Overall Sugar Yields from Corn Stover via Thermochemical Hemicellulose Hydrolysis Followed by Enzymatic Hydrolysis Todd A. Lloyd and Charles E. Wyman Thayer School of Engineering Dartmouth College Hanover, New Hampshire 03755 AIChE Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA November 20, 2003 Biomass Refining CAFI Objectives • Determine pretreatment conditions that lead to highest overall sugar yields • Develop comparitive information on a consistent basis • Identify opportunities to lower production costs while maintaining high yields Biomass Refining CAFI Corn Stover Composition • NREL supplied corn stover to all project participants (source: BioMass AgriProducts, Harlan IA) • Stover washed and dried in small commercial operation, knife milled to pass ¼ inch screen Glucan 36.1 % Xylan 21.4 % Arabinan 3.5 % Mannan 1.8 % Galactan 2.5 % Lignin 17.2 % Protein 4.0 % Acetyl 3.2 % Ash 7.1 % Uronic Acid 3.6 % Non-structural Sugars 1.2 % Biomass Refining CAFI Overall Flow Diagram for Dilute Acid Pretreatment H2O or H2SO4(aq) Enzyme Corn Stover Batch Pretreatment Stage 1 Digestion Sugars Hydrolysis Stage 2 Residue Pretreatment Sugars Fermentation Ethanol Biomass Refining CAFI Stage 1 – Summary of Pretreatment Conditions • Steam Gun-no added acid • – 150-220 – ~25% solids oC • Dilute Acid – – – – 140-200 oC 0.22-1.0 % H2SO4 5-25% solids Heated in sand bath Biomass Refining CAFI Batch Reaction Systems 1. NREL steam gun 2. ½”o.d. batch tubes 3. 1l stirred autoclave NREL Steam Gun Biomass Refining CAFI 4” Batch Tube Experimental Apparatus for Dilute Sulfuric Acid Biomass Refining CAFI Parr Reactor Experimental Apparatus for Dilute Sulfuric Acid Biomass Refining CAFI Stage 2 – Enzymatic Digestion • Spezyme from Genencor - used by all investigators • NREL LAP-009 used to evaluate digestibility – 60 FPU/g original glucan used to determine ultimate digestibility – 15 FPU/g tests done on selected samples Biomass Refining CAFI Severity Parameter • For no acid addition applied approach used by Overend and Chornet Ro = t*exp[(T-100)/14.75] • Modified equation including acid addition has the form: n CS = t*A exp[(T-100)/14.75] CS = Combined Severity A = Added Acid, % n = Arbitrary exponent T = Reaction Temperature, oC • Provides useful tools to compare results from a broad range of conditions Biomass Refining CAFI Combined Stage 1 and 2 Steam Gun Results - No Acid 1 0.9 Yield, (X/X o + G/Go) 0.8 Combined Xylose Combined Glucose 0.7 0.6 60 FPU/g original glucan Ro=t*exp((T-100)/14.75) Overall Combined o 210 C o 190 C 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 Log (Ro) Biomass Refining CAFI 4.2 4.4 4.6 Stage 1 Pretreatment Yield for 0.49% H2SO4 Addition in Batch Tubes 1 0.9 CS=t*[aH+]0.5*exp((T-100)/14.75) Batch Tube Yield, X/Xo or G/Go 0.8 0.7 0.6 180 C Xylose Yield 0.5 180 C Glucose Yield 0.4 160 C Xylose Yield 0.3 160 C Glucose Yield 140 C Xylose Yield 0.2 140 C Glucose Yield 0.1 0 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 Log CS Biomass Refining CAFI 3.00 3.50 4.00 Stage 2 Digestion Yield for 0.49% H2SO4 Addition in Batch Tubes 1 0.9 Batch Tube Yield, X/Xo or G/Go 0.8 0.7 0.6 180 C Glucose Yield 0.5 0.4 180 C Xylose Yield 60 FPU/g Original Glucan 160 C Glucose Yield 0.5 0.3 160 Xylose Yield CS=t*[aH+] *exp((T-100)/14.75) 140 Glucose Yield 140 Xylose Yield 0.2 0.1 0 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 Log CS Biomass Refining CAFI 3.00 3.50 4.00 Combined Stage 1 and Stage 2 Yield for 0.49% H2SO4 Addition in Batch Tubes 1.00 Batch Tube CS=t*[aH+]0.5*exp((T-100)/14.75) Yield, (X+G)/(Xo+ Go) 0.95 0.90 60 FPU/g glucan enzyme loading 0.85 0.80 180 C Combined Yield 160 C Combined Yield 140 C Combined Yield 15 FPU/g glucan loading 0.75 0.70 0.65 0.60 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 Log CS Biomass Refining CAFI 3.00 3.50 4.00 Combined Stage 1 and Stage 2 Yield for 0.98% H2SO4 Addition in Batch Tubes Biomass Refining CAFI Mass Balance for Dilute Acid Pretreatment with Digestion (15 FPU/ g of glucan) in Parr Reactor 1 wt% H2SO4 140 oC Corn Stover Parr Reactor Enzyme @ 15 FPU/g of glucan, 48h Hydrolyzate Liquid Hydrolysis 100 lb Pretreatment 64.0 lb Treated (dry basis) Solids 21.4 lb xylan 2.1 lb xylan 36.1 lb glucan 1.3 lb xylose (X) 30.9 lb glucose (G) 32.4 lb Residual Solids 33 lb glucan 2.29 gal ethanol 21.8lb xylose (X) Fermentation 0.1 lb xylo-oligomer (XO) 1.79 gal ethanol 3.0 lb glucose (G) Ethanol 4.08 gal 0.2 lb gluco-oligomer (GO) 89.7% mass balance closure ( all solids + G + GO + X + XO) 92% theoretical ethanol yield from glucose + xylose 84.2% glucan to glucose + 54.5% xylan to xylose conversion at 15FPU/g glucan Biomass Refining CAFI Summary of Batch Tube Dilute Acid Performance at 15 FPU/g Glucan T, oC A, % t, min 140 0.98 40 160 0.49 20 Biomass Refining CAFI X Yield, % G Yield, % Stage 1 - 85 Stage 1 - 8 Stage 2 - 8 Stage 2 - 82 Total - 93 Total 90 Stage 1 - 85 Stage 1 - 6 Stage 2 - 9 Stage 2 - 85 Total - 94 Total 91 Understanding Role of Dilute Acid and Oligomer Release • Why does acid enhance performance? • What is the role of oligomers in sugar release? Biomass Refining CAFI Understanding Role of Dilute Acid and Oligomer Release • Why does acid enhance performance? • What is the role of oligomers in sugar release? Biomass Refining CAFI Predicting pH at Elevated Temperature K1 H 2 SO4 H HSO4 (1) K2 HSO4 H SO4 (2) Assume reaction (1) goes to completion M [ H 2 SO4 ] N [ SO4 ] [ H ][ SO4 ] K2 [ HSO4 ] (Amount of Added Acid) (Amount of Acid Neutralized) [H ] Biomass Refining CAFI K 2 M N K 2 M N 2 8K 2 M 2 (3) (4) Predicting pH at Elevated Temperature [ H ][ SO4 ] H SO4 K [ HSO4 ] HSO * log K 2th (56.9 19.9 log T 2307.9 / T .0065T ) th 2 4 K2 K th 2 HSO 4 H SO K th 2 4 *Marshall and Jones Davies' Empirical Expression 2 log i Az 0.2 I 1 I I Biomass Refining CAFI 1 SO (10 ( 56.9 19.9 logT 2307.9 / T .0065T ) 4 ) 1 SO 4 1 mi zi2 2 i ionic activity coefficient I A 1.825 x106 T 1.5 132.88 .208T z ionic charge m ion molarity Predicting pH at Elevated Temperature pH log aH log [ H ] H K M N 2 pH log H K2 M N 2 8K2 M 2 • Similar to approach used by Bienkowski et al. to predict the sulfuric acid degradation of glucose at elevated temperature and of Springer and Harris for the hydrolysis of wood Biomass Refining CAFI Predicted pH vs. Temperature 5% solids No Neutralization 4.0 3.5 3.0 pH 2.5 2.0 0.22% H 2 SO 4 1.5 0.45% H 2 SO 4 0.98% H 2 SO 4 1.0 0.5 0.0 20 40 60 80 100 120 o T em perature, C Biomass Refining CAFI 140 160 180 Predicted pH vs. Temperature 5% solids 10 mg/g Biomass Neutralization 4.0 3.5 3.0 pH 2.5 2.0 0.22% H2SO 4 0.45% H2SO4 0.98% H2SO 4 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 20 40 60 80 100 120 o Temperature, C Biomass Refining CAFI 140 160 180 Predicted pH vs. Temperature 5% solids 20 mg/g Biomass Neutralization 4.0 3.5 3.0 pH 2.5 2.0 0.22% H2SO4 0.45% H2SO4 0.98% H2SO4 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 20 40 60 80 100 120 o Temperature, C Biomass Refining CAFI 140 160 180 Predicted pH vs. Temperature 25% solids 20 mg/g Biomass Neutralization 4.0 3.5 3.0 pH 2.5 2.0 0.22% H2SO4 1.5 0.45% H2SO4 0.98% H2SO4 1.0 0.5 0.0 20 40 60 80 100 120 o Biomass Refining CAFI Temperature, C 140 160 180 Understanding Role of Dilute Acid and Oligomer Release • Why does acid enhance performance? • What is the role of oligomers in sugar release? Biomass Refining CAFI Typical Stage 1 Yield vs Time Data 100 Batch Tube Reactors o 140 C 0.49% Sulfuric Acid % Maximum Potential Xylose 80 60 Residual Xylan Soluble Monomers and Oligomers 40 Soluble Xylooligomers 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Reaction Time, min Biomass Refining CAFI 140 160 180 200 Models to Predict Hemicellulose Hydrolysis • Abundance of literature data • Most kinetic studies neglect oligomers • Saeman model:k k H h M d D • Have also added consideration of two fractions of hemicellulose in biphasic reaction (Kobayashi et al.) Hf Hs Biomass Refining CAFI kf ks M kd D Hemicellulose Hydrolysis Kinetics • A few models in literature include oligomers Hf Hs kf ks O kh M kd D • These treat oligomers as only one or possibly two species • In fact, we would expect a number of different species of oligomers with varying chain lengths • Some inconsistencies among models Biomass Refining CAFI Hemicellulose Hydrolysis Kinetics • A few models in literature include more than one species of oligomer and suggest that oligomers may react directly to degradation products without first forming xylose monomer Hs ks XOH kf XOL Garrote et. al, 2000, Process Biochemistry, 36/571-78 Biomass Refining CAFI kh M kOd kd D Structure of Hemicellulose Xylose Glucuronic Acid + H2O Acetyl Arabinose Ferulic Acid p-Coumaric Acid Biomass Refining CAFI Fragmentation Products Polymer Degradation1 N-mer dCN/dt = -kh(N-1)CN CN = CN0exp[-kh (N-1) t] Assumes random bond scission and uniform rate constant 1 Simha, R., (1941), Journal of Applied Physics, 12:569-578 Biomass Refining CAFI Generalized Form for j-mer Distribution N dCj/dt = 2kh S Ci - kh(j-1)Cj i=j+1 Cj = CN0 [1 – a ] @ t=0, CN=CN0; Cj=0 a[ 2 + (N-j-1)a ] (j-1) 1< j < N-1 Where a = 1 - exp[ -kht ] For reactive monomer: 2kh N 1 e kht e kd t N 2 e2 kht e kd t C1 kd kh kd 2kh N Biomass Refining CAFI o Depolymerization Model 140 C, 0.49% Added Acid 1 0.9 0.8 Yield, X/X0 0.7 0.6 kh=0.126 kd=0.0016 0.5 0.4 Residual Xylan Assumptions Original DP = 100 Cutoff DP = 8 0.3 Total Xylose and Xylooligomers Xylooligomers 0.2 0.1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Pretreatment Time, min Biomass Refining CAFI 140 160 180 200 Modified Depolymerization Model • Assumes a change in activation energy with conversion dC j dt n 2k h a Ci k h a(j 1)C j i j 1 ae k a X Biomass Refining CAFI n ; Ci wher e X 1 i m Ci 0 for j m : n Modified Depolymerization Model o 140 C, 0.49% Added Acid 1 dC j Assumptions: 0.9 2k h a Ci k h a(j 1)C j dt ka X i j 1 ae Cutoff DP = 8 Original DP = 100 0.8 Yield, X/X0 0.7 Kh=.516 min-1 0.6 Ka=7.9 Kf=.0016 min-1 Ko=.094 min-1 0.5 0.4 n for j m : n n m-1 dC1 2kha Ci 2ko Ci ko (1 - j)C j dt i m i 2 n m-1 dC1 2khaCi 2ko Ci kdC1 dt i m i 2 for 1 j m for j 1 Residual Xylan 0.3 Soluble Xylooligomers Soluble Xylose + Xylooligomers 0.2 0.1 0 0 20 Biomass Refining CAFI 40 60 80 100 120 Pretreatment Time, min 140 160 180 200 Conclusions • Water only hydrolysis with a steam gun produced a maximum yield of about 60% X+G with 60 FPU/g glucan. • For dilute acid pretreatment conditions for >95% yield of glucan and xylan ranged from 140oC with 0.98% added acid for 40 minutes to 180oC with 0.49% added acid for 5 minutes • Xylanase activity in stage 2 enhances xylose yields • Neutralization of added acid can have a significant effect on pH • Hydrolysis can be viewed as a depolymerization process Biomass Refining CAFI Acknowledgements The United States Department of Agriculture Initiative for Future Agricultural and Food Systems Program through Contract 00-52104-9663 for funding our research The United States Department of Energy Office of the Biomass Program and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory Our partners from Auburn University, Michigan State, Purdue, and Texas A&M Universities and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory The National Institute of Standards and Technology for funds to purchase some of the equipment used in this research The Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College Biomass Refining CAFI Questions? Biomass Refining CAFI