Alana L, Toni M, Kaliah M, Autumn B January 31, 2013 Transpiration Lab Introduction: In this experiment we will be observing the effect that different exposure to light will have on a plants transpiration rate. Before conducting our experiment, the group came to a consensus and stated that the plant without any exposure to light will have the lowest transpiration rate given that there will be a lack of photosynthesis conducted without the needed light and the plant exposed to light continuously will have the highest transpiration rate, meaning that the water will escape the stomata at a quicker rate than any of the other. To test this theory, our control will be a plant placed in a window seal to receive the “normal” 24 hour cycle of day light and darkness, unlike our two experimental locations where one plant will be placed under a lamp 24/5 and the other in a dark cabinet. In order to determine which plant transpired the most, we will take the weight the initial plant’s weight after lightly bathing them with water, then take their weight daily. The difference between the initial weight and final weight will indicate the total water loss; to divide the difference by the total amount of days will indicate the rate of transpiration per day. Control: Plant exposed to normal 24hr cycle of light Experiment Group A: continuous exposure to light Experiment Group B: no exposure to light of any kind Hypothesis Null: All three plants will have the same transpiration rate. Experimental: The plant that receives less light will have the lowest transpiration rate; the plant that receives constant light will have the highest transpiration rate, while our control will be the neutral respiration to give a basis for each contrasting light exposure. Materials: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Three plants (Pansy) Normal Sunlight Artificial light (Lamp) Darkness (a Cabinet or Dark Closet) Clear plastic wrap Water Alana L, Toni M, Kaliah M, Autumn B January 31, 2013 7. Rubber band 8. Thermometer 9. Pen/Permanent Marker 10. Paper to record results 11. Tape 12. Scale Procedures: 1.) Remove the plants from the plastic carton and lightly water (bathe) the soil and cover with clear plastic wrap. 2.) Label each plant as Group A (continuous light), Group B (no light) and Control. 3.) Weigh each plant individually and record the initial weight (g) on the label. 4.) Then place control in a window seal, one under a lamp and the other plant in complete darkness. 5.) Leave plants under these conditions for 5 days, while periodically checking the weight of the plant daily and recording the results. Collected Data: Plants Weight over the Course of Five Days with Various Light Exposures Group Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Group A 38.21g 32.83g 29.22g 25.62g 20.19g Group B 42.70g 43.75g 41.37g 38.99g 30.80g Control 46.83g 42.77g 39.48g 36.20g 30.42g Rate of Transpiration Formula: Initial Weight – Final Weight/Days of Exposure Rate of Transpiration is the amount of water lost through the stomata (g) Group Rate per day Group A 3.604g Group B 2.38g Control 3.282g Alana L, Toni M, Kaliah M, Autumn B January 31, 2013 Data Displayed in Charts & Graphs: Plants Weight over Course of Five Days 50 45 40 35 Day 1 30 Day 2 25 Day 3 20 Day 4 15 Day 5 10 5 0 Group A Group B Control Analysis of the Plants Weight over the Course of Five Days with Various Light Exposures: Our data shows that on day one, our group A plant had a weight of 38.21 grams, our group B plant had a weight of 42.70 grams and our control group plant had a weight of 46.83 grams. By day two, our group A plant weight had decreased by 5.38 grams, our group B plant weight had increased by 1.05 grams and our control group plant weight had decreased by 4.06 grams. By day 3, our group A plant weight had decreased by another 3.61 grams, our Group B plant weight had decreased by 2.38 grams, and our control group plant weight had decreased by 3.29 grams. By day four our group A plant weight had decreased by another 3.60 grams, our group B plant weight had decreased by another 2.38 grams and our control group plant weight had decreased by another 3.28 grams. By Day 5, our group A plant weight had decreased by another 5.43 grams, our group B plant weight had decreased by 8.19 grams and our control group plant weight had decreased by 5.78 grams. In all, our group A plant weight decreased by a total of 18.02 grams, our group B plant weight decreased by a total of 11.9 grams, and our control group plant weight decreased by a total of 16.41 grams. As expected our group A plant showed the most weight loss—implying that a higher transpiration rate was found in it because of it’s continuous exposure to the light. Our group B plant showed the least amount of weight loss—implying that a lower transpiration rate was found in it because of its continuous lack of exposure to light. Because it was exposed to no light, it wasn’t easily dried out and therefore retained its water for a longer time. Also as expected, our control group plant showed a weight loss that was somewhere in between the weight loss of group A and group B. It’s transpiration rate, in comparison to that of group A and group B, was somewhere between theirs as well since the control group plant had times of exposure to Alana L, Toni M, Kaliah M, Autumn B January 31, 2013 the light as well as times of no exposure to the light. In our data, the group B plant is the only plant that experienced an increase in weight at any time during the experiment. This increase was found on day 2—its weight increased by 1.05 grams. Whenever the weights decreased, we knew that the plant(s) lost water through transpiration. The one time the weight did increase, we know the plant did gain weight possibly from increased water weight but we had no solid proof to show that. As far as errors go in our experiment—we weren’t able to collect the stomata samples from the leaves using the clear nail polish. We attempted but failed. When we put the polish on our leaves, the leaves broke. Once we were successful in getting the dried nail polish off our plant and under the microscope—but the microscope showed no stomata. Apart from that the only other complication that can be singled out is the tightness of the ceramic wrap on each plant’s soiled roots. There’s a possibility that the tightness of the wraps may have had some impact on the transpiration rates. Also, the fact that we had to bring our group B plant into the light in order to collect data could have impacted it’s transpiration rate. The group B plant did have some exposure during those times of data collecting—but that’s it. Other than these errors, our experiment ran smoothly and didn’t have any other major complications. Further experimentation is encouraged in order to see if the data of these experiments will be consistent with the ones found in this one. Rate of Transpriation 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 Rate of Transpriation 1.5 1 0.5 0 Group A Group B Control Analysis of the Plants Rate of Transpiration: Based on the data collected over the five day period plant A(under lamp) had a higher daily rate of transpiration than plant B(in cabinet). With group B in comparison to the control grouped the rate of transpiration day to day wasn't to far off. Day one only a difference of 4.13g of transpiration while you compare Alana L, Toni M, Kaliah M, Autumn B January 31, 2013 group A and controlled group their is a 8.62g difference in transpiration. Day two, the difference in group B and controlled group is minimized to a margin of only 0.98g while group A holds a even bigger margin of difference than it did the day before. By day three the difference between group B and the control groups rate of transpiration is 1.89g while there is a 10.26g difference between group A and the control group. With this trend continuing further into time, it's suggested that no light exposure and natural growth and light exposure show similarities in plants ability to adaption, while group A was effected by over exposure to light causing a dramatic increase in the transpiration rate. Conclusion: Our hypothesis was proven correct with our inference that the plant exposed to more light would have the highest rate of transpiration even if it is only 0.322g more than our actual control. Our hypothesis was also correct with the inference that the plant that didn’t receive any source of light would have the lower transpiration rate being 0.902g lower than the control and 1.224g less than our experimental Group A. Unfortunately we were unable to successfully identify the amount of stomata to make further connections between light and transpiration rate, we now understand the skill in correctly completing the task to obtain an accurate result. It seems that there might have been some other factors that came into play—as stated above in our analysis—and do encourage further experimentation to be conducted. All in all, our hypothesis for this experimentation was proven correct by our data and our predictions on the comparisons between the transpiration rates of the group A plant, group B plant and control group plant were correct. Step 1 a-h: a. How can you calculate the total leaf surface area expressed in cm2? In mm2? Lay the leaves to be measured on a 1-cm grid and trace their outlines. Count the number of square centimeters. To get in mm2, convert from cm2 to mm2 by multiplying the number of centimeters by 10. 1cm=1=mm. b. How can you estimate the leaf surface area of the entire plant without measuring every leaf? You can measure one leaf and multiply the surface area of that leaf by the number of leaves on the plant. c. What predictions and/or hypotheses can you make about the number of Alana L, Toni M, Kaliah M, Autumn B January 31, 2013 stomata per mm2 and the rate of transpiration? The more stomata found per mm2 in the plant leaves, the more pores available for transpiration. If there are more stomata found, then the transpiration rate will probably be extremely high. If there are less stomata found, less transpiration can occur. d. Is the leaf surface area directly related to the rate of transpiration? The stomata on the underside of the leaf regulate transpiration. The leaf surface area helps to estimate the number of stomata, which could speed up or slow the rate of transpiration. e. What predictions can you make about the rate of transpiration in plants with smaller or fewer leaves? Plants with smaller/fewer leaves have less stomata available to the plant for transpiration so possibly the rate of transpiration also varies with the amount or size of the leaves on the plant. f. Because most leaves have two sides, do you think you have to double your calculation to obtain the surface area of one leaf? Why or why not? You have to double your calculations of a leaf's surface area. The surface area includes the total area of ALL SIDES of an object so in order to calculate the total surface area, you must calculate the surface area of both sides of the leaves. g. Water is transpired through stomata, but carbon dioxide also must pass through stomata into a leaf for photosynthesis to occur. There is evidence that the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has not always been the same over the history of life on Earth. Explain how the presence of a higher or lower concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide would impact the evolution of stomata density in plants. The higher carbon dioxide is in the atmosphere the lower the amount of stomata because plants can get all the carbon dioxide needed using a small amount of stomata in this environment. The lower the carbon dioxide is in the atmosphere, the higher the amount of stomata because plants will need Alana L, Toni M, Kaliah M, Autumn B January 31, 2013 more stomata to get enough carbon dioxide in this environment. This affects the plants evolutionarily in that they can decide when they need more stomata and when they need less stomata depending on the conditions of their environment. h. Based on the data in the following table, is there a relationship between the habitat (in terms of moisture) to which the plants are adapted and the density of stomata in their leaves? What evidence from the data supports your answer? There is a relationship. Plants, like the water lily, who live in very moist places, get their water from beneath their leaves. Because of this they can use the stomata on the upper, top, part of their leaf for other things such as transpiration, photosynthesis, etc. Getting Started Questions… 1. If the plant cell has a higher solute potential/concentration than it’s surrounding, in this case the surrounding environment has a higher water potential than the inside of the cell. As a result, the water from the surrounding environment will move into the cell using osmosis. Water moves from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration causing the plant cell to swell. 2. The water on the inside of the plant, grass, will move outside of the grass to where the salt is located, again the water is moving from low concentration to high concentration. As a result, the grass would die because of the lack of water, dehydration, inside of its cells. Alana L, Toni M, Kaliah M, Autumn B January 31, 2013 3. The function of the xylem in a plant is to transport water and other minerals/nutrients up from the roots and to the rest of the plant. It is composed various cells and it is a tube-like shape. As for the phloem of the plant, its main function is to take food and other nutrients from the leaves down to the rest of the plant; the phloem flows in the opposite direction, and sometimes the same directions, as the xylem. However, when looking at the phloem of the plant, it is slightly different than the plant’s xylem. The structure, or appearance, of the plant’s phloem resembles a long, elongated, tube-like structure. 4. If given a tree to plant, we would choose to plant the tree in the Winter month as oppose to planting it in the summer. Planting trees in the winter gives the plant’s roots a chance to settle during the cooler months, that way when the spring and summer come it would be ready to grow and be better equip to survive in the summer heat. The establishment of a good root system is necessary in a plants life, especially for a tree that grows big and tall. Roots not only supply water and nutrients from the soil, but it also helps to keep the plant standing upright, that and the stem.