Honey Creek Middle School Orchestra Handbook 2015-2016 Honey Creek Middle School 6601 S Carlisle St, Terre Haute, IN 47802 Orchestra Director: Nathan Simpson Email: nps@vigoschools.org Phone: 812-462-4372 honeycreekmusic.weebly.com PLEASE READ THOROUGHLY. KEEP THIS HANDBOOK FOR THE ENTIRE SCHOOL YEAR. Please refer to it prior to contacting the director. Your answer may be found inside. Please sign and return the enclosed handbook Acknowledgement of Receipt by Friday, August 21, 2015. TABLE OF CONTENTS Please note that any changes to this handbook for this school year will be sent home in the form of a handout/letter, email, and/or put on the orchestra website. Any updates or changes will void the information in this handbook. Welcome/Classroom Procedures…………………...………………..……..………3 Grades/Practice Sheets/How to Practice …………………….….………………….4 How Parents Can Help/Participation/Assessment ………….…..……………….....5 Performances/Instrument Rental/Repair……………………….....……………...6-7 What to Bring to Class/Concert Attire/ISSMA Organizational Contest.………..…8 Solo & Ensemble Contest/ Private Lessons/ HCMS Music Department Website…….………………………………………………………………...……..9 Concert Calendar and Important Events …………………….………….……...…10 Orchestra Handbook Acknowledgement of Receipt…(Signatures Required)….11-12 Dear HCMS Orchestra Members and Parents, Welcome back to an exciting year in the Honey Creek Middle School Orchestra Program! I am excited that you have chosen or are continuing to be a part of the orchestra program and look forward to a year filled with educational, musical, and fun experiences! I have put together this handbook to let you know what I will be expecting from students in orchestra this year. Please read through the handbook carefully, sign the form at the back, and return it to school. I would like to encourage your input. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me with any questions at nps@vigoschools.org Sincerely, Nathaniel Simpson HCMS Orchestra Director CLASSROOM PROCEDURES Making music is a lot of fun! However, as you know it also involves a lot of hard work. With your help, we can establish and maintain the right kinds of attitudes and the best possible musical habits. It is important that we as musicians understand and practice proper classroom procedures in order for each of us to receive the maximum benefit from the rehearsal. Classroom Rules and Expectations: Students are to enter the classroom in a mature manor that does not disrupt other classes or impose potential damage to others, classroom equipment, and instruments. Students are expected to be in their assigned seats with ALL required materials at the start of each class period. Missing materials may effect participation scores. Instrument cases are to be left in the back of the room, not by your seat. This is for the safety of you and those around you. We have very limited floor space! No gum, food, or drink is permitted in the orchestra classroom. Never touch instruments or classroom equipment that does not belong to you or you have not been given permission to use. This is again, for your safety! Chairs and stands are to be treated respectfully. Please do not write on them. LASTLY…. Have fun! Consequences: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Warning Teacher-Student Conference Phone call to parent Conference with parent, student, & teacher Office referral Violation of classroom procedures will be handled according to the school-wide discipline program. GRADES Grades will consist of the following parts: Participation- 30% Playing/Performance Checks- 15% Concert/Rehearsal Attendance- 45% Written Quizzes/Test- 10% PRACTICE Progress on a musical instrument depends a great deal on what is achieved during daily home practice sessions. Instrumental music students will have an instrument locker at school for storage during the school day, but instruments should go home each evening. Practice charts are used for students to keep track of his/her practice time at home. Practice sheets will be collected each week. With our alternating schedule, practice sheets will be due either on Thursday or Friday of each week. Students will be notified of the due date on their practice sheets. The following tips are given to help students practice at home: HOW TO PRACTICE: 1. Study it. 2. Count it out loud. (If you say it, you can play it) 3. Say/Name the notes. (If you say it, you can play it) 4. Finger the notes. (This helps with connecting note on the page to the finger to be used to play the note on the fingerboard). 5. Play it! Start each line slowly with a feeling of good rhythm. Tap your foot. Repeat the part of the line that is difficult. Write in the counting on difficult parts. Increase your speed only after you can play it perfectly. 6. AFTER YOUR PRACTICE, WRITE YOUR MINUTES ON YOUR PRACTICE SHEET. 7. Before turning your practice sheet in, MAKE SURE THAT A PARENT OR GUARDIAN HAS SIGNED YOUR PRACTICE SHEET. ORCHESTRA PARENTS: YOU CAN HELP! Playing an orchestra instrument involves an investment of both time and money. In order for your child to be successful it is important that you offer encouragement and support. Your child will catch on to some things very easily. There will be times when your child finds a technique or concept to be difficult to learn. There were times in my education when I felt like tossing my flute out the window! Thankfully I had supportive parents who encouraged me to see it through. Besides giving your child moral support, you can help your child develop good practice habits. Here are some suggestions on how to help your child achieve good practice habits: 1. HAVE A SET TIME TO PRACTICE EACH DAY. a. Help your child make a wise choice about when this time will be. 2. PROVIDE AN ADEQUATE PLACE TO PRACTICE. a. Your child should have a straight chair to sit on and ample lighting. 3. HELP MAKE PRACTICE TIME FREE OF INTERRUPTIONS. 4. ASK YOUR CHILD TO PLAY THE ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR YOU. a. If you are not able to monitor your child’s practice, ask him/her to make a recording for you to listen to on your way to work! 5. HAVE PATIENCE IN REMINDING YOUR CHILD TO PRACTICE DAILY. 6. MAKE MUSIC A FAMILY ACTIVITY. a. Take your child to hear a concert. Purchase CDs or recordings of good musical performances. 7. ENCOURAGE YOUR CHILD. a. Hey, that sounds great! PARTICIPATION Each student should come to class with all materials and actively participate throughout the rehearsal. Materials include: all orchestra music, instrument (in good playing condition), a pencil, and any other accessories needed to play the instrument (rosin, cleaning cloth, etc.). Points will be deducted from the participation grade for missing materials and non-participation. ASSESSMENT Written and playing tests will be given periodically to assess each student’s progress. These tests may or may not be announced in advance. PERFORMANCES Performing is a very important part of orchestra class. If someone is missing from the group it hurts the entire group's performance. Every person is important and their contribution is valued. Attendance at all performances is required. Excused absences include illness (bring a doctor’s note when returning to school) or a death in the family. If a student has a conflict between two school-sponsored extra – curricular activities the student may choose to participate in either event without penalty or alternate assignment. Contest/performances will have priority over practice. Please mark these dates on your calendar! Dates and times are subject to change. You will be notified of any changes well in advance. An unexcused absence will result in a TWO LETTER grade reduction for the grading period. INSTRUMENTS Students will be expected to keep their instruments in their assigned locker. Please keep a record of your instrument’s serial number at home. We have had instruments misplaced in the past and you must know the brand and model number as well as the serial number in order for us to locate it. Please make sure your name, address and telephone number are on your instrument tag. SCHOOL-OWNED INSTRUMENTS Students are highly encouraged to rent instruments from Paige’s Music. In the event of financial difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Simpson to arrange an alternate plan. The school supplies in-class cellos and basses to cello and bass students so they do not have to haul their instruments back and forth. However, cello and bass students are required to rent home instruments for practice outside of school and use at the concerts. As students grow, it is important to consult Mr. Simpson before changing to a larger instrument. Mr. Simpson will work with your child as he/she grows. For any student who uses school instruments: any damages incurred while the instrument is in the possession of the student will be billed directly to the parents of the student. It is critical these instruments are well cared for. RENTALS, REPAIRS, AND ACCESSORIES Paige's Music sends a representative weekly to deliver items ordered and to pick up and return instruments for repair. If you are still renting your instrument from Paige's, it is under warranty and most repairs will be made free of charge; if not a bill will be sent to you. If you need a repair, we will help you fill out the repair tag. Parents, please notify Paige’s if you need a loaner instrument while your child’s instrument is being repaired. If you need an accessory, call Paige's at 1-800-382-1099 and they will deliver the accessory the following delivery day. ITEMS ORCHESTRA STUDENTS NEED EVERY DAY Your orchestra instrument in good working condition Your music (not that of your stand partner) Music Folder (provided by school) Method Book (These are now a part of your school book fees; If you lose your method book you will be expected to purchase a new one. Keep your name on it.) A pencil for marking music (do not use pen) Shoulder rest or sponge with rubber band for violins/violas Rosin for bow REMEMBER: failure to bring these items will affect your grade. CONCERT ATTIRE Attire for all Orchestra Concerts, unless otherwise noted, is BLACK AND WHITE. Students should wear a nice white dress shirt or blouse, black dress pants or skirt, and black dress shoes. Tennis shoes and jeans are not acceptable attire and students will not be allowed to perform in them. Please keep in mind all school dress code rules apply. Students not dressed in performance attire may be dismissed from the concert, thus receiving a zero for the event. ISSMA ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEST The Seventh/Eighth Grade Orchestra is adjudicated every year in the Indiana State School Music Association’s organizational orchestra contest. We receive excellent feedback regarding our playing. The orchestras perform either on Friday night or Saturday during the third weekend in March. We will not know the exact times until approximately two weeks prior to the contest date. This is the most important activity of the entire school year. Please mark your calendars immediately SOLO AND ENSEMBLE Solo and Ensemble is typically held in late January or early February. All students are encouraged to participate in a solo or an ensemble or both. If your orchestra student decides to do a solo, private lessons are REQUIRED. The student is responsible for obtaining a piano accompanist, if one is needed. We will also assist students in locating accompanists. The cost is $13.00 per solo, $13.00 for piano solo, and $7.00 per student participating in ensembles. A student will not be permitted to perform two solos on the same instrument. Parents will receive more information regarding solo and ensemble as the date approaches. Transportation to and from the site will be the parent/guardian’s responsibility. Bus transportation will not be provided. Solo and Ensemble for the middle school level will be located at Woodrow Wilson Middle School this year. PRIVATE LESSONS All orchestra students are encouraged to take private lessons on their instrument outside of school. This will greatly enhance our program and accelerate each student’s ability on his/her instrument. Lessons may be taken through the following sources: ISU Community School of the Arts Petra Nyendick, Director Phone: (812) 237-2575 Email: petra.nyendick@indstate.edu Website: http://www.unboundedpossibilities.com/community-school-of-the-arts.aspx HCMS Music Department Website Private Instructors HCMS MUSIC DEPARTMENT WEBSITE To stay informed on the most current events and details regarding the HCMS orchestra program, please visit the music department website listed below: www.honeycreekmusic.weebly.com Orchestra Schedule 2015-2016 October 15 Beginning Band, Orchestra, Choir Concert Main Gym October 28 8th Grade ONLY “String Thing” Concert West Vigo HS December 9 Orchestra and Mixed Choir Concert (All Groups Perform) Main Gym January 30 ISSMA District Sol/Ensemble Contest, Vocal/piano North HS February 6 ISSMA District Sol/Ensemble Contest, Instrumental North HS March 11/12 ISSMA Concert Contest (more info to come) Woodrow Wilson Middle School May 18th Orchestra and Mixed Choir Concert (All Groups Perform) Main Gym Concerts will be held at Honey Creek beginning at 6pm unless otherwise noted. Contest performance times will be announced as soon as they are received, typically about 2 weeks in advance. Any changes to the schedule will be sent out in a separate notice well in advance. Student and Parent/Guardian Information Sheet Student’s Name:______________________________ M/F:__ Birthdate:_____________ Student’s Email:______________________________ Student’s Phone #:_____________ Grade:______________ List any additional extracurricular activities: Parent #1 Name:_________________________________________________Relationship:_____________ Email:________________________________________ Phone #:_________________________ Secondary Phone #:______________________________ Parent #2 Name:_________________________________________________Relationship:_____________ Email:________________________________________ Phone #:_________________________ Secondary Phone #:______________________________ Orchestra Handbook Acknowledgement of Receipt We hereby acknowledge that we have received a copy of the 2015-2016 Orchestra Handbook for review. We have read the handbook and agree to comply with its provisions. Please complete this form fully. __________________________________ Student Name Printed _________________________________ Student Signature ______________________________ Parent Name Printed _________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________________ Parent Name Printed __________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________ Phone Number _____________________________________ Parent Email Address Date __________________ Grade ______ Please Circle the day your class meets: 2/3 Period _______ 3/2 Please return this form by Friday, August 21, 2015. 10 points