David Kilburn Head of Business Development Chartered Marketer Barclays Fellow in Marketing Definition of Marketing Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably Airtours Case Study Swot Analysis • • • • • • Strengths Vertical integration Experienced management team Ambitious acquisitions Diversifying its market and reducing dependence on U.K. market Good range of choice of holidays Different distribution channels Airtours Case Study Swot Analysis • • • • Weaknesses Proliferation of brand names – could cause confusion Prodigious growth – will the bubble burst? Bewildering range of acquisitions Local company with international ambitions Airtours Case Study Swot Analysis • • • • Opportunities To become the number one U.K.Tour Operator To be the market leader To diversify in to other tourism related sectors such as green tourism, ecotourism To anticipate future trends in the travel industry Airtours Case Study Swot Analysis • • • • • Threats Consumers tire of the same old holidays to Spain, Portugal, Majorca, Ibiza, etc. Growth of low cost airlines Consumers can plan their own holidays and put the package together saving 10% on the cost of using a travel agent Economic downturn, rising interest rates Changing consumer behaviour Airtours Case Study Future Challenges • • • • • • Staying one step ahead of the competition Political and Economic uncertainty Unpredictable Consumers Terrorism War Airport security Airtours Case Study Branding Strategy • Proliferation of brands across the business Why? • Gives consumers more choice • Sub brands can be more up market or discount • Brand probity of umbrella brand (Airtours) can be enhanced or damaged by performance of sub brand Airtours Case Study MyTravel rebrand • The company had expanded rapidly and offered a confused message to consumers • Consumers were seeking alternative types of holidays – fed up with packages • On the one hand - a good idea to rebrand • On the other hand – consumer confusion can lead to loss of brand equity and falling sales Airtours Case Study Reasons why MyTravel has performed badly • Rebranding coincided with a downturn in the market caused by terrorism and economic uncertainty • The company grew too large and confused customers with too many brands and business units • Innovative and entrepreneurial founder, David Crossland has retired so the company has lost its visionary leader. • Difficult market conditions, heavy discounting reduces profitability and damages brand equity.