Learning about Environmental Sustainability through Real-Time Access to Weather and Water Quality Data Parhum Delgoshaei Department of Engineering Education Virginia Tech Divyang Prateek Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Virginia Tech Vinod K. Lohani Department of Engineering Education Virginia Tech Abstract: LabVIEW Enabled Watershed Assessment System (LEWAS) enables students to remotely monitor water quality and flow data from an impaired stream (Webb branch of Stroubles Creek) and access weather quality data for the site. The collected parameters such as the amount of dissolved oxygen and turbidity are indicators of the streams health. Therefore, through a webbased real time monitoring, students can monitor how the health of the stream is influenced by manmade factors such as construction especially during runoff related to heavy rainfall. One of the educational objectives of freshman engineering course, ENGE 1024, is raising students’ awareness in environmental and energy sustainability. In this regard, for the past two offerings of this course, students enrolled in the course were provided access to the LEWAS system. According to data from exit surveys collected at the end of each semester the course is offered, students have found the setup both useful and motivating in learning about the environment. This fall, for the first time, students will be provided with a variety of water and weather environmental parameters from the field as opposed to access to parameters corresponding to lab samples. Accordingly, a short survey will be administered to measure to impact of real time access to field data. Student attitudinal responses will be collected prior and after they have been provided real time access to environmental sensors installed in the field. In addition, the impact of the system on raising student motivation will be assessed by collecting student perceptions on the value they place on environmental monitoring and their expectancy to succeed in it. The responses will be interpreted in the framework of value-expectancy theory of motivation.