AP Human Geography Syllabus WHS


AP – Human Geography

Course Description

: Advance Placement Human Geography involves the systematic study of patterns and processes that have shaped human understanding, use and alteration of Earth’s surface. Students will employ spatial concepts and landscape analysis to analyze human social organization and its environmental consequences. They will also learn and apply the methods and tools geographers use in their science and practices.



- Use and think about maps and spatial data sets.

- Understand and interpret the implications of associations among phenomena in places.

- Recognize and interpret the relationships among patterns and processes.

- Define regions and evaluate the regionalization process.

- Characterize and analyze changing interconnections among places.

Units of Study


- Geography: Its Nature and Perspectives

- Population Patterns and Processes

- Global Linguistic Mosaic (Language)

- Geography of Religion

- Political Organization of Space

- Agricultural and rural Land Sue

- Industrialization and Economic Development

- Cities and Urban Land use.



- Case Studies

- Assignments: Reading-Writing-Research-Skill Application

- Lecture/Discussion

- Maps and Data

- Pairs and Group Work

- Quizzes and Tests

- Guest Speakers

- Mobile Computer lab


: All scoring and grading will follow a total point system. Rubrics will be used for all writing assignments. The majority of all other assignments will be based on objective scoring. The course will use the standard Sioux Falls School District grading scale. Students and parents are encouraged to follow course progress using the Parentview computer system available on the internet.

Sioux Falls School District grading scale :

93-100 = A

85-92 = B

76-84 = C

65-83 = D

74 -00 = F

Course Materials


- Base Text:

Human Geography – People, Place and Culture

DeBlij and Murphy (8 th ed. 2007)

- Supplemental:

Human Geography – Student Companion (CD-ROM )

Gabrys-Alexson (7 th ed. 2003)

Human Geography in Action - (CD-ROM)

Kuby – Harner – Gober (3 rd ed. 2002 )

Rand McNally – Goodes World Atlas

Erpenshade (20 th ed. 2000)


Advance Placement Human Geography joined the ranks of other AP courses just five years ago. This will be the fourth time this course has been taught in Sioux Falls. Other school districts across the nation have made this a yearlong study, but we continue to teach it in one semester . The majority of the classroom “delivery” will be in the lecture/discussion mode. We will be moving rapidly, and students will have a lot of personal responsibility for their education. We will try to simulate many of the same methodologies these young people will experience in their future education. Reading, writing and study will be assumed as major components in this course.


: All chapter and unit tests are text based, and will include at least one, and sometimes two essay

(free response) type questions. Testing may be both objective and subjective. Scores are cumulative.



Each student will be required to write a reaction paper of 3-5 pages on a teacher selected article or professional essay. This year’s choice will be Ralph Linton’s

100% American

General Statement:

This course presents a challenge to both the student, and the instructor. We enter into this realm together, and I hope we gain something special from it. Many of you have worked with me before, and I trust we will continue to learn from each other as we test these waters. As usual…I want you to not only secure more content knowledge…but, also develop and practice skills that will serve you well in future endeavors. Now is the time to apply your spatial reasoning strengths…and work those higher level thinking skills. Become the cultural determinist we have tried to mold you into. Remember…its not next year…it’s this fall. College, is much close than you think.

Instructor Contact

: I am usually at school by 7:00 am, and can be found in either A-118 or the Social

Studies TPC. After school contact can be arranged by agreement with the instructor. Feel free to contact me with questions or concerns.

John Keill - Washington High School - 367-7970

- Home - 336-1787

- E-mail -


Unit Organization


Unit I. Geography, Culture and Environment

Chapter 1 Geography and Human Geography

Vocab Focus.

-Human Geography

-Spatial Perspective

-Location-Place-Interaction-Movement-Region (Five Themes)

-Landscape (cultural)

-GIS – Remote Sensing


-Regions / functional-perceptual-hierarchy

Concept Focus

-Alfred Wegener - Continental Drift

-“A Sense of Scale” - local-regional-global

Map Skills

-Goodes Atlas exercises – projections-scales-thematic-

-Satellite Imaging

Activity: Mobile Computer Lab

*Guest Speaker: Mr. Wayne Rohde (ret.) Eros Data Center

Theme: “ Remote Sensing and Satellite Imaging”

Chapter 2 Cultures, Environments and Regions

Vocab focus

-Culture (definitions)

-Cultural Landscape

-Culture Hearths

-Cultural Diffusion

-Cultural Perception

-Cultural Environments

Concept Focus

-Spread of culture from early hearth and riverine settlements

-Intro - Cultural vs. Environmental Determinism.

Chapter 3 The Earth as Humanity’s Home

Vocab Focus

-Agricultural Revolution

-Plant and Animal Domestication

-Fertile Crescent

-Social Stratification

Concept Focus

:Land and Climate

Unit II Population Patterns and Processes

Chapter 4 Fundamentals of Population: Location, Distribution and Density

Vocab Focus

-Population Geography (demography)

-Distribution and Density

-Arithmetic and Physiologic Density


-Major Population Concentrations

Concept Focus

-Population Data

-Review of data – Population Reference Bureau - U.S. Census Bureau

Chapter 5 Processes of Cycles of Change

Vocab Focus

-Linear and Exponential Growth

-Doubling Time

-Population Pyramids

-Natural Increase – CBR/CDR/TFR

-Infant Mortality

-Demographic Transition (stages)

Concept Focus

-Study of Graphs and Charts:

-Population Growth

-Demographic Transition

-Thomas Malthus

Quick Reaction Paper: Page 71 “An Aging Population”

Chapter 6 Where and Why People Move

Vocab Focus

-Absolute and Relative Distance

-Migration (internal and external)

-Push-Pull factors

-Intervening Opportunity

-Voluntary/Forced Migration


Concept Focus

-Factors of Migration - Push-Pull example from ELL student.

Chapter 7 Policy Responses to Demographic Changes

Vocab Focus

-United Nations

-Expansive/Eugenic/Restrictive Policies

-One-Child Policy

Concept Focus

-Case Studies


Activity: Kuby: The Hidden Momentum of Population Growth

Video: “The Population Bomb” CNN – News.

* Guest Speaker: Dr. Charles F. (Fritz) Griztner SDSU Geography Department

Theme: “Population, Migration and Change”

Unit III Global Linguistic Mosaic (Language)

Chapter 8

Vocab Focus


Geography of Language

-Language (definition)

-Language Families

-Indo-European Language

Concept Focus

-World Languages - Europe/India/China

Chapter 9

Vocab Focus

-Language Divergence/Convergence



Concept Focus

Diffusion of Language

-Conquest./Agricultural Theories

-Greenberg Hypothesis

Chapter 10

Vocab focus

Modern Language Mosaics

-Language and Culture

-Mono/Multi Lingual States


Concept Focus

-Lingua Franca

Quick Reaction Paper: Page 140



World Language Map - Analyze

“Do You Speak American”?

PBS Robert McNeil

Sense of Scale: Page 145

“English As A Global Language”.

“Linguistic Transition Zone”.

Unit IV The Geography of Religion

Chapter 11

Vocab Focus

Religious Origins of Distribution

-Religion (definition)

-Ethnic Religions

-Universalizing Religions

-Major Religions – Chris/Hindu/Islam/Budda/Judaism

Concept Focus

-Universalizing Religions

-Minority Religions

Chapter 12

Vocab Focus

Religions: Character, Diffusion, and Landscape

-Hinduism – Caste/Reincarnation





-Islam (Sunni/Shiite)

Concept Focus



Vocab Focus

Religion, Culture and Conflict

-Interfaith Boundaries


-Intrafaith Boundaries

-Religious Fundamentalism


Concept Focus

-Ethnic Cleansing.

Quick Reaction Paper: Page 194 “The Changing Place of Religion”.

Sense of Scale: Page 192 “Analyze the Distribution of Religious Diversity”.

Unit V The Political Imprint

Chapter 14

Vocab Focus


Political Culture and the Evolving State

-Political Culture (definition)

-Human Territoriality





Concept Focus

-The European Model



Chapter 15

Vocab Focus



-Capital Cities

-Primate Cities-Forward Capitals

Concept Focus

State Organization and National Power

-Heartland/Rimland theory

Chapter 16

Vocab Focus


-Law of the Sea

Concept Focus

-United Nations

Multinationalism on the Map

-The Truman Proclamation

-European Union (EU)

Chapter 17

Vocab Focus


The Changing Global Political Landscape

-New World Order


-Religious Fundamentalism

Concept Focus


Quick Reaction Paper: Page 265

“Geopolitics in the Twenty-First Century”.

Activity: Kuby:

Sense of Scale: Page 246

Do Orange and Green Clash?

“Analyze the Euro Regions along Poland’s

Unit VI Land Use and the Rural Sector

Chapter 18

Vocab Focus

Traditional Livelihoods and Rural People

-Economic Activities

-Agriculture (definition)


-1 st Agricultural Revolution

-Plant/Animal Domestication

-Subsistence Farming

-Shifting Cultivation (slash and burn)

-2 nd . Agricultural Revolution

-3 rd Agricultural Revolution

Concept Focus

-Classify Activities

-Von Thunen Model

Chapter 19

Vocab Focus

Landscape of Rural Settlement

-Dispersed/Nucleated Settlement

-Diffusion (house types)


-Village forms

Concept Focus

-Residential Traditions



Chapter 20

Vocab Focus

Commercialization and Transformation - Rural Sector

-Commercial Agriculture

-Plantation Agriculture


-Illegal Drugs

Concept Focus

-Green Revolution

Quick Reaction Paper: Page306


Unit VII

Chapter 21

Vocab Focus


“Organic Agriculture”.

The Globalization of Agriculture

Sense of Scale: Page 308

“The Changing of American Agricultural Practices”.

The Urbanizing World


Chapter 23

-Egalitarian Societies

-Urban Elite

-Theocratic Centers


-Transport Network

-Primate Cities

-Mercantile/Manufacturing Cities

-Modern City

Concept Focus

-Earliest Civilizations

-The Miracle of China

Chapter 22

Vocab Focus


Location, Pattern, and Structure of Cities

-Urban Geography




-Central Business District (CBD)

-Central City/Suburb

-Gated Communities

Concept Focus

-Urban Realms Model

-Central Place Theory (Christaller)

-Sioux Falls Growth

*Guest Speaker: Representative from Sioux Falls City Planning


Global Urbanization

Sioux Falls Growth-Gentrification

(ArcView – GIS)

Vocab Focus




-Modern Cities

-S.E. Asia City

-African City

Concept Focus

-Megacities of the Future

-Latin American City

Quick Reaction Paper: Page 350 “Megacities of the Future”.

Unit VIII Roots and Consequences of Industrialization

Chapter 24

Vocab Focus

Industrial Activity

-Industrial Revolution

-Secondary Industries

-Variable costs/Friction of Distance

-Raw Materials/Labor/Transportation


Concept Focus

-Weber’s Model

-China’s Surge

Sense of Scale: Page 375 “Locational Interdependence”.

Chapter 25

Vocab Focus

-Primary Industrial Regions


Resources and Regions: Global Distribution of Industry

-American Manufacturing Belt

-Russia’s Manufacturing Regions

-East Asia Manufacturing Regions

-Special Economic Zones


Concept Focus

-Future of Oil

-The Four Tigers

Quick Reaction Paper: Page 383 “The Future of Oil”.

Chapter 27

Chapter 26

Vocab Focus

Concepts of Development

-Gross National Product

-Developed/Underdeveloped Countries

-Dependency Theory

Concept Focus

-World Systems Theory

-Modernization Model (Rostow)

Deindustrialization – Rise of the Service Sector

Vocab Focus

-Local Interdependence

-Economic Disparities

-World-National-Regional-Local Comparisons

Concept Focus

-World Effect on Local Needs

Sense of Scale: Page 415



“Nike and Economic Globalization”.

Kuby: Rags and Riches: Dimensions of Development

“Is Wal-Mart Good for the U.S.” PBS Frontline

* The use of guest speakers are, of course, subject to change and availability due to scheduling.

Review will be held on two consecutive Saturdays in April before the AP Human Geography test is given.
