General Education

General Education
Associates in
Science & Arts
Associates in
Applied Science
Six general abilities of educated person
Nine Areas of Knowledge
Four Higher-Level Skills
Five Areas of Knowledge
Associates in
Science & Arts
Associates in
Applied Science
Six general abilities of educated person
Nine Areas of Knowledge
Four Higher-Level Skills
Five Areas of Knowledge
Associates in
Science & Arts
Associates in
Applied Science
Six general abilities of educated person
Nine Areas of Knowledge
Four Higher-Level Skills
Five Areas of Knowledge
What did HLC have to say about all this?
“The college’s use of dual
purpose statements, multiple
lists of goals, and differing
learning outcomes undermine
the purpose and intent of
general education for higher
learning institutions.”
-2011 HLC Report
Evonne Carter,
Dean of Liberal Arts and Sciences,
Milwaukee Area Technical College
More specific HLC
• Need one common list
• Needs to be measurable
• Should be outcome based – measure what students
can actually do, not what we require them to do.
– Past discipline reviews good, but were input based – states
objectives, what we hope to accomplish, but did not
measure if students achieved outcomes
– Class climate surveys good, but are subjective – students’
perceptions of what they learned
• Results should be used to improve student learning.
• Progress report due in 2013
Assessment Committee’s Response to HLC
• Became a standing committee of
• Wrote mission and vision
• Created a sub-committee to
review the Purposes of General
Assessment Committee
To promote and coordinate meaningful assessment practices
at Muskegon Community College that will improve student
learning. (April, 2011)
Our community college will engage in meaningful assessment
practices to improve student learning. (April, 2011)
Assessment Committee Members: Ed Breitenbach, Pam Brown, Sherri Chandler, Erin Hoffman,
Kathy Krentz, Tracy Lee, Kathy Pollock, Marcia Truxton, Chris VanOosterhout, Larry Visconti, Andy
Wible, Dave Wiggins
Sub-Committee Work
• Subcommittee members: Sylvia Hayes, Erin Hoffman, Ed
Breitenbach, Andy Wible, Jeff Stipes, Kathy Pollock
• Meeting dates: 3/29, 4/14, 4/29, 5/26, 6/30, 7/28, 8/22
• Research: Information gathered from other schools including
GVSU, MSU, GRCC, Bay de Noc CC, Jackson CC, Delta College,
Lansing CC, Monroe County CC, Northwestern MI CC, Mott CC,
Oakland CC, Alverno College, University of Michigan, also add
the MACRAO agreement
• Information gather from MCC faculty at Faculty seminar days
in Jan 2011 and Maydays activities.
Student Learning Outcomes
for General Education
..knowledge and application of written and verbal communication competencies using
college level information literacy skills
Problem Solving and Technology
..knowledge and problem solving skills using logical, mathematical, and scientific
reasoning as well as technological resources
Ethical Reasoning and Creativity
..knowledge and application of creativity in the arts and the ability to critically
examine ethical values, principles, and issues.
Personal, Social, and Cultural Awareness
..knowledge and life skills required of an effective member of a diverse and global
How does this affect
instructors and students?
No changes in Graduation Requirements
No changes in MACRAO Agreement
Provide common set of measurable outcomes
Less confusing and convoluted for students
reading the catalog
• Instructors use existing assignments or
assessments to demonstrate students are
achieving these outcomes.
• Satisfy HLC accreditation committee criteria for a
educational program
What role do instructor’s play?
• Instructors of indentified courses will use
assignment or assessments to measure some
aspect of the student learning outcomes for
general education
• Baseline data will be collected Fall 2011 with
the potential to collect follow-up data in
Winter 2012 or Fall 2012
Student Learning Outcomes Worksheet
for General Education Courses
Student Learning Outcome:
At the completion of identified
General Education Coursework,
the student will demonstrate
What assignment or activity do
you require to facilitate these
student learning outcomes?
(identify course and assignment)
..knowledge and application of written and Biology 105
Short Paper
verbal communication competencies using
college level information literacy skills
Problem Solving and Technology
and problem solving skills
using logical, mathematical, and scientific
reasoning as well as technological
Ethical Reasoning and Creativity
..knowledge and application of creativity
in the arts and the ability to critically
examine ethical values, principles, and
Personal, Social, and Cultural
..knowledge and life skills required of an
effective member of a diverse and global
Biology 103
Enzyme Lab
What grade, test item, rubric,
assessment tool or other measure
demonstrates that the student
met this student learning
(Identify assessment )
% of student’s utilizing quality sources
% of student’s correctly using APA format for
Lab Grade
% of students correctly identifying steps of
scientific method: independent and dependent
variables, controls and analysis of data
% of students correctly answer questions
related to lab experiment
Hypothetical student schedules
• We will present 2 hypothetical student
schedules to demonstrate how all four areas
will be assessed
– “John” for ASA
– “Jane” for AAS
John Student's ASA Schedule:
Course Name (Credit Hours) – Requirement Category/Sub-Category
FALL 2011: 14 credits
ENG 101 English Composition (3) – Communication
BIOL 103L&L Introductory Biology (4) – Math/Science
PHIL 101 Basic Concepts of Philosophy (3) – The Human Experience/Ethics and Logic
SPAN 101 Basic Spanish (4) – Elective
WINTER 2012: 15 credits
ENG 102 English Composition (3) – Communication
MATH 111 Algebra with Coordinate Geometry (4) – Math/Science
ART 101 Beginning Art (3) – The Human Experience/Aesthetic Values
PEA 101A Fitness, Wellness and Nutrition (1) – Physical Education
SPAN 102 Basic Spanish (4) – Elective
SUMMER 2012: 7 credits
SOC 101 Principals in Sociology (3) – The Human Experience/Social Relationships
ANTH 103 Cultural Diversity in Contemporary Society (3) – Human
PEA 101A Hatha Yoga (1) – Physical Education
John Student's Schedule cont.
Course Name (Credit Hours) – Requirement Category/Sub-Category
FALL 2012: 16 credits
HIST 101 Western Civilization to 1500 (4) – Human Cultures/Western World
PSCI 111 Introduction to American Government (4) – Human Cultures/American
PSYC 201 General Psychology (4) – Elective
SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish (4) – Elective
WINTER 2013: 13 credits
HUM 195 Introduction to Humanities (3) – Elective
SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish (4) – Elective
ENG 231 Themes in Women's Literature (3) – Elective
HIST 102 United States to 1877 (3) – Elective
30 electives (min. 28)
36 gen ed. (min. 34)
John's Total 2-Year GenEd Assessment
Problem Solving and Technology
ENG 101 English Composition (F11)
ENG 102 English Composition (W12)
**Including additional courses with essay or
verbal measurements/requirements
BIOL 103S&S Introductory Biology (F11)
MATH 111 Algebra with Coordinate
Geometry (W12)
Ethical Reasoning and Creativity
Personal, Social and Cultural Awareness
PHIL 101 Basic Concepts in Philosophy
ART 101 Beginning Art (W12)
HIST 101 Western Civ. to 1500 (F12)
PSCI 111 Intro. to American Gov. (F12)
PEA 101A Fitness/Wellness/Nutrition (W12)
SOC 101 Principals in Sociology (S12)
ANTH 103 Cult. Diversity...Society (S12)
PEA 101A Hatha Yoga (S12)
HIST 101 Western Civ. to 1500 (F12)
PSCI 111 Intro. to American Gov. (F12)
Jane Student's AAS schedule:
Course Name (Credit Hours) – Requirement Category
FALL 2011: 13 credits
BUS 101 Principals of Accounting I (4) – Business Core
BCOM 101 Business and Technical Communications (3) – Gen. Ed.
COM 101 Oral Communications (3) – Gen. Ed.
BUS 127 Human Relations (3) – Gen. Ed.
WINTER 2012: 13 credits
BUS 121 Introduction to Business (3) – Business Core
BCOM 102 Advanced Business and Technical Communications (3) – Gen. Ed.
BUS 126 Business Math (3) – Career Program
CIS 120A Introduction to Computer Information Systems (3) – Gen. Ed.
PEA 103 Weight Training (1) – Gen. Ed.
SUMMER 2012: 8 credits
BUS 200 International Business (3) – Business Core
PSCI 111 Introduction to American Government (4) – Gen. Ed.
PEA 101A Fitness, Wellness and Nutrition (1) – Gen. Ed.
Jane's AAS Schedule cont.
Course Name (Credit Hours) – Requirement Category
FALL 2012: 16 credits
BUS 122 Principles of Management (3) – Career Program
BUS 123 Business Law I (3) – Career Program
BUS 125 Supervision (3) – Career Program
BUS 222 Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior (3) – Career Program
BUS 102 Principles of Accounting II (4) – Elective
WINTER 2013: 12 credits
BUS 260 Principles of Marketing (3) – Career Program
BUS 273A Human Resource Management (3) – Career Program
BUS 166 Quality Customer Service (3) – Elective
BUS 114 Personal Finance (3) – Elective
TOTAL: 62 (min. 62)
Jane's Total GenEd
Assessment Exposure
Problem Solving and Technology
BCOM 101 Business/Technical Comm.
COM 101 Oral Communications (F11)
BCOM 102 Adv. Business/Technical Comm.
BUS 127 Human Relations (F11)
CIS 120A Introduction to Computers
Information Systems (W12)
Ethical Reasoning and Creativity
Personal, Social and Cultural Awareness
BUS 127 Human Relations (F11)
PSCI 111 Intro. to American Gov. (S12)
PEA 101Fitness/Wellness/Nutrition (W12)
PEA 103 Weight Training (S12)
PSCI 111 Intro. to American Gov. (S12)
What do we ask from you?
• Interest in evaluating • Commitment to
collect student data in
what students have
one or more of your
classes for one or
more terms
– Fall 2011
– Winter 2012
– Fall 2012
Student Learning Outcomes
worksheet practice