11-26-12 dna ppt fill in the blank notes

DNA Guided Notes
Frederick Griffith
Griffith’s experiments showed that hereditary _______________________________________________
Griffith's experiment
 In 1928 Griffith was studying a bacterium called _________________________. He was trying to
develop a _____________________________________________________________________.
 Virulent –
Vaccine –
S bacteria is ___________________ because it has a _________________. The capsule
_____________it from attacks by the human immune system. It is able to survive long enough in
the human body to ____________________________________________________________.
R bacteria is ___________________________ because it _______________________________.
Without the capsule it is _________________________ against the human immune system.
Therefore it is destroyed in the human body before____________________________________.
Griffith’s Procedure
 Injected mouse with live _______________________________________________.
 ________________________________ mice
Injected mouse with live ______________________________________________.
Injected mouse with __________________________________________.
______________________ mice
_______________________________ kill mice
Injected mouse with _____________________________________________________.
_____________________ mice
 The R bacteria took up the _______________________________________________________
 The __________________________________________________ from one cell to another cell
or from one organism to another organism is called __________________________.
Hershey & Chase
Hershey and Chase confirmed that ________________________________________________________.
Hershey & Chase experiment
 In 1952, two researchers, Martha Chase and Alfred Hershey, set out to test _________________
 Bacteriophage - ______________________________________________________________.
Grew bacteriophage (with ______________________________ ) in dish of e.coli
is only found in ________________)
Grew bacteriophage (with ____________________________ ) in dish of e.coli
only found in _____________)
They traced the radioactive elements that had entered the e.coli …to see which one was
injected into the cell.
___________________________________________________________________ was what was
in the e.coli causing it to produce _____________________________________.
(phosphorous is
 Hershey and Chase confirmed that _________________________________________________
DNA: the blueprint of life
Where do you get your DNA from? ___________________________________________
Where do we find DNA? _________________________________________________________
What is DNA? ___________________________________________________________________
What does the code “code for”? ____________________________________________________
Gene- ________________________________________________________________________
Important Note
 All cells carry out protein synthesis, _______________________________________________.
 Each organism makes its own specific proteins; those proteins make an organism different from
other organisms.
The “NA” in DNA stands for ?_______________________________________________________
What is a nucleic acid? ___________________________________________________________
What is a nucleotide? ____________________________________________________________
Nucleic acids are named for the _________________________________________________.
DNA – ________________________________ sugar
RNA (which we will discuss later) – __________________ sugar
DNA’s shape? _____________. It looks like a _________________________________________.
The structure of DNA was discovered by _____________________________________________.
If DNA is compared to a twisted ladder, the sides of the ladder are . . . _____________________
__________________________ The rungs (or steps) are . . . ____________________________
4 Base Nucleotides - Each base can only pair with one other base
Adenine – “A”
Thymine – “T”
Guanine – “G”
Cytosine – “C”
The base pairing is: _______________________________________________
Why? Bases will always pair this way because _______________________________________
*** The order of these bases codes for different proteins / traits.
 Bases are grouped into 2 categories based on their size and shape.
2 categories are:
1) ________________________________
________________________________ & ___________________________________
Saying to remember this: Purines Are Good
2) ____________________________________
_______________________________ & _______________________________(and Uracil for RNA)
 Purines (A & G) bind to Pyrimidines (C & T)