Name ______________________________________________________ Objective: SWBAT locate the action, location, shape, origin number or relative size by the name of the muscle. CHARACTERISTIC Direction of fascicles relative to midline. Location (the bone or body part that a muscle covers) Relative Size EXAMPLES Rectus = parallel Transverse = perpendicular Oblique = at 45 degree angle Frotal bone Tibia EXAMPLES IN HUMANS Rectus abdominis Transversus abdominis External oblique Maximus – largest Longus – longest Brevis – shortest Gluteus maximus Palmaris longus Peroneus longus frontalis tibialis anterior Number of Origins (heads) Biceps – 2 origins Triceps – 3 origins Biceps brachii Triceps brachii Shape Deltoid – triangle Trapezius – trapezoid Serratus – saw-toothed Orbicularis – circular deltoid trapezius serratus anterior orbicularis oris Location of Origin and/or Insertion Origin – sternum Insertion – mastoid process Flexion Extension Adduction Sternocleidomastoid Action of muscle Flexor carpi radialis Extensor digitorum Adductor longus Use the figures and tables on pages 319-348 to complete the following information. If a muscle is starred (*), please include its origin and insertion. Also see References Plates on pages 356 through 361. A. Muscle that moves the head: See Fig 9.23 on page 321, and Table 9.5 on page 325. NAME OF MUSCLE LOCATION/DESCRIPTION ACTION Sternocleidomastoid (*) B. Muscles that move the Pectoral Girdle: See Fig 9.25 on page 326, Fig 9.26 on page 327, and Table 9.6 on page 327. NAME OF MUSCLE Trapezius (*) LOCATION/DESCRIPTION ACTION Pectoralis minor Serratus anterior C. Muscles that move the Arm (Humerus): See Fig 9.25, page 326, Fig 9.26, page 327, and Table 9.7, page 329. NAME OF MUSCLE Pectoralis major (*) LOCATION/DESCRIPTION ACTION Latissimus dorsi Deltoid D. Muscles that move the Forearm (radius & ulna): See Fig 9.28, page 329, Fig 9.29, page 330, and Table 9.8, page 334. NAME OF MUSCLE LOCATION/DESCRIPTION ACTION Biceps Brachii (*) Brachialis Brachioradialis Triceps brachii E. Muscles that move the Wrist, Hand, & Fingers See Fig 9.30, page 332, Fig 9.31, page 333, and Table 9.9, page 335 NAME OF MUSCLE LOCATION/DESCRIPTION ACTION Flexor carpi radialis Flexor carpi ulnaris Palmaris longus Extensor digitorum F. Muscles that tense the Abdominal Wall: See Fig 9.33, page 336, and Table 9.10, page 337. NAME OF MUSCLE LOCATION/DESCRIPTION ACTION Rectus abdominis (*) External Oblique Internal Oblique Transversus abdominis G. Muscles that move the thigh (Femur) See Fig 9.36, page 341, Fig 9.37, page 342, and Table 9.12, page 343 NAME OF MUSCLE LOCATION/DESCRIPTION ACTION Gluteus Maximus (*) Gluteus Medius Adductor Longus H. Muscles that move the Leg (Tibia & Fibula): See Fig 9.35, page 340, Fig 9.37, page 342, and Table 9.13, page 344 NAME OF MUSCLE LOCATION/DESCRIPTION ACTION Rectus Femoris Vastus Lateralis Vastus Medialis Vastus Intermedius Sartorius (*) Biceps femoris I. Muscles that move the Foot & Toes See Fig 9.39, page 345, Fig 9.40, page 346, Fig 9.41, page 347, and Table 9.14, page 348. NAME OF MUSCLE LOCATION/DESCRIPTION ACTION Tibialis anterior Peroneus longus Gastrocnemius (*) Soleus Note the location of the Calcaneal Tendon in Fig 9.41, pg. 347. Anatomy of Muscles *Know the location and shape of the following muscles. Know the muscles and their location/description and action that are in the above charts. (Some muscles below won’t be in the charts.) Torso muscles: External oblique Internal oblique transversus abdominis rectus abdominis Pectoralis major pectoralis minor serratus anterior Arm muscles: Biceps brachii Deltoid Brachialis Supinator Pronator teres Brachioradialis Extensor carpi radialis longus flexor carpi radialis palmaris longus flexor carpi ulnaris pronator quadratus extensor carpi radialis brevis extensor digitorum Thigh muscles: Iliacus tensor fasciae latae Sartorius rectus femoris vastus lateralis vastus medialis gracilis adductor magnus adductor longus glueteus medius gluteus maximus biceps femoris semitendinosus semimembranosus Calf muscles: Gastrocnemius Soleus extensor digitorum longus fibularis longus tibialis anterior calcaneal tendon Back muscles: Trapezius Deltoid Latissimus dorsi levator scapulae supraspinatus infraspinatus teres minor teres major rhomboideus major external oblique Hands and Feet muscles: Opponens digiti minimi opponens pollicis abductor digiti minimi brevis flexor pollicis brevis abductor pollicis brevis adductor pollicis lumbricals interossei abductor hallicus flexor digitorum brevis abductor digiti minimi adductor hallicus