slides - SIAM Student Chapter at Virginia Tech

Department of Mathematics, Virginia Tech
October 14th, 2013
DC Trip Info Session
Virginia Tech SIAM Chapter trip to the NCR: Applied Mathematics/Computational
Science Careers in Business, Industry and Government.
Goals of the trip:
 Giving Students the opportunity to learn about jobs in industry
 Learn about projects, work and life in non-academic jobs
 Network opportunity with possible future employers
 Time for informal chats with business, industry and government employees
 Showcasing VT breadth and depth of students work and interests
 Learning about the VT National Capital Region’s presence and initiatives
Virginia Tech SIAM Chapter trip to the NCR: Applied Mathematics/Computational
Science Careers in Business, Industry and Government.
Thursday, October 17th:
 Van leaves in front of McBryde (on the side to Turner place) at 2.30PM.
 Hotel: Holiday Inn, Arlington (Ballston), Arrival around 6:30PM.
 Check-In, then dinner in the area.
 Self-expenses for food on Thursday night cannot be reimbursed.
Friday, October 18th: (Checkout before 9AM)
9:00 – 9:30AM Breakfast at VT Research Building in Arlington, 900 North Glebe Road.
9:30 – 11:30AM Panel discussion w. 4 panelists. Short self-introductions (10mins each)
then Q&A session, interaction between students and speakers.
11:30 - 12:30PM Working lunch w. all representatives. Presentation from Sanjay Raman
on initiatives in the National Capital Region/Research.
12.30 - 3:00PM Panel discussions with 4 new panelists, maybe some from earlier
sessions will stay.
Van leaves at Holiday Inn parking lot. Back in Blacksburg around 7:30PM.
List of Participants and Roommate Information
AT&T (Kathy Coyne – Senior Engineer)
Largest provider both of mobile telephony and of fixed telephony in the United States
Provides broadband subscription television services
Headquartered in Dallas, TX
21st largest company in the world by market value
AT&T Labs Research is their research facility in New Jersey
Topics at the lab:
Data mining,
Large-scale systems,
Speech, language, and video processing
RadiantBlue Technologies (Phil Eichensehr – Vice President Aerospace Engineering)
• Small business offering specialized information technology solutions for national security,
counter-terrorism, and other federal government customers
• Offices in Chantilly, VA, Colorado Springs, CO, and Melbourne Beach, FL
• Ranked Number 354 Fastest Growing Company in North America (2012, Deloitte)
• Topics:
Space Domain Awareness,
Software Development,
Aerospace Modeling & Simulation,
Open Source Software Image Map,
Systems Engineering & Integration,
Signal Processing
Dr. Joseph R. Guerci
(Independent Defense Technology Consultant, Sensor and Signal Processing Expert)
• As DARPA Director (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), he was involved in the
inception, research, development, execution, and ultimately transition of next generation
multidisciplinary defense technologies
• Recognized leader in the research and development of next generation sensor and
electronic warfare systems
• Has held an adjunct professorship at Virginia Tech
• 100+ peer-reviewed publications, 8 patents, 1 Book, IEEE fellow
• Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for SAIC’s $2B+/year Research, Development, Test &
Evaluation (RDT&E) Group.
• Air Force Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) for a four year term beginning in the Fall of 2013
1901 Group (Darwin Herdman – Chief Technology Officer)
• Expert in the field of IT security, has built successful support teams and
operations centers around the world
• B.S. in mathematics at VT in 1990
• M.S. at Virginia Tech: “Approximations for Singular Integral
Equations”(1998). ( While he was employed)
• Senior MVP 1990 of Football team
• Offices at CRC@VT and in Reston, VA
• Offers design, development, implementation, and sustainment services
involving IT infrastructure, IT applications, and IT security
Sotera Defense Solutions (Kirk Herdman – Vice President for Business Development)
• He was Senior Vice President and General Manager for Defense and Science Programs at
Wyle Information Systems, responsible for nearly 1000 employees supporting mission
critical programs valued at over $150M in annual revenues for the U.S. Air Force, U.S.
Navy, DARPA, NASA, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
• He was Vice President for Defense Business Development, responsible for defense
agency business development activities for over a $1 Billion operation
• Mission: To anticipate and meet evolving national security challenges by providing expert
analysis, innovative technology and integrated solutions tailored to our customers’ needs
in cyberspace, on land, at sea and in the air.
Virginia Tech and Department of Homeland Security (Jeff Wingo – Research Scientist)
• Mission: to secure the nation from the many threats we face. This requires the dedication
of more than 240,000 employees in jobs that range from aviation and border security to
emergency response, from cybersecurity analyst to chemical facility inspector.