on October 27, 2009 without response.
Francis Provencher of Protek Research Lab reported this vulnerability.
Impact: A local user can obtain elevated privileges on the target
Solution: No solution was available at the time of this entry.
Vendor URL: (Links to External Site)
Cause: Configuration error
Underlying OS: Windows (Any)
NSA PRISM - (the 3rd generation Big Brother bureaucracy)
Selling the American Recovery Act - making the big banks (fleece as white as snow) as dedicated community
Chase Liquid
JP Morgan Chase Global Cities Initiative
Chase Mission Main Street Grants
Chase Community Giving
Chase Blueprint
JP Morgan Chase 100,000 Jobs Mission
Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses
Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women
PNC Virtual Wallet
Bank of America Neighborhood Builders
Citi Community Development
Citi Salutes
Wells Fargo Home Preservation Workshops
Wells Fargo Neighborhood LIFT
American Express Small Business Saturday
American Express Bluebird
Earlier you mentioned that, of the choices we gave you, you posted most frequently over
the past month about the topics listed below:
Personal/Family financial management
Environmental sustainability
Cyber security
Personal/Family financial management Environmental sustainability Cyber security
Professional blog or website
Professional blog or websitePersonal/Family financial management
Environmental sustainability
Cyber security
Discussion boards & community Q&A (e.g.,, WikiAnswers)
Discussion boards & community Q&A (e.g.,, WikiAnswers)
Personal/Family financial management
Environmental sustainability
Cyber security
Personal blog or website
Personal blog or websitePersonal/Family financial management
Environmental sustainability
Cyber security
Fundraising & advocacy (e.g. Kickstarter, IndieGoGo, Causes, Care2, GlobalGiving)
Fundraising & advocacy (e.g. Kickstarter, IndieGoGo, Causes, Care2, GlobalGiving)
Personal/Family financial management
Environmental sustainability
Cyber security
Business & product reviews (e.g. Yelp,,
Business & product reviews (e.g. Yelp,,
Personal/Family financial management
Environmental sustainability
Cyber security
Events (e.g., Eventful)
Events (e.g., Eventful)Personal/Family financial management
Environmental sustainability
Cyber security
Social news & bookmarking (e.g. StumbleUpon, Reddit,, Pinterest)
Social news & bookmarking (e.g. StumbleUpon, Reddit,, Pinterest)
Personal/Family financial management
Environmental sustainability
Cyber security
Microblog (e.g. Twitter, Tumblr)
Microblog (e.g. Twitter, Tumblr) Personal/Family financial management
Environmental sustainability
Cyber security
Social networking (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+)
Social networking (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+)Personal/Family financial management
Environmental sustainability
Cyber security
Video sharing (e.g. YouTube, Vimeo)
Video sharing (e.g. YouTube, Vimeo) Personal/Family financial management
Environmental sustainability
Cyber security
Wikis (e.g. Wikipedia, Wetpaint)
Wikis (e.g. Wikipedia, Wetpaint) Personal/Family financial management
Environmental sustainability
Cyber security
Other, please specify Other, please specify
Other, please specify Personal/Family financial management
Environmental sustainability
Cyber security
Sentient Decision Science - Precision Sample - Sample Partner Network ||
Which from another computer network at our local library gives a new address:
Who contracts the survey taking website and who is paying for the surveys to be taken is the big question is it merely
gratuitous or do the marketing research companies make a lot of money and use these cheap daisy chained websites in
order to get the information – proverbially (RUN THEM) - (PAY $.04 cents on the dollar) and then extort them for points by
'signing up for offers' many illegitimate some quasi legitimate – luring them with the magic matrix of gift cards (many seen
as victims of other hack jobs on American Greed #10) or as tokens for SWEEPSTAKES or online auctions (a true swindle) and
now Las Vegas Gambling - (The Octopus).
This situation greatly serves multi-national marketing research who can play both ends against the middle; Toluna a global leader presents this argument: (Question is - what reason do you have to trust them)
Please indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements.
I consider myself far behind the times and not very engaged in either consumerism or pop culture
I am actively engaged in pop culture (e.g., watching/doing/attending news, music, literature, film, blogs, etc.)
I prefer to buy from companies that do more than just create profit for themselves
I am frequently the one doing the newest thing(s) first
I prefer to buy from companies with a reputation for having a purpose other than just profits
I'm typically the first person I know to try new things;
I consider myself a real independent thinker
I believe that the most successful businesses in the future will be those that practice sustainability
I am typically the first person to know and try new things
I believe companies have a more important role than governments today in creating better futures
One of the main ways I stay connected with my friends is through social networking sites
I am often consulted by my peers for counsel and recommendation on a range of topics
When I have a great or an awful experience with a new brand/product/service/vendor/venue/anything,
I tell lots of other people I believe it's my responsibility to make a difference
My posts on social media frequently get shared/re-posted by others
Which leads the daisy chain to VoiceFive – which leads to the Queens
Ruler – MRR
Resources for Behavioral Marketing – this includes targeting || Sales Recovery (from
I began the survey trial with Permission Research Inc. - they set me up with all of the other
survey sites; I know this because they continue to send me emails for sweepstake points
in spite of the fact that I unsubscribed from their site on several occasions……...
Thank you for agreeing to participate in this research study!
This survey is being conducted by MaPS, a national market research firm in Boston. We're conducting this research to
better understand people's attitudes and opinions about shopping.
Here is a slight variation in this scams operational strategy
MyPoints Survey - Market Dynamics, INC research and consulting
Spin to Win –either you don't win (not qualified for survey) – or receive a few tokens to gamble with; but first you
must register and pay your own money for pennies on the dollar (bait and switch)
My Survey - Persuadable Research Corporation -
Toluna - Opinion Connect - InBox Dollars (seems to be an associate of) Qualtrics
Lieberman Research Worldwide a client/owner? of Global Test Market
A custom market research company with a business consulting perspective. Specializing in strategy development,
advertising, customer satisfaction, powered by confirmit - routs to OpinionShare
A full-service market research company, Insights In Marketing works with some of the world's biggest brands. Call us
to talk about how we can help yours!
J.D. Power McGraw-Hill Financial "The Voice of the Customer," for MyView (your opinion counts)
Lawn and Garden Survey Panda Research
1 This survey may contain information about a new product or new line of products not yet registered for sale.
By continuing to participate in this study, you agree to keep any information you learn confidential and not to
disclose it to anyone.
1412 ---- another disclaimer
It led me to a survey about travel - specifically Buffalo New York
completed long survey about Citibank redevelopment partnership with Jonathon rose. - router address of global test market - checkerboard pattern
MemoLink suddenly changes to Daily Survey - here is the mechanism of this (multiplicity)
Welcome to the American Customer Satisfaction Index Private Sector Research Project Developed at: The University
of Michigan
Permissions Research - the parent company of many survey enterprises including Panda Research is offering a survey
for a $100,000.00 sweepstakes a fantastic claim even for this cyber fraud;MARK;
next - music from Beethoven’s 5th symphony
Toluna use Nielson oftentimes - same crooked deal pay off less than 10% (pure fraud)
here's a new link from Toluna -
and MyPoints is using Burke -
LRW and global test market frequently take short surveys like this one - they gather data but have no real survey
and they quickly dismiss you……………a survey company like Global Test Market surreptitiously asks the same
demographic questions (age, income level, gender, zip code, employment) but seldom has any real surveys to offer yet a plethora of marketing schemes from every major corporation and sales marketing service…………..they are no
more than a clever ruse to rob you.
Panda Research - Permission Research (a new one - again)
after 3 or 4 rejections (routing changes) - on to Toluna
iPoll - Memolink
powered and managed by Easy Insights (Reel Change) mirrors (Reel Opinions Panel)
Global Market Insite, Inc
PhoCusWright market research _ industry intelligence
Mindspay precision sample sample partner - --------------this message apologizes after completing a 10 minute survey that
'you don't match the desired profile required to complete the survey' - this happens often
supposedly the reward is points for a sweepstakes entry (gambling)
Clinical Trial Center - Acurian
Directive Analytics - new from Gongos
also another from Chadwick - Martin - Bailey
immediately routed to J.D. Power**
Perspective Research Services -
iPoll - -
Toluna - QuickSurveys - Xprst - iPsos - Confirmit - Costa Awareness - Opinion Connect
Phoenix Marketing international Opinion Surveys through and this leads back to the inane Toluna demography!1c839f6d4bb40460eb1dd5b3f2bda383c02&
1244273-US&src=3&l=9& disclaimer error page - already taken this
survey…………which leads me to suspect that since I didn't complete any surveys in the 2 hours that I worked on this
morning at 5 am that these 'surveys' are 'daisy chained' to many fly by night survey website operations - with actually
very few (compared to the traffic volume of these sites) surveys being available at a given time……the fraud is their claim
to pay when in fact the compensation being offered is less than 10 cents on the dollar and normally is not in the form of
cash but a clever ruse of gift cards and other proprietary gimmicks which they in fact receive large financial incentives
(kick backs) for providing to their unsuspecting members (victims)… even worse aspect of these 'rackets' (Rico Act
operations by international standards) is their offer of large incentives (comparatively) to purchase credit card contracts,
cell phone signups and hundreds of more schemes to induce the 'consumer' to use credit to succeed at the game. A game
that you can never win………………..
myPoints - Hall and Partners (
then after answering some questions Would you like your opinion heard?
then comes up Kelton - some personal questions about household income, age and employment
- professions - back to technical skills and experience
'the equivalent of a job interview' iPoll then returns this screen 1 time in 4
Congratulations! You have joined the finest minds in consumer research. Please take a minute to complete the new
member questionnaire below.
ype=unfortunately_not_qualified_for_survey&exit_survey_reward= this sequence is repeat in virtually every survey
service - as if they copied the scheme off one another
Toluna Quick Surveys Engine (one which I use at least several times a day) - back to message Thanks for giving this survey a try! We are sorry to say, but our clients were looking for a specific group of
people for this particular study and you did not quite make the list.
And just so you know, as a token of our appreciation, we have awarded you
with one entry to our monthly cash sweepstakes (please allow up to a
few days for crediting) Please refer to the survey ID should you need to
contact us about this survey in the future.
---- in typical fashion I follow the instructions to try again - several times and end up typically
at another site which is also frequently the case – this is the
address of a specific survey offering 2500 points
oh so sorry immediately rejected and sent to -
back to after the following message -
another router is accessed powered by Market Tools - a Metrix Lab Company
Hey, sorry about that!
Unfortunately, the quota
for this survey has
just been filled.
no tickee - no washee
ROI Research results opportunities insight from ValuedOpinions - not qualified - redirected to rejected after questions about personal/corporate income**&subpanelid=21
onto another survey provider - technomic
I finished this survey (though short should earn $1.00 -
on to the next survey MediaInsiders
We appreciate your feedback!
Although you didn't qualify to complete this particular survey, we appreciate your willingness to take part.
We have more survey opportunities ready for you!
and after some more very personal questions
MintVine is another survey deal -
frequent errors plague these apache servers which they use - their technology is close to 10 year old
as far as hardware is concerned (low overhead - few servers)
I completed this survey - lbl_privacy_mail
Link this misnomer was provided
1. Liberty Bankers Life | Privacy Policy
Because LBL is sensitive to privacy issues on the Internet, ... For example, LBL retains e-mail addresses of
visitors who respond to the site’s e-mail forms,
Information Technology is developed for the original internet at
Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. Research is founded upon the willing co-operation of the
public, of business organizations and professionals. It depends upon their confidence that it is conducted honestly,
objectively, without unwelcome intrusion and without harm to respondents. Its purpose is to collect and analyse
information, and not to directly influence opinions or create sales..
Please be assured that no information which could be used to identify you will be made available to anyone outside
of this survey without your consent.
The information you have supplied will not be used for any purpose other than research.
My survey - took me here and left me with nothing (
Upon completing this survey, you will earn the following:
VIP Points, which can be used as entries into a variety of exciting sweepstakes or to bid on great auction items;
Remember, with our reward levels, you increase your winning power by taking more surveys - the more surveys you accurately co
more points you'll earn for each one, and the better odds you will have to win great prizes. Reach our 5th level of VIP status and you w
earn 200 points per survey!
Ask GtF --- The scam is a daisy chain of interconnected 'surveys' which ask you the same questions
over and over again - many are the exact same forms - daisy chained together with 'spaghetti code'.
This ruse serves the purpose of deceiving the survey taker into answer a multitude of clever offers for everything under the marke
sun including sweepstakes in place of the promised cash and the temptation to gamble
with enticements –open memberships to Las Vegas sponsored gaming sites – with your credit
card (spending their members own money for tokens) -
Who is willing to bet that these companies operating as ‘brokerage partners’ with the clients of the
Corporations and corporate entities which have commissioned the surveys themselves; are not
Skimming their unwitting membership through contractual arrangements with the casinos and
Credit card manufacturing companies – while the survey taker is promised an honest reward for
their considerable efforts at meeting the qualifications for a given survey (quotas strictly enforced) –
that between 4 cents and 10 cents on the dollar for those surveys actually completed and verified;
will surreptitiously be converted into sweepstakes tokens unless the monetary reward originates from
a kickback from purchasing goods and services through the survey company……palmistry at its best.
Enforcing the FTC Consumer Protection statuettes is the only way to prevent the massive shift of goods
And services from legitamite American business – to a global marketing research industry which has a
Proven record of Fraud and Theft – especially relating to credit; credit card companies and casino
Style gambling……what generations past termed corrupt organizations…….
Protecting Yourself from Internet Scams – Internet Fraud
According to UNICRI, almost 2/3 of all internet users have been a victim of some type of cyber-crime. But
those who carry out internet scams and fraudulent schemes are very opportunistic meaning that they
will attack targets that are most vulnerable and easy. There are some precautions that can be taken in
order to ensure you’re safe from internet scams; or at least make yourself less vulnerable.
“According to the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), any
type of transaction or solicitation that uses intentional deception in order to cause damage or make
a personal gain is considered to be internet fraud.”
Again in this blog from NetLZ Consulting – “Some key phrases that are used frequently in internet scams are an attempt to put press
the reader or site visitor to “act now.” The scammer will indicate that the deal “won’t last” or that it is available “today only.” H
upon returning to the site in the following weeks, the same message will still be displayed. If someone sends you an email that s
that they “saw your profile on the internet” and could not resist getting in touch with you to offer you a job or opportunity it’s
Even the cyber security at Berkley Labs – birthplace of the internet – seems woefully inadequate;
Cyber Incident Handling