Final Review June 2014

Whiskey Rebellion: Farmers in Penn rebelled bc
of the excise tax (whiskey). Washington sent
the troops to crush the rebellion. PROVED THE
Louisiana Purchase (1803): Jefferson bought
from France (Napoleon). Jefferson struggled bc
of strict interpretation of Constitution.
Jefferson made a treaty-approved by Congress
using the Elastic Clause.
Lewis and Clark: Sent to explore the Louisiana
Purchase and find a route to the Pacific, led by
Causes: Impressment, attacking U.S. ships,
weapons to Native Americans, Expansion
Effects: Increased Nationalism, Star Spangled
Banner, Andrew Jackson is a hero.
Embargo Act: Passed by Jefferson, U.S. no trade
with any nation. Hurt U.S. economy!
Exports: Goods sent from U.S. to other
Monroe Doctrine: U.S. attempt to stop Europe
from recolonizing in the Western Hemisphere
(mainly South America). “Dangerous to our
peace and safety.” U.S. will stay out of
European affairs.
“Era of Good Feelings”: Period after the War of
1812. Only 1 political party existed
(Democratic Republicans). Period of great
economic success (prosperity).
Andrew Jackson: Elected in 1828, he increased
democracy did (not have to own land) but had
problems with the Cherokee.
National Bank: Vetoed the Bank. Known as King
Dealt with the South Carolina Nullification Crisis.
Erie Canal: Linked NYC and the Great Lakes.
Reduced shipping costs and made NY a major
trading center. It helped western farmers.
Rural: Agricultural/farming.
Urban: Urbanization/cities/factories.
Manifest Destiny(Polk): Belief that U.S. should
expand from the Atlantic to Pacific Ocean to
spread democracy across the continent.
Gained Oregon Country: “54/40 or Fight”.
U.S. gained Mexican Cession (Arizona,
California, etc.)
Annexed (added) Texas but led to Mexican
American War
Secession: To break away. South Carolina was
the first to secede after the Election of 1860.
Seneca Falls Convention (1848): Women’s Rights
movement. Included the Declaration of
Sentiments: “All men and women are created
Underground Railroad: Harriet Tubman was the
conductor of a secret network to help slaves
escape to freedom.
Popular Sovereignty: Let the people of a
territory decided for themselves if they want to
be slave or free.
Missouri is admitted as slave state.
Maine is admitted as free state.
36/30 Line: All land north is free and all land
south is slave.
Uncle Tom’s Cabin: By Harriet Beecher Stowe,
showed the evils of slavery and angered
Kansas-Nebraska Act: Popular Sovereignty.
Illegal voting in Kansas by border ruffians
(Missouri). Led to Bleeding Kansas with John
John Brown: Raid on Harper’s Ferry, the federal
weapons arsenal. He was arrested for treason,
tried, and killed.
Election of 1860: Lincoln elected, South Carolina
13th Amendment: Abolishes slavery.
14th Amendment: Grants citizenship and equal
protection under the law for freedmen.
15th Amendment: Grants voting rights for
African American MALES.
Literacy Tests: Blacks had to take these tests
to vote in the South.
Poll Taxes: Blacks had to pay a fee to vote in
the South
Grandfather Clause: Black men could only vote
if their grandfather did (almost all did not!).