• • • • Mengetik surat Mengetik pekerjaan kecil (tabel, kuitansi, faktur, dan lainnya) Mengetik dua kolom Menguji kecepatan mengetik KEYBOARDING SKILL MENGETIK SURAT Resista Vikaliana,S.Si.MM PART AND STYLE OF BUSINESS LETTER 05/01/2014 Resista Vikaliana, S.Si. MM 3 Planning a Business Letter 4 Resista Vikaliana,S.Si.MM 05/01/2014 5 A messenger It carries what you want to say to its recipient An Ambassador It carries your image, the image of the firm or organisation or association for which you work Resista Vikaliana,S.Si.MM 05/01/2014 6 THE RULE OF THE FIVE QUESTIONS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What are you to say? Are you being logical? What about your paragraphs? Have you identified the subject? Have you shown the way ahead? Resista Vikaliana,S.Si.MM 05/01/2014 Lay out of a Business Letter 7 LETTER HEAD LAY OUT Date Reference(s) Inside address Salutation Subject heading Body of letter Complimentary ending Signature and conclusion Enclosure(s) FRAMEWORK Resista Vikaliana,S.Si.MM 05/01/2014 8 Date This should be written in full, normally in the order of day, month, year, as in 15 October 2011 Tuesday 21 May 1977 Reference(s) A way of identifying a letter. In basic form they are initials of the person who dictated the letter and the thypist, e.g. Our ref: WFM/ OP; WFM/ OP/69 05/01/2014 Resista Vikaliana,S.Si.MM 9 Inside address The name and address of the person to whom the letter is being sent. The Manager Fax Merchandising 68 Campbell Street Yaba-Lagos The Secretary Smith and Webb Ltd Smith & Jones Ltd 14 High Street Carlisle For the attention of Mr Thomas Messr Smith and Moodie Messr W. Black &Company PRIVATE CONFIDENTIAL Resista Vikaliana,S.Si.MM 05/01/2014 10 Salutation The opening words of greeting in a letter Dear Sir(s); Dear Madam (Mesdames) Sir, Gentlement Dear Mr (Mrs/Miss/Ms) Dear (first name of resipient) Resista Vikaliana,S.Si.MM 05/01/2014 11 Subject heading Dear Sir, Mr. H.J. Stewart This young man has applied to us for a post in our Advertising Department. He states that......... Resista Vikaliana,S.Si.MM 05/01/2014 12 Body of letter This is the most important section of any business letter. Beware of too many short paragraphs. Most of the letters are fully blocked Resista Vikaliana,S.Si.MM 05/01/2014 13 Complimentary ending The point to remember here is that your ending must conform with your salutation Salutation Complimentary ending Dear Sir/ Madam Yours faithfully Dear Mr Dear Mrs Wilson Yours sincerely Sir/ Gentlemen Madam/ Mesdames Your s obedient servant Yours respecfully Resista Vikaliana,S.Si.MM 05/01/2014 14 Signature and conclusion Enclosure(s) - enc / --- Resista Vikaliana,S.Si.MM 05/01/2014 Types of Business Letter 15 Three classifications or business letter The formal letter The semi formal letter The personal note/ informal letter Resista Vikaliana,S.Si.MM 05/01/2014 Formal Business Letter 16 Quatation Letter of Reference Letter of Introduction Circular letter Request of Payment Email Enquiry Order, Reply, Complaint Letter of Applications Resista Vikaliana,S.Si.MM 05/01/2014 17 Quotation The first step in business transaction is usually about prices, range of goods, availability of goods, etc. In order to discover new sources of supply or to obtain details of quality and price, the buyer sends inquiries to several firms. Letter of Reference This is another form of status inquiry where information on a specific point is sought. Resista Vikaliana,S.Si.MM 05/01/2014 18 Letter of Introduction A letter to introduce the representative of a firm to business houses in towns or districts to be visited. In such a letter the representative’s name, his connection with the firm, and his reason for travelling Circular letter The purpose of this letter is to give information, e.g. Change of address, introduction of new lines, announcement of a particular event to be heldconference, exhibitions,opening new brand, ets. Resista Vikaliana,S.Si.MM 05/01/2014 19 Request of Payment A first letter requesting payment of an account is generally very short. With it is enclosed the statement of account, and reference should be made to any terms of discount Email Resista Vikaliana,S.Si.MM 05/01/2014 CO2 H2O 70 Michael Lane Coulson May 15 1985 The Manager Northeren Bank plc Coulson Ref: Mr. Jack Dear Sir/Madam, Deposit Account No. 123456 Please accept this letter as authority to transfer £250 from the above account to my current account (No. 654321). W. Jones &Sonc Ltd Hermes House Singapore May 15 1985 The Manager Polo House 12 Battery Road Singapore Dear Sir/Madam, I have seen your advertisement in yesterday’s Daily Standard, and I am writing to ask you to send me more information about your Students’ Note Taking Kit I would be grateful if you could send me your catalogue. I and some friends are particularly interested in the wallet containing a ring file, extra sheets of paper coloured ball point pens. Semi Formal Letter 22 Semi formal letters are sent to people you do’t know very well or when you want to be more polite and respectful (e.g. A pen friend’s parent, a school teacher, etc) For this reason the are written in a more polite tone than informal letters. Resista Vikaliana,S.Si.MM 05/01/2014 Semi Formal Letter 23 Dear Mr Strickland, I am writing to you to request that you allow me to pay my rent late this month. I’ve been a tenant with you for a number of years now, and, as you know, I have always paid my rent on time. However, I am having a few financial problems at the moment, therefore leaving me short of money this month. I can assure you that I will be acceptable to you, but please contact me if it is a problem. Yours sincerely, John Streetham Resista Vikaliana,S.Si.MM 05/01/2014 Compare! 24 informal Semi formal Why not phone the secretary and ask her? I’m sorry, but I can’t come on Friday night It would be good if you phoned the secretary and ask her I’m afraid I won’t be able to come on Friday in the evening Resista Vikaliana,S.Si.MM 05/01/2014 33 Red Street London Phone 07106789 22 December 2013 Dear John and Ann 25 Thanks a lot for a great weekend. We really enjoyed ourselves. Bill and I were talking about the holidays. We thought it might be nice to go camping in Scotland for a couple of weeks. Are you interested? Let me know if you are, and we can talk about dates. See you soon, I hope. Thanks again. Love, Alice Resista Vikaliana,S.Si.MM 05/01/2014 Style of Letter 26 Indented Style The Full Block Style • British Style • American Style The Semi Block Style The Modified Block Style Resista Vikaliana,S.Si.MM 05/01/2014 Indented Style 27 ----------------------------------- ------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Resista Vikaliana,S.Si.MM ---------------------- ---------------------- 05/01/2014 The Full Block Style 28 --------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------- ---------------------- Resista Vikaliana,S.Si.MM 05/01/2014 Semi Block Style 29 ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------- ---------------------Resista Vikaliana,S.Si.MM 05/01/2014 ----------------- Modified Block Style 30 ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ------------------ ----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Resista Vikaliana,S.Si.MM ---------------------- ---------------------- 05/01/2014 Exercise 31 Make the formal letter for asking a catalogue of a product. You’ve seen it’s advertisement from a business magazine Make the informal letter of your vacation planning. The recipient is your friend who lives in the city where you will visit. Tell your friend about the day you will go on vacation, how long will you be there and the places you want to visit Make the semi formal letter to your mother’s friend. You are telling her about your mother’s health. Pretend that your mother is staying in hospital for taking some treatments of her cancer/ others. You hope your mother’s friend will visit your mother. Resista Vikaliana,S.Si.MM 05/01/2014 MENGETIK PEKERJAAN KECIL Mengetik tabel, kuitansi, faktur, buku kas dan lainnya Mengetik pekerjaan kecil Pekerjaan kecil meliputi pengetikan tabel, kuitansi, faktur, bukti kas dan lainnya. Pekerjaan ini menunjang kegiatan administrasi, baik pada bagian administrasi umum, juga bagian lainnya, misal keuangan, produksi (contoh; pembelian bahan baku), pemasaran (contoh: bukti transaksi pemasangan iklan) dan lainnya. Pekerjaan kecil (misal kuitansi dan faktur) pada sebuah perusahaan terkadang diformat dalam suatu sistem informasi terintegrasi, sehingga setiap transaksi terhubung, dan bukti transaksi (misal kuitansi) tercetak langsung dari sistem. MENGETIK DUA KOLOM BERLATIH KERAPIAN (MENGETIK DALAM DUA KOLOM) Keputusan rutin Keputusan dasar 35 Keputusan dasar merupakan keputusan unit, investasi dalam jumlah besar, keputusan satu kali yang menyangkut komitmen (keterikatan) jangka dan relatif permanen, dan tinggi derajat pentingnya karena risikonya tinggi (hidup matinya organisasi) Keputusan yang berlawanan dengan keputusan dasar Misal keputusan tiap hari, repetitif (seorang manajer SDM menarik karyawan baru, seorang akuntan membuat rekening baru, penyelia produksi memutuskan prosedur ruang peralatan baru) Misal keputusan lokasi pabrik, struktur organisasi, negosiasi pengupahan, lini produk, integrasi vertikal Resista Vikaliana, S.Si. MM 22/10/2014 MENGUJI KECEPATAN Ketik secepatnya dengan benar (tanpa kesalahan) => 37 Teori permainan adalah suatu pendekatan matematis untuk merumuskan situasi dan pertentangan (konflik) antar berbagai kepentingan. Teori ini dikembangkan untuk menganalisis proses pengambil keputusan dalam kondisi pertentangan yang melibatkan dua atau lebih kepentingan. Resista Vikaliana, S.Si. MM 22/10/2014 Perusahaan yang berhasil adalah perusahaan yang mampu mendesain dan mengoperasikan sistem untuk mengumpulkan hasil-hasil penyelidikan tentang pesaingnya. Pesaing dapat diartikan sebagai perusahaan lain yang memenuhi kebutuhan yang sama dari konsumen. Bila telah mengidentifikasi pesaing utamanya, perusahaan harus segera membuat strategi, kelebihan, kekurangan serta pola reaksinya menghadapi pesaing tersebut 38 Resista Vikaliana, S.Si. MM 22/10/2014 • 39 Beberapa pemikir dan penulis telah mengadopsi tiga sudut pandang berkaitan dengan budaya (Graves, 1986), yaitu sebagai berikut: Budaya merupakan produk konteks pasar di tempat organisasi beroperasi, peraturan yang menekan, dan sebagainya. Budaya merupakan produk struktur dan fungsi yang ada dalam organisasi (misalnya organisasi yang tersentralisasi berbeda dengan organisasi yang terdesentralisasi). Budaya merupakan produk sikap orang-orang dalam pekerjaan mereka (berarti produk perjanjian psikologis antara individu dengan organisasi). Resista Vikaliana, S.Si. MM 22/10/2014 Ketik secepatnya dengan benar (tanpa kesalahan) 40 Abstract Number of unvoting electors or generally termed as “golongan putih” or the white group continuously increases from every election in Indonesia . Several factors have reasonably caused the idea of this not voting behavior. This study identifies five responsible factors comprising technical, occupational and administrative factors, socialization and politics as well. Keywords : general election, the white group Resista Vikaliana, S.Si. MM 22/10/2014 Communication Strategy of Change 41 Explain how change wild unfold What is it?How will it affect me? Discuss the need for change the context, who decided on the need for change, why the status quo cannot continue Establish the business case for the change describe the future, outline the benefits to the organizaton, work unit, specific individuals Determine the plan for change what are the new roles, expectations, responsibitities, relationships, skills, and performance measures?How will the organization support individuals to help them adapt to and achieve these changes? Resista Vikaliana, S.Si. MM 22/10/2014 42 PT Sabang adalah perusahaan yang menghasilkan mainan anak-anak dari bahan plastik. Pada bulan Juli 2007 perusahaan menerima pesanan 2.000 unit mainan anak-anak. Harga pokok untuk satu unit mainan anak-anak ini sebesar Rp. 2.000,00 yang terdiri bahan baku langsung Rp. 900,00; tenaga kerja langsung Rp. 600,00; dan BOP dibebankan Rp. 500,00. Karena proses produksi mainan ini agak rumit terjadi kerusakan. Dari pesanan 2.000 unit tersebut, perusahaan memproduksi 2.050 unit, sebanyak 50 unit terjadi kerusakan normal, yang laku dijual, dengan harga Rp. 1.000,00 per unit. Resista Vikaliana, S.Si. MM 22/10/2014 Tindakan mempertahankan perubahan: 43 Redesign roles Redesign reward system Link selection decisions to change objectives Act consistently with advocated actions Encourage “voluntary acts of initiative” Measure progress Celebrate “en route” Fine tune Resista Vikaliana, S.Si. MM 22/10/2014 Referensi 44 Modul mengetik 10 jari www.portal.paseban.com www.alamtekno.blogspot.com www.typingstudy.com Resista Vikaliana, S.Si. MM 22/10/2014