Oral Communications Level 1 Mr. Grouzes In addition to the Rank Level 2 requirements for Oral Communications, the Rank Level 1 students will complete three independent study special projects (quarters 1, 2, and 3). The Research Paper with 45-minute class presentation will serve as the quarter 4 special project for Rank Level 1 students. Projects will be submitted 2-3 weeks before the end of marking period. All projects should have a cover page and a bibliography, using MLA format. *If you have an idea for a project that you think will benefit you as a Rank Level 1 Communications student, I am open to discussing your supplementing or adapting a project with one of your choice. If you are interested in creating a project, a detailed, typed proposal must be submitted to me, face-to-face. Do not e-mail the proposals. After I receive your proposal, we will sit down and hash out exactly how the project will be executed and graded. I reserve the right to reject ideas, so make sure that you get proposals to me early in the marking period, in case you have to tweak it. Proposal due dates will be given at the beginning of every marking period. Late work will not be accepted. This includes proposals. If you are absent on the due date, the project is still due. Seriously. Quarter 1: 1. Nonverbal Communications applied to the classroom/school or work place. 2. Stage Fright – Symptoms, causes, remedies applied to any type of performance 3. Communication Psychology – Choose a theorist and/or a specific theory – run them by Mr. G first. For each of these projects, you are responsible for the following: -Read 3 or more articles or chapters on the topic (Some will be provided) -Write a 3-4 page paper, recording your findings during your research -Keep at least 10 dated journal entries (1 paragraph or more) of your observation and application of your findings. -Write a one-page personal reaction to the project – Did you enjoy doing this project? Why or why not? How did you benefit? What did you learn or realize? How can you see yourself applying the findings to your future endeavors? -Bibliography in MLA format All will be submitted on the due date. 4. Sportscasting Practical Experience - Perform live Play-by-play or color analysis for a Penncrest Sports Broadcast. Practice with recorded games leading up to your live performance. Prepare by creating and utilizing a Show Prep Binder. Binder should include: Pregame Intro, Game Highlights, Live Copy, Game Logs, Home/Visitor Bios, Home/Visitor Stats, and Post Game/Misc. comments. Last, you will type a one-page reflection, detailing your experiences. What did you learn about the profession? Where could you further improve? 5. Two weeks of reading the news for the PHS Morning Announcements. Arrive to school by 7:15 AM in order to read and rehearse your script. Mark up your script as necessary. Keep a daily journal documenting your experience. Include in your journal a daily self-evaluation (Self-evaluation Checklist included below). Last, you will type a one-page reflection, detailing your experiences, taking into account all of the things listed on the rubric. How did you improve? Where could you further improve? Quarter 2: 1. View a famous speech on YouTube (must run it by Mr. G) and analyze it by writing 4-5 page paper, supplying the following information: rhetoric used (and how it fit the situation), background of the speaker, background of the occasion, and audience analysis. You should also find at least 2 other people’s reactions to this speech and respond to their analyses. I will supply more details when we get to this. Also, a one-page personal reaction to the speech and your experience will be submitted. 2. Read, present and analyze a famous speech. Same criteria as above, only the paper can be 2-3 pages. Your presentation of 2-3 minutes of the speech will be the supplement for the extra pages, so you are expected to put a lot of time into it. You will also briefly discuss your findings with the class. 3. Communication Psychology – Choose a theorist and/or a specific theory – run them by Mr. G first. Use criteria from Quarter 1. Quarter 3: 1. Write a 3-4 page paper, which analyzes at least 3 different broadcast journalism techniques/styles used on several different news programs (obviously YouTube will be your friend on this one). Compare and contrast journalists and networks, in terms of content, ethics, bias, sensationalism, etc. Be sure that all of your programs pertain to the same story or idea. Once you’ve watched all of the videos, write a one page article, utilizing spin and rhetoric that you feel displays your opinion on the topic. Also, a one-page personal reaction paper is required. 2. Write and present an original news story. This story will be recorded and edited (video). This will be accompanied by a 3-page paper, which will describe why you chose the story, why you edited it the way that you did, why you chose the rhetoric that you did, etc. You can work your personal reaction into this 3-pager. 3. Communication Psychology – Choose a theorist and/or a specific theory – run them by Mr. G first. Use criteria from Quarter 1. Let us share a real moment. Prior level 1 students agree that putting off the level one project is a bad idea. An all nighter the night before may not be enough time for you to finish your project. Give yourself a break and start these projects early in the semester.